Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!
Sorry for the loooong wait, busy busy time! Anyway, last time our heirs tied the knot! Spoiling the plans of Leo's sister Gale, who had been so sure she could wreck her brother's happiness...
Useless trip to a wedding she didn't want to happen, to a land she despised, she thought, but in fact could it be that the time away from her responsibilities would create some warmth in her selfish heart?
Read on to find out!

Leo: and we're home!
Alice: home sweet home...for the first time as husband and wife! I feel so happy...
Leo: so do I my love!

Alice: it's so quiet!
Leo: everyone must be fast asleep already!
Alice: hey, do you think your sister is alright?
Leo: yeah don't worry about her she'll be fine...otherwise by now she would have been here complaining about something...

Leo: but luckily she isn't... I want to be with my lovely wife only, tonight... are you tired?
Alice: a little... it's been an amazing day... and night... I think it's almost sunrise...
Leo: we've been dancing the night away! I'll take you to bed...

Alice: hey...
Leo: hey you....I thought you said you were tired...
Alice: all of a sudden I don't feel tired anymore *smiles* this night has been magical... I don't want it to end...
Leo: then let's make the most of it...after all, I don't think it's sunrise yet...

....wait, was that a tinker bell sound? <3 <3

<3 <3 <3 Roll on new generation of Loves!!!

Gale: ....a new day rises... I can forget everything about yesterday and be myself again...

Gale: and go home... such a failure this trip has been...I came to prevent a marriage that eventually I did not prevent...and now I have to go back and be the Queen again... this is so annoying... besides...

Gale: there is this thing I've been feeling which makes me cry.... all the time.... what is it exactly I don't know ... I just feel ... extremely sad about something ... but I should not be, I'm the Queen, I'm the luckiest person in the whole world, I have my own palace and my own subjects who do what I say! So why do I feel so ... empty inside?

Gale: it must be this place, it's having a toxic effect on me ...I feel things that I'm not supposed to be feeling ...and that I've never felt before!

Gale: but the worst thing is that I don't know what I want anymore... so frustrating... I know what I'm supposed to be desiring... going home, back to being the Queen, back to my lie and duties ... but it's like part of me does not want to go home and does not want the time in this horrible place to end!

Gale: Nonsense, I hate this place I should want to leave at once! It's so frustrating, and annoying, and scary! I feel ... weak .... I've never felt weak before!

Gale: Come on Gale, what is wrong with you, go back to your confident self! And yet... I can't.... I can't ignore that now my heart wants something else, something that had not been there before, something unknown ... it's ... scary...

Gale: and if I have to be completely honest with myself ... it's because of last night ... something disappointed and hurt me very badly ... and I can't stop thinking about it ... despite how much I would like to ignore it ... maybe the only way is to face it ... maybe it would make the pain go away ... maybe it will be better than this constant hurricane of feelings going on inside me...

Gale: come out Gwydion, I know you are there...
Gwydion: my lady...

Gale: I thought I had relieved you from your services...
Gwydion: indeed...
Gale: so what are you still doing here? I thought you had gone back...

Gwydion: I'm still here...
Gale: ... but ... I told you to leave! You're not my guard anymore, you're free! Go home!
Gwydion: no.
Gale: ... what?! Why?
Gwydion: I swore to protect you, no matter what, and I'll be true to my word...
Gale: but....

Gwydion: I won't leave without you, Gale, whether you like it or not....
Gale: but....why? You don't need to--
Gwydion: you really do not know?
Gale: I---

Gwydion: look, I thought that losing my job would be the worst thing that could happen to me...
Gale: wait, what are you doing, stop!
Gwydion: ... but I was wrong! I'm a free elf now, you said it yourself right?
Gale: yes..?

Gwydion: Gale....
Gale: ...ah...

Gwydion: my Queen.... my Gale.... I'm finally free to tell you what I never thought I would....
Gale: Gwydion...

Gwydion: I love you Gale! I always have and always will!
Gale: oh dear...

Gwydion: and last night ... dancing with you .... it was a dream come true...
Gale: Gwydion....
Gwydion: ... but then, when you ordered me to kiss you, I couldn't do it because ---
Gale: please, don't say anything...
Gwydion: no, I have to tell you, you need to know... I couldn't do it because mine would have been a kiss out of love... something I had dreamt of all my life, it was too important to be changed to a random moment of fun.... it would have spoiled everything and would have hurt me badly...
Gale: I.... I'm sorry....
Gwydion: don't be, you couldn't have known... but I'm sorry I made you cry.... although that gave me some hope ....

Gale: no Gwydion, I can't.... it can't....be .... I'm the Queen...
Gwydion: yes I know that but---
Gale: no buts, it would never work! Besides, you can't love me, I'm evil, and selfish, and... you see what I've done to you last night! I can't believe I was so selfish and rude! While you're so ... gentle ... and kind ... and loving ....

Gwydion: *smiles* don't be too hard on yourself... I can see beyond the wall of ice you've built on your heart... and I can see a wonderful woman that longs to love ... and be loved....
Gale: don't say that, you don't know.... I can't show my weaknesses, I need to be tough.... I'm the Queen...
Gwydion: love is not a weakness, it's a gift that everyone should both give and receive ....

Gwydion: I'm giving mine to you...
Gale: oh Gwyidion....
Gwydion: and.... I thought I was hopeless but last night .... there was something .... a connection .... did you feel it too, Gale?
Gale: oh dear....

Gwydion: listen, I know I can't hope for more because .... you're the Queen and I'm ... well, just an ordinary jobless elf now, but ... last night there was something ... I would be just happy to know if ... maybe you could save a special place in your heart... for me .... maybe?
Gale: yes... yes ... I can ... I---

Gwydion: I knew it .... thank you ....

Gwydion: ... thank you Gale, you just made me the happiest elf on earth...
Gale: oh Gwydion ... you're such a wonderful man .... and I've been treating you badly ... I'm sorry ...
Gwydion: don't be....
Gale: and you know exactly what you feel and what you want while I--- I'm so lost! I... I feel things I had never felt before and I don't know what they are...I don't know what I want but I know what people expect me to do... and what I feel now doesn't go in that direction!

Gale: I'm so scared!
Gwydion: don't be scared Gale, you're not alone, I'm here for you.... I'll take care of you ....
Gale: Gwydion.... take me away ... let's not go back to the kingdom... let's pretend we got missing in action and start a new life somewhere else... they'll need to find someone else to rule the place... maybe Leo can take Alice, she'll be a better Queen than I am anyway....
Gwydion: *smiles* I don't think it's really what you want...
Gale: I thought you wanted to be with me!
Gwydion: always... but I also think your Kingdom needs you....
Gale: I don't think I could do it without you.... is there a chance that you could forget what I said last night? The part when I was firing you...
Gwydion: *smiles* I think I can...now, how about we get some breakfast?

Leo: so...you said you didn't see her coming in last night...
Arni: yes, but it doesn't mean she didn't come back! I'm quite a heavy sleeper you know...
Alice: I'm a bit worried though...I couldn't find her anywhere... or Gwydion...
Leo: I can't believe on my first day as a married man I need to get worried about my sister! She's such a child...
Grandpa Plant: stop worrying people, there they are, both of them!

Grandpa Plant: moooorning you two! Where have you been? We've been worried!
Gale: ....
Gwydion: ah... in the garden ....uh ....
Alice: nevermind, get a seat, breakfast is almost ready!

Leo: this doesn't look good does it?
Arni: what? Your sister and her guard together? It was about time she started to treat him nicely I'd say!

Leo: well, yeah, but, I mean, you've met my sister right?
Arni: quite a change since I first met her, yes!
Leo: yes, you're right, it's crazy enough to work!

June: breakfast's ready! Oh there you are you two, where have you been? We've been worried!

Gale: .... and why are all these people not wearing enough clothes? Is it a breakfast tradition in this country or what?
Gwydion: er.....

Grandpa Plant: wow Mrs Love, such a nice ... outfit...
Alice: Mum!! Cover yourself please, you have a certain age!
Leo: well, you have to say your mum is a very good looking lady whatever the age!

June: thank you Leo, always the gentleman!
Leo: just saying that Mr Love is a lucky man!
Arni: thanks Leo...now stop looking at my wife!
Alice: that's embarrassing mum... we have guests!

Gale: seriously, are they not ashamed of themselves? My brother as well....he's one of them now! Disgusting... and don't you dare to look that way, understood?
Gwydion: ....

Gwydion: then I'll look at my plate....wow pancakes! I love pancakes!

Gwydion: and now that I think of it, it's the first time I'm allowed to eat at the same table as my Queen! Celebration!

Grandpa Plant: oh yeah, that's unusual! Why do you think that is, Alice?
Gale: oh shut it ....
Alice: *smiles*

Leo: aah some peace at last... the hot tub with my wife, so relaxing...
Alice: it is lovely indeed...
Leo: but?

Alice: no buts, but I was just wondering...
Leo: yes?
Alice: your sister and Gwydion.... don't you think---

Leo: oh yeah it's quite funny isn't it? Miss "I'm the Queen how do you even dare to speak to me" Gale who ends up with...her personal guard. How crazy is that!
Alice: I actually think it's quite romantic.... don't you?
Leo: I never thought the words "romantic" and "Gale" could fit in the same sentence...

Alice: maybe not...but maybe she's changed!
Leo: he must be some kind of supernatural being to make her change...
Alice: maybe she's in love!
Leo: even if she was, I doubt she would recognize it...or accept it... least of all show it! Now shall we stop talking about Gale? For once that she's not around and we can have some peace...

Gale: hey guys!
Leo: there you go, peace finished...I told you!
Alice: sorry...

Gale: mind if I join you?
Alice: .... you're joining us already....
Leo: *sighs* so ends the peace and quiet with my wife....

Gale: sorry did I interrupt something?
Leo: oh no, don't worry, I was just having a private moment with my wife, feel free to interrupt...
Gale: haha you're funny Leo!
Leo: I didn't mean to be...
Gale: anyway, I was actually looking for you, Alice...

Alice: me?!
Gale: yes... actually, Leo would you mind leaving us for a while? We need to have a conversation.... from woman to woman.... no men allowed!
Leo: I can't believe it, first you crash my romantic moment with my wife and then you ask me to leave?!

Gale: or, I can take Alice with me and you can stay if you prefer...
Leo: whatever, I think I'll go get drinks.... and when I'm back you'd better be gone!
Gale: now, is that how you treat your only sister who traveled so long to be with you on your wedding day?
Leo: oh yeah, the same wedding you tried to wreck! Not sure if I've forgiven you yet...or if I ever will!
Gale: oh come on Leo, I was just trying to do the right thing! And all is well now, everybody's happy...

Leo: whatever, I'm going!
Alice: are you really?
Gale: what?
Alice: happy?
Gale: that's exactly what I wanted to talk you about...

Alice: I'm listening...
Gale: mmmh this is so relaxing... I need to get one installed in the palace!

Alice: oh yes it is...
Gale: anyway. The thing is: I know you and I have never seen eye to eye and have never particularly liked each other ...
Alice: yes, I know that....
Gale: but, whether we want it or not, we are sisters in law now.... and we have somebody we love in common....
Alice: yes we can agree on that...
Gale: good. So, I'm here to call a truce.

Alice: a ... truce? I didn't know there was a war?!
Gale: uh no, but I mean, I'm here to ask you for help...
Alice: help! You want to ask me for help! For what?
Gale: look, you have no idea how hard this whole situation is for me...I would not be here if your help had not been completely fundamental...
Alice: oh, ok... so tell me.... how may I help you?
Gale: today is our last day here. From tomorrow I'll be the Queen again and who knows when and if I'll be able to have a break again...
Alice: a break?
Gale: yes, in the end this whole trip turned out as a nice break...

Alice: nice for whom?
Gale: ....
Alice: okay okay go on....
Gale: well, you might have guessed that.... during my stay here my feelings for one particular person have kinda changed....
Alice: so it's true! You've really changed! He must be really special...
Gale: yes he is....
Alice: I'm happy for you.... really....
Gale: I'm so not! Do you have any idea of what this means? He's my guard, I can't go out with my guard! I can't go out with anyone, for what matters, it's not something Queens do ... but you wouldn't know that anyway...
Alice: I still don't see how I could help....
Gale: I want to go on a date! And I need someone to help me to find the right outfit... after all, I don't know anything of the funny clothes you wear in this place...
Alice: oh ... is that it? You need a personal shopper....
Gale: not just a personal shopper, I want to look irresistible! We might never have another occasion like this one.... please please please could you help me?
Alice: okay okay I can do that... I have to warn you though, I'm not particularly into fashion...you should ask my sister Amy about that.... or Catherine ...
Gale: well, but since they're not here.... shall we go?

Alice: now? Oh...okay....
Gale: cool! So we have enough time to find matching dresses!
Alice: matching dresses?
Gale: oh, sorry I forgot to mention...you and Leo are coming too!
Alice: coming...where?
Gale: to the date of course! We'll have a double date, isn't it wonderful?
Alice: a what?!
Gale: well, I don't know anything about this world, would you really let us go and get lost?
Alice: well.... anyway, does Leo know?
Gale: by now he should... Gwydion was planning to ask him for some advice too...

Gwydion: er...my lord? Do you have a minute?

Leo: oh please, how many times have I told you not to call me that way? I'm just Leo okay?
Gwydion: uhm...ok...I suppose it's a good thing...

Gwydion: as I need to ask you for some advice...
Leo: advice? Sure! What about?
Gwyidon: clothes.
Leo: uh??

Gale: so here we are, now get me a nice human outfit...
Alice: as I said, I don't think I'm the best person to know about fashion but we're in my sister Catherine's room and I'm sure she'll have nice fashionable clothes...

Alice: so, let's make it this way, you choose the ones you like the most and I'll tell you what I think okay?
Gale: okay, but make sure my look is appropriate for a fun but elegant night out and...you know, for a date! I want to look sexy but I don't want to make a fool of myself just because I've no idea about human fashion!
Alice: oh dear... okay okay, come on now, let's have a look...

Gale: so? How do I look?
Alice: well, I have to say you have a better feel for fashion than I have! Well done Gale, you look stunning!
Gale: thank you, Alice...
Alice: if you had left it with me, I would have never picked something... uh... like this, but if you feel comfortable that's great, you really look beautiful...
Gale: good. Now, how about you?

Alice: what about me?
Gale: are you gonna change or what?
Alice: uh... I thought this would do?
Gale: *laughs out loud* there's no way you're going out with me dressed like that! Oh Alice you're so hopeless, I'll find you a dress that matches mine!

Gale: ta dah! Now, that's better!
Alice: er... are you sure? I don't dress like this usually...

Gale: such a pity, such a pity...
Alice: isn't the dress a little too short?
Gale: honestly Alice, I thought you were supposed to advise me, not the other way round...
Alice: we have different styles...

Gale: well, you definitely pull this one sister! And I do think my brother will approve *winks*

Gale: what? Oh dear, this human air is making me sick! I'm supposed to hate you!
Alice: there, now you seem more like yourself...

Gale: what is wrong with me? I come here to accomplish my mission - which I fail - and then all these.... feelings creeping over me .... with Gwydion first.... but not you! I cannot like you!
Alice: why not?
Gale: well... because you took my brother away from me? And because of you, I'm stuck being the Queen? And because of all that, I have to go on a double date with you and Leo here, because I won't be able to go on a normal date once we get home! So I already know this is going to be my first and last date ever! And you and my brother will be there as well! This is mad, I can't believe I organised this myself...
Alice: well said... but look, all this that's happened to you, all these feelings...it's a good thing you know? And as you said, it was not me who organised all this... and----and----
Gale: and what?
Alice: sorry I----

Alice: ---I have to go!

Gale: uh?

Alice: oh dear...I feel like I need to---

Alice: ewww--- disgusting---

Gale: Alice.
Alice: I had not heard you coming in...
Gale: you're not pregnant, are you?
Alice: ah.... I don't know.... I didn't think...but hey, even if I was, what would this have to do with you?
Gale: whatever, make sure you don't spoil my date, okay?
Alice: wow, thanks for your kind and understanding words...sister...
Gale: let's go now, I don't want to waste a minute more!

Gwydion: sorry no offence but.... are you sure I don't look...er... funny? These clothes are so strange...
Leo: oh no they're perfect! I know wearing human fashion might feel weird at the beginning, but it's actually comfortable when you get used to it!

Gwydion: uhm... and what is this fabric? Doesn't look like a natural fabric to me...
Leo: well yeah, but it makes the clothes much lighter than ours and---

Gale: are they really talking about clothes? Seriously?
Alice: no comment...

Leo: oh, here you are girls--- wow, Alice you look....
Alice: oh dear...I knew this outfit would not look good on me....there might still be some time to get changed...
Gale: rubbish! Besides, there's no time, we're going out... isn't it so, Gwydion? You look so different dressed up like that *giggles*
Gwydion: I knew it, I look stupid...

Leo: Alice, what I wanted to say is that you look stunning...come here my dear wife...
Alice: Leo what are you doing---

Leo: let your husband give you a kiss of appreciation...

Gale: oh dear... get a room, people...
Gwydion: maybe we should leave them alone...

Gale: just ignore them... now, speaking of more important matters... how do you like my dress?
Gwydion: it's ... nice... it matches Alice's...

Gale: no, her dress matches mine! I picked both you know...anyway, that's quite sad, I expected to make a better impression on you than just being "nice"...
Gwydion: you asked me about the the dress, which is nice - I don't think I'll ever get used to this fashion though. But you, you are the most beautiful elf I've ever seen, whatever you may be wearing...
Gale: don't make me blush now...

Alice: wow Leo...
Leo: I just thought that my wonderful wife deserved a wonderful kiss...

Gale: oh please! You two, stop being cheesy and let's go!

Alice: sorry Gale...
Gale: You're quite disgusting you know... besides, I'm wasting my time here! Let's just go!

June: not just yet! You look wonderful all dressed up, would you like to have a picture all together?

Gale: a picture... I do want a picture of my first and only date... however if this should ever come up my reputation would be ruined... a Queen dating her guard doesn't sound right, does it... however...

Gale: oh yes! I do want a picture with my new best friend Alice! We're going out to have fun together before I move back to my castle and look, our outfits match, we must be best friends!
Alice: uh...what?
Gale: unluckily my brother wanted to join too, and my guard insisted on following us, you know, for security reason! Perfect, isn't it? Now everybody smiiiiile!
Leo: you cheat...poor Gwydion!
Gale: shut up Leo and smiile!
Alice: this is very awkward...
Gale: shut up Alice, don't you understand? Nobody else can know the truth! And you're my cover tonight!
Leo: *sighs*
Gale: what is this place?
Alice: I thought you might like some food before going to dance...and my sister Catherine recommended this bistro...

Alice: apparently she came on a date here with Jay and then they went dancing in that place across the road... perfect, isn't it? Specially for someone who doesn't want to waste her precious time...
Gale: stop teasing me Alice, you would be worried as well if you time with Leo was limited!

Waitress: so, one bouillabaisse, two veggie lasagna and one cheesy pizza...
Alice: may I have it extra cheesy?
Waitress: ...and one extra cheesy pizza...

Leo: wow....I had not noticed before...but this is an expensive place! Oh my goodness look at those prices!
Gale: so what, I'm not paying...

Leo: yes, I know you are not! Gwydion, did you have a look at the prices before ordering?
Gwydion: uhm, not really...not sure I understand the prices in this currency of yours...

Gale: and he doesn't need to, since we're your guests and you are paying...
Leo: said who? You organised this outing!
Gale: and your wife picked the restaurant so...

Gwydion: goodness me, this is awfully expensive!
Leo: told ya...
Alice: don't worry Gwydion, we'll take care of it...

Gale: wow this really is expensive! Good luck, brother!
Leo: at least I hope the quality is good...

Waitress: please enjoy with the chef's compliments!
Gale: I hope they taste good...for all this money! Not that I'm paying, anyway...

Alice: mmm this is so good...
Gale: why are you staring at me, Gwydion? Eat your fish soup...
Gwydion: you're so beautiful, I can't look away...
Gale: I'm eating!
Gwydion: you're so beautiful when you eat... and you're so beautiful when you blush...
Gale: oh shut it and eat your soup before it gets cold...

Alice: mmm I wonder if they have desserts...

Leo: desserts!! Haven't you eaten enough already?
Alice: but... I'm still hungry!

Leo: but I can't possible afford desserts as well! Did you have a look at the prices??
Alice: oh... that's true... so maybe I should not---

Gale: Leo, this is rude! Actually, I feel like dessert as well....
Leo: what?!! But...

Leo: fine, have it your way....
Alice: thanks for your understanding, Leo...

Waitress: okay, so, one apple pie, one chocolate cake, one lime cake and one cinnamon roll...
Leo: sorry Alice, I didn't want to be rude...

Gale ....what, by telling us not to have dessert or by telling your wife that she was eating too much?
Waitress: .....
Leo: as I said, I'm sorry Alice, I got carried away by the - awfully expensive - prices on the menu... and you're usually not very hungry so I was wondering---
Gale: so what? Maybe tonight she has good reasons to be hungry and you don't know anything about them!
Leo: uh...good reasons? What---

Gale: girls secret! Right Alice? *winks*
Alice: right... thanks Gale...
Gale: no problem at all, that's what friends do, isn't it?

Gwydion: this trip has changed you in more than one way, hasn't it?
Gale: oh shut it.... and stop staring at me!
Leo: Alice... are you okay? I have no clue of what's going on here....
Alice: I'm fine, specially now that I'm eating this lovely apple pie!
Leo: again, I'm sorry... I have to say this cake is amazing...
Alice: glad you changed your mind!

Leo: so, what do you want to do now?
Gale: going dancing, of course! Come on brother, pay the bill and let's go show that place across the road some good moves!

Gale: oh, it doesn't look big... are you sure there is some kind of club inside?
Alice: so Catherine said... it's not too big, but I thought you might like a more private setting...

Alice: so cool! I had never been in a club before!!
Leo: I think it's a new thing for all of us...

Gale: and I had never been in an elevator before! This is so cool, we should introduce them at home as well, instead of all those stairs...what do you think, Leo?

Leo: uhm, I don't think it's a good idea...
Gale: why not? I could be the Queen of elevators!
Leo: oh dear...

Gale: woooow, so this is a club uh?
Alice: so it seems... a small one but still a club...
Barman: and the best one in town! You wouldn't want to go to one of the busy places, while you can have some private time with your loved ones in here! And amazing drinks mixed on purpose for you I would say! What can I get you tonight, love?

Gale: Love? I'm not one of them...but she is! Alice, I had no idea your family was so famous that people recognized you!
Alice: er... no it's not what he meant... let me order for you, okay?

Alice: okay man, what's your special tonight?
Barman: I can make you a Love Potion drink... it'll make your evening unforgettable!
Alice: bring it on!
Gale: what's with this Love thing again?
Barman: here you are guys! Enjoy!

Leo: uh...not sure I should drink this....
Gwydion: tastes good!

Gale: bottoms up!
Leo: Gale, don't drink so quickly, there's alcohol in there!

Gale: ooh I feel so good! And loving!! I love you all my friends, let's go have a nice dance!
Leo: hey barman, how much alcohol did you say you put in there?

Gale: come on Gwydion, finish your drink and let's go dance!
Leo: actually, that's not a bad idea... fancy a dance, sweet wife of mine?

Gale: to our first and only night out together.... cheers...
Gwydion: ....

Leo: come on guys, this is fun!!!

Gale: come on Gwydion, show me your moves!

Gale: oh, don't be shy, don't you feel better after that drink?

Gwydion: actually, yes I do... I feel happier...and relaxed... like I could do anything tonight!
Gale: then dance with me...

Gale: and don't look behind you!
Gwydion: why??
Gale: they're smooching again!

Gale: they really have no shame! Don't you think so?
Gwydion: well, it is a bit awkward...

Gwydion: but I'm happy for them, aren't you?
Gale: yeah I think so... I'm jealous actually... I would like to have their freedom...
Gwydion: would you like to go somewhere else?
Gale: ...what?...
Gwydion: to dance! I meant to dance!! I think there's another dance floor outside...
Gale: .... okay ....

Gale: guys, we're going outside...
Alice: uh uh...

Gwydion: I don't think they've registered what you said...
Gale: whatever...

Gale: so... show me this outside place ... to dance....
Gwydion: *smiles*

Gwydion: see? It's practically under the stars... quite romantic isn't it?
Gale: I don't do romance...

Gwydion: are you sure?
Gale: I--- I don't know... I feel like I don't know anything anymore... this place had a strange effect on me!
Gwydion: and was it good or bad?
Gale: a mix of the two I think!
Gwydion: and where do your feelings for me stand?
Gale: and how do you know that I have feelings for you in the first place?

Gwydion: Gale...
Gale: what?

Gwydion: I already told you what I feel for you, and what I will always feel for you... but this is all so hard...
Gale: no it's not! Tonight---
Gwydion: and what about tomorrow? And the days after?

Gale: I don't know...
Gwydion: exactly...

Gale: but this is our night! Could even be our last one! Together I mean...
Gwydion: I know...

Gale: so... what are you waiting for?
Gwydion: what?!

Gale: I never thought I would say that ... and I'm not going to say it again but... you were right, about me having feelings for you ... and I know I shouldn't ask but... I would really like to kiss you now...
Gwydion: *smiles*

Alice: there you go, we've found your sister...
Leo: ....

Alice: honestly, what were you expecting? That they'd gone to pick flowers?
Leo: .... this is weird ....

Alice: oh no it's not! At last your sister seems to have found her heart....
Leo: actually no, on a second thought, this is really hilarious! *chuckles*

Alice: ... should we call them? I feel bad to break them apart, poor them ...
Leo: break it off guys, it's time to go!

Gwydion: oh dear, that was embarrassing...
Gale: I hope you have a good excuse, brother....
Alice: sorry guys but... the place is closing, we have to go...

Gale: so.... this is it uh?
Gwydion: .....
Gale: I feel so sad....
Gwydion: come on Gale, we have to go...

Gale: ... and by the way, thank you very much for spoiling my first kiss!
Leo: I really don't want to hear about this Gale... I already said I'm sorry...

Gale: no, you do need to hear! Because it won't happen again, it was just that once you know?

Gale: And you spoilt a perfect moment! You couldn't leave us some more time, could you?
Leo: I really don't---
Gale: It was the best thing that has happened in my life, ever! And you spoilt it! I'm so angry at you right now!
Alice: aww this is so sweet!

Leo: I already told you I'm sorry! What do you want more?
Gale: use your elf powers and take me back in time! And possibly freeze the moment!
Leo: you know I can't do that....
Gwydion: er... guys, I think I'm going to bed....

Gale: Gwydion, wait!
Gwydion: ....

Alice: actually, I do think we could have left them some more time...
Leo: but the place was closing!
Alice: not just yet...
Leo: well honestly I would have never thought....

Leo: do you think she's in love with him?
Alice: yes, I think she is... I'm not sure if she realised it but I think she is....
Leo: unfortunately, so do I....
Alice: why unfortunately? Don't you want your sister to be happy?
Leo: of course I do, and I like Gwydion but.... you don't know how it works in my land .... they'll never be allowed to---
Alice: but she's the Queen! Can't she just change the rules?
Leo: yes, potentially yes, but.... she needs to be strong and confident and ready to face the disappointment of the whole kingdom... I'm not sure she's ready for that, yet....
Alice: and would you have been? If that day I had decided to stay....
Leo: of course I would! But I had freed the Kingdom from my evil uncle, people would have accepted anything... it's different with Gale, she needs to get their unconditioned trust first! That's why she's nervous all the time... she feels judged, every breath she takes there's someone watching, and judging... and what happened here is not going to help her...
Alice: poor girl... I would have never thought I would say that, but I kinda feel for her now...

Gale: Gwydion wait...
Gale: are you not gonna say good night to me?
Gwydion: I don't think I can do this Gale...
Gale: what, saying goodnight? It's your last chance you know.... are you not even one bit.... sad? Are you just going to wake up tomorrow and forget everything?

Gwydion: I could never do it, Gale, and you know it.... this is heartbreaking.... but we knew it would be.... I'm grateful for every single moment I was allowed to spend with you ....
Gale: even when I treated you badly? I'm sure you did not like that ... I'm sorry by the way ...
Gwydion: *smiles* even then...

Gale: I... I just want you to know that I will never forget this.... you have changed me....
Gwydion: no I haven't ... I've just helped you to realise there is so much more in you than what you thought possible....

Gale: but I have to go back now, back to who I was before...
Gwydion: the choice is yours....
Gale: .... what do you mean?
Gwydion: *smiles* that you can choose who you want to be now....
Gale: no I can't.... don't you understand? I'm the Queen, not just a random girl ....
Gwydion: one more reason to be your true self! You're the big boss, nobody can tell you what to do! Or what not to do.... Gale, maybe---
Gale: Gwydion, I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise but....I hope you know that it cannot be... you and me.... it's not possible. These days were amazing and I will cherish every memory in my heart but ... if I have to go back I need to be who I was.... I need to rule a kingdom and people will never accept ... they will never accept you ....

Gale: now I think I'd better go...goodnight Gwydion...

Gale: and please, don't think too bad of me... I will be forever thankful to you, you know what all this has meant to me.... but I need to move on now, we both do ...
Gwydion: ......

Gale: ... and for that, I have to go back to my old life, being the Queen again, being... alone ....

Gale: ....

Gale: Gwydion.... oh .... you look so sad....

Gwydion: Gale! What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here ....
Gale: I know but ...

Gwydion: look, you were right okay? For a moment I let myself go and thought that maybe, just maybe, I could hope that ....
Gale: Gwydion....
Gwydion: but you are right, there is no hope, I'm sorry! When all this started I told you I knew I had no hope and it was okay. It was enough for me just to be close to you. But now... now I need to go back to that state of mind. It's hard but I have to do it, it's the right thing to do...
Gale: Gwydion...

Gwydion: please, Gale, go.... it's heartbreaking enough, don't make it harder....
Gale: but...
Gwydion: no, Gale, please, don't you understand this is killing me here? Please just go...
Gale: I understand .... I feel the same you know ... but... I thought ... it's not sunset yet right? Why waste precious time? And I didn't want to be alone .... but I don't want to make it harder for you, if you want me to leave, I'll just---

Gwydion: oh screw it!

Gale: so ... here we are now .... time to say goodbye ....

Gale: I'm sorry that I tried to sabotage your wedding, brother...
Leo: it's okay ... no, it really is not okay, but I hope you learnt the lesson....

Gale: I think I have .... and not only that .... this mission has turned out surprisingly the best time I've ever had ....

Gale: so I guess I should actually thank you .... all of you ....

Alice: I really hope that you will be happy Gale, I really do ....
Gale: thank you Alice ... but ...

Alice: no buts! You've learnt many things here, and I hope you'll bring them with you in your kingdom... and love is the most important of all, don't forget that!
Gale: you make it seem so easy.... but really it is not! You don't understand ...
Alice: maybe I don't, but I do think that whatever your life looks like, you should be yourself and fight for what you love, or who you love ...
Gale: thank you, Alice... I didn't think I would end up actually liking you...
Alice: and me!

Grandpa Plant: actually, don't you find this very amusing? She came here with one purpose only: destroy the girl who had taken her brother's heart and take her brother back to his duty as King, so that she could be a regular girl, going out and having fun breaking hearts. And look at her now! She became friends with her worst enemy, will be back to her Queen's duties and has fallen in love herself with someone who she can't marry... and needs to live with it... quite the change, uh?
Leo: indeed.... not very amusing though!

Grandpa Plant: sorry, the amusing bit is thinking of haughty icy Gale falling in love with her guard! Isn't it ironic?
Gwydion: hey, I'm right here!
Leo: honestly Grandpa Plant, have some respect now, will you? And make sure to take care of her.... understood?

Grandpa Plant: of course... irony aside, I really wish they could be happy...
Leo: good luck Gale.... I can't say I will forget what you've tried to do easily, but it was good to see you...
Gale: it was good to see you too, brother...

Leo: and take care of yourself, okay? And don't be mean to Gwydion...
Gale: how can you say that! I... you know....
Leo: I know. Now go, and be a good Queen, I know you can do it. And Gale, he's a good guy ...
Gale: Leo! You know that I can't....we can't---
Leo: I just want my little sister to be happy. Now go, I think it's going to rain shortly, you don't want to travel in the rain.... how are you going back, by the way?

Leo: a car.... they're travelling back to the Elf Kingdom.... by car!?!?!
June: quite... peculiar....
Arni: I could have lent them my car! I wonder how that old thing can move!

Gale: are you sure you can make this thing move?
Gwydion: sure thing! I saw a video on SimTube!
Gale: I still think we should have taken horses...
Gwydion: naah, this is way more fun!
Gale: hey, why are we having a friendly conversation? I thought the Queen was not supposed to be friends with her guards!
Gwydion: uhm... I think you didn't read the manual correctly. I'm sure there is a footnote at some point that says that you can do exceptions *smiles*
Gale: what?? What manual?
Gwydion: .... especially after last night *winks*
Gale: shut up!!! Grandpa Plant could hear you!

Gwydion: naaah he's fast asleep in the trunk...
Gale: this doesn't sound right...
Gwydion: no worries, your friend Susan told me that when people can't all fit in one car, there is some kind of spell that makes extra people all fit in the car boot. But because it's not very comfortable to travel that way, another spell makes people fall asleep, so that they don't remember anything when they get off. These cars must be all bewitched somehow!
Gale: uhm .... if you say so .... anyway, can we just at least pretend to have a normal Queen-guard relationship?
Gwydion: if that's what you want... but why? We are not home yet, nobody knows us here *winks*

Alice: so strange... I kinda miss them already! And it's suddenly so quiet...
Leo: hey look! It's really raining!
Alice: in the end, your sister's visit turned out quite alright, didn't it?
Leo: well yes, but we did have a very eventful last couple of days! I think we deserve some peace and quiet now, some time just for us, as a family ....
Alice: I like that...
Leo: so why the sad face? I thought you disliked my sister... have you forgotten the reason she had come here in the first place?
Alice: of course not, and I do not like her, but I have to say I feel a bit sad for her... I wish she could be happy... as we are!
Leo: oh, that's sweet... you're too good Alice! But yeah I do want her to be happy as well... anything as long as she doesn't try to sabotage our lives again! Let's go inside now, you don't want to catch a cold... by the way, are you feeling better? I had a feeling you were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday...
Alice: oh, I'm alright, no worries...
Alice: actually you are right, it's nice to have some peace and quiet! And cuddle on the couch on a rainy day... just the two of us!
June: hey guys, have you got a minute?
Alice: scratch that last...
June: I think it's time your dad and I share something with you... some kind of plan we've been thinking about...
June: ideally, we wished to be together to tell you this...
Alice: and where's dad?
June: in the garden, I sent Bonehilda to find him ...
Alice: in the garden? With this rain? Doing what? Watering plants? *laughs*
June: yes well...
Bonehilda: master Arni, come inside or you'll get soaked!
Arni: what? I can't hear you!
Bonehilda: ... your wife sent me to find you, apparently your presence is required inside!
Arni: what? Oh, can you tell June I'll be there in a minute? I need to finish watering the plants, I don't want them to die!
Bonehilda: watering the plants... in the rain... and I thought I was weird!

June: anyway, since it's taking quite long to your father to join us, I think I'll start... see, before your wedding we were thinking that we need to sort out the horses problem....
Alice: you don't want to give them away do you?

June: no, we were thinking more of building a cottage with some stables on the land next door... what do you think?
Alice: a cottage and stables next door! It would be great! Wouldn't it, Leo? The horses will have all the space they need!
Leo: yes indeed, this is a very nice thought June ... I understand the bit about the stables, but why a cottage as well?
June: well, we thought that maybe one day, when this house becomes full of screaming children we might want some relaxing time.... or you might want some peace and quiet! Hence the cottage... what do you think?
Alice: amazing!!
Leo: this is a very good idea indeed... hey Lumi, what do you think? You'll have even more space to run around now!
Alice: When were you planning to start building?
June: as soon as possible... and I do hope you'll start planning to fill this house with grand children the soon as possible as well!
Alice: ....
(on a side note, aren't they the cutest? <3)
Alice: oh dear...
Alice: oh my goodness!
Alice: Gale was right, I'm pregnant!!
Woo hoo congratulations Alice&Leo! Generation 4 baby number 1 on the way! Not sure that outfit is the most appropriate thought but anyways....
Alice: Leo, Leo wake up!
Alice: oh my goodness I can't believe it!
Leo: what's going on? Alice, are you alright?
Alice: oh Leo I'm so happy!
Leo: uh, that's great love, I don't know what's going on but that's great...
Leo: and what's with that outfit? Not that I don't approve *grins* .... but why did you wake me up in the middle of the night again?
Alice: something amazing has happened!
Leo: in the middle of the night... Alice are you alright?
Alice: totally! Leo, I'm pregnant!!!!
Leo: what!!!????!!!!
Alice: we're having a baby!!!!
Leo: OMG! Really?!?!
Alice: really!!! Gale was right, that's why I was feeling sick!
Leo: Gale?
Alice: oh, forget it, we're having a baby!!!!
Alice: I'm so happy I could cry!!!!
Leo: so am I my love... I can't believe it, we're going to be parents soon!
Alice: do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?
Leo: I don't know... and it doesn't matter... a baby, our baby!
Alice: yes, our baby... our family is growing!

Alice: so strange... I kinda miss them already! And it's suddenly so quiet...
Leo: hey look! It's really raining!

Leo: well yes, but we did have a very eventful last couple of days! I think we deserve some peace and quiet now, some time just for us, as a family ....
Alice: I like that...

Alice: of course not, and I do not like her, but I have to say I feel a bit sad for her... I wish she could be happy... as we are!
Leo: oh, that's sweet... you're too good Alice! But yeah I do want her to be happy as well... anything as long as she doesn't try to sabotage our lives again! Let's go inside now, you don't want to catch a cold... by the way, are you feeling better? I had a feeling you were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday...
Alice: oh, I'm alright, no worries...

Alice: scratch that last...

Alice: and where's dad?
June: in the garden, I sent Bonehilda to find him ...
Alice: in the garden? With this rain? Doing what? Watering plants? *laughs*
June: yes well...

Arni: what? I can't hear you!
Bonehilda: ... your wife sent me to find you, apparently your presence is required inside!
Arni: what? Oh, can you tell June I'll be there in a minute? I need to finish watering the plants, I don't want them to die!
Bonehilda: watering the plants... in the rain... and I thought I was weird!

June: anyway, since it's taking quite long to your father to join us, I think I'll start... see, before your wedding we were thinking that we need to sort out the horses problem....
Alice: you don't want to give them away do you?

June: no, we were thinking more of building a cottage with some stables on the land next door... what do you think?
Alice: a cottage and stables next door! It would be great! Wouldn't it, Leo? The horses will have all the space they need!
Leo: yes indeed, this is a very nice thought June ... I understand the bit about the stables, but why a cottage as well?

Alice: amazing!!
Leo: this is a very good idea indeed... hey Lumi, what do you think? You'll have even more space to run around now!
Alice: When were you planning to start building?
June: as soon as possible... and I do hope you'll start planning to fill this house with grand children the soon as possible as well!
Alice: ....

(on a side note, aren't they the cutest? <3)

Woo hoo congratulations Alice&Leo! Generation 4 baby number 1 on the way! Not sure that outfit is the most appropriate thought but anyways....

Leo: what's going on? Alice, are you alright?

Leo: uh, that's great love, I don't know what's going on but that's great...

Leo: in the middle of the night... Alice are you alright?

Alice: we're having a baby!!!!

Alice: really!!! Gale was right, that's why I was feeling sick!
Leo: Gale?

Leo: I don't know... and it doesn't matter... a baby, our baby!
Alice: yes, our baby... our family is growing!
To be continued.....
I hope you liked the chapter :) It took ages to write, life has been super busy lately!! Thanks so much for keeping up with the Love Legacy <3 Now I can't wait to keep on playing to meet the first baby of Generation 4! Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl? Stay tuned!
I loved seeing how much gale changed within this i hope we see more of her in the future.
ReplyDeleteHello! Thanks for your comment ^_^ I'm glad you liked Gale's story :) And yes, we will definitely see more of her in the future! ;) Thanks for reading!!