Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 6

Welcome back to the Love Legacy!
We left the Love family celebrating Sophie's birthday and I left you with a major question about genetics...that is... 
:D you'll understand the reason of this in a while....

Monday, 30 July 2012

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 5

Welcome back to the Love Legacy! 

We left the Love family stuck in the nursery having a bit of bad timing with baby madness and new baby coming... and there's more: while Juliet went into labor, the twins decided that it was time to age up, and they did, all there stuck in the nursery...my computer graphics card didn't take it too well though, and the screen went half black...besides, as what I could glimpse of the new children was only huge glitches, I didn't save the game and played it again :D

So, as now I knew about the bad timing, I had the girls have birthday in advance, same as what happened when they grew up into toddler! History always repeats itself, it seems :D
So here we go...

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 4

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

The last chapter ended with Juliet and Benjamin coming home from the hospital with two baby girls! Twins Amanda and Eleanor are the first possible heirs for the Love family!

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 3

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

Hello Juliet! What are you wearing? You..you didn't cut your hair did you?
Juliet: nope..it's just the custom bachelorette party outfit..
Ok then, you scared me...oh wait, you said bachelorette party? wow! the first party at Love House...let's see if your guests are having fun..
Juliet: I have no idea..I don't know half of them...

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 2

Hello everyone! and welcome back to the Love Legacy :)

At the end of chapter 1 Juliet asked Benjamin out, so this chapter will feature dates, romance, pet-friends and..weird faces :D 

as you can see from this first picture... 

Good morning Juliet! Did you have a nice sleep?

Juliet: Beware everyone! don't get on my nerves or I'm gonna fight you...
Ok well, I hope Benjamin behaves...or is a kung fu pro :D

that face made me laugh! actually she was just going to pretend to take a picture..first thing in the morning! XD

The Love Legacy - Generation 1 Chapter 1

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever Legacy!
It's set in Appaloosa Plains because nearly everybody is having pets and I love animals :D and so does the founder ;)