Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!
Last time Amy and Mark got married in Isla Paradiso, and we left the Loves partying on the beach!
But all good things come to an end, and it looks like it's almost time to go back to the normal life in Hidden Springs...
Amy: I can't believe our flight is tonight! This holiday was definitely too short, we should have booked for more than 4 days!
Amy: and look around... I would never leave a place where the sea is so blue!
Mark: I know... and it went so quickly... but it was an amazing holiday...and an amazing wedding, don't you think?
Amy: definitely so! But do we really have to go back?
Mark: unfortunately, I think so...
Amy: but hey, I have an idea...
Nick: mum! Dad!
Amy: why don't we come back here once in a while? Just for a few days to relax... just the two of us, when Nick is older maybe? I'm sure he will want to have the house to himself at some point...and in that case, we could escape over here! What do you think?
Mark: I think it's a wonderful idea *laughs*
Nick: ....
Nick: were you talking about me? Why do you want to leave me home alone why you two go on holiday?
Amy: morning Nick! Er... it's not exactly that....
Nick: what is it, then?
Amy: well, although you might not understand it now, it's almost your birthday and you're going to become a teen soon!
Nick: so what?
Amy: so, when this happens you will understand! All teen agers want their parents out of the way to have the house to themselves at some point...
Nick: mmm... I'm not so sure....
Mark: ooooh look at my invisible ring!!!
Mark: I can't believe I'm finally married!
Amy: I know it may seem strange now, but I assure you, you will want us out of the way one day!
Nick: mmm
Amy: okay, I promise we won't go anywhere unless you really want to have the house to yourself okay? In that case, we'll catch the opportunity and have a little holiday just the two of us... how about that...
Nick: mmm not sure... but I guess it's okay...
Nick: anyway, I just came over to ask you and dad if I can go on the boat with Ella and Elena... Toby's taking them on a speedboat!
Amy: but of course you can! Have fun Nick, make the most of our last day!
Nick: guys, guys, wait! Am I still on time?
Ella: there you are Nick, we thought you had changed your mind!
Nick: of course not! Let's go!
Scarlette: mmm there's too many of us, I think we should split in two boats... who wants to come sailing with me?
Tobias: ready guys? Okay then... three... two... one....
Nick: woo hoo! This boat is sooo cool!
Arni: hey there, kids! Do you have some space for me?
Arni: aaah I'm so glad I made it! I swam as quickly as possible when I heard you were going on a ride on the speedboat! Come on then son, time to go now!
Tobias: it would be easier if I hadn't a wooden pole on my face you know...
Scarlette: ready to go girls?
Elena: yaaaay!
Aneira: so glad you could come mum, you'll see, it's going to be fun!
Alice: oh yes I know darling, I know!
Elena: why are we not moving? Come on mum, we don't want daddy's boat to win the race!
Aneira: ...they will probably win anyway, they're on a speedboat!
Scarlette: this is a sail boat, darling, there's no engine, we use the power of the wind!
Elena: but there is no wind today, mum....
Jay: Cath... you alright?
Catherine: ....
Catherine: I just thought I felt....
Jay: felt what?
Catherine: nothing... it's gone... I must have imagined it...
Catherine: or not!!! I had not imagined it, it was for real! Oh my goodness!
Jay: Cath... you sure you're alright?
Jay: why did you just changed in that sexy underwear? Not that I disapprove... quite the contrary *smirks*
Catherine: oh, Jay! Don't you understand?
Jay: I only understand that you're the most beautiful woman in the world, my sweet Catherine...
Jay: hey, do you think we have enough time before we have to go to the airport? *winks*
Catherine: Jay! No, wait! You don't understand!
Jay: understand what? What's wrong Cath? Don't you like me anymore?
Catherine: no, no Jay! Don't you see? You've waited so much for this moment and now... The thing is that....
Catherine: I'm pregnant Jay!!!!!!
Jay: WHAT!!!!
Jay: Really!!!!
Catherine: yes, really!!! Hence the change of clothes... it looks like this is going to be my maternity outfit...
Jay: oh my goodness I'm so happy!!!! This is great!!! Wonderful!!!! Amazing!!!!
Catherine: yes it is... I'm so pleased...
Jay: pleased! I'm ecstatic!
Jay: we're going to have a child! Our child!
Catherine: oh Jay, I'm so happy....
Catherine: do you think we would be good parents?
Jay: the best ever of course!
Jay: oh and by the way, I excited about the new outfit as well....*winks*
Catherine: oh Jay!
Jay: well done us....
Leo: hey June, glad to see you're here... are we the first ones? Where is everyone else?
June: some went sailing with the kids... Toby and Scarlette, Alice and Arni as well! Not sure about the rest of them...
June: they should be back soon though, I'm getting a little nervous here, I don't want to rush for the plane!
Leo: oh, here is Michael and co....
Michael: hey guys...
Susan: your fruity special please...
Susan: I can't get enough of these, they're delicious!
Amy: ... and luckily alcohol free, or you'd be snoring on the floor by now Susie!
Susan: aha, so funny....or not.
Catherine: so... should I go now?
Jay: yes, do it now, it's easier when there are less people around!
Catherine: okay, I'll go then...
Catherine: hey mum...
June: hey Cath, darling, you alright?
Catherine: yeah um... mum I have something to tell you...
June: wow you look serious...
Arni: hey people, we're back! And extremely thirsty... I think it could be the perfect time for one of the fruity specials!
June: what is going on Cath?
Catherine: okay, I have something to tell you, but it's a good thing!
June: o-kay?
Catherine: You're going to be grandma again!
June: oh my goodness! Really!
Catherine: *laughs* yes, really!
June: oh my, Cath, this is amazing news!
June: you and Jay must be over the moon! Congratulations!!
June: well done kid!
Catherine: thanks, mum!
June: oooh hello there! There's a little Love in there! Wow!
Catherine: it's hard to believe I'm pregnant though, there's almost no baby bump at all...
Susan: mwahahahahahahahahahah I've managed to put some secret powder in Amy's drink and she didn't suspect anything.... poor thing, she'll have a very tormented flight home... stay clear of the toilet people, Amy is going to need it!
Mark: oh my goodness, what has she done this time? Why is Susan so mean? She can be sooo scary sometimes....
Arni: ..... I just realised we have an evil member of the family.... for some reason it had never occurred to me before....
Elena: why does auntie Susan need to be so evil? Why?
Nick: it's in her nature... she's a friendly evil witch, big clash uh? This means she's nice and friendly most of the time, but sometimes her evil side needs to come out and there you go.... at least, I think this is how it works...
Elena: oh... you know so many things, Nick!
Nick: that's because I'm older than you, and I've seen more things! You know, it's going to be my birthday soon and I want to throw a massive party!
Elena: can we come?
Nick: of course you can! And then I'll be a teen... and mum said that teens can even stay home alone! I think it's pretty cool, isn't it?
Elena: cool!
Nick: and when we're all teens we can have big parties in my place! If your parents allow you and Ella to come....
Tobias: darling, I think Elena is already making plans of parties to go to when she grows up!
Scarlette: *giggles* I heard that...
Tobias: and... doesn't it worry you?
Scarlette: why should it worry me? She's only a kid! And her birthday is ages away! Besides, if the worst mischief she can do is going to Nick's parties, well, we're really lucky parents!
Tobias: yes... but still!
Michael: actually, I do worry of what will become of my daughter as soon as she grows up... she's already a cheeky little thing, I fear she'll give us a very hard time when she's a teen...
Tobias: see? I'm not the only one to worry! And Octavia is still a toddler!
Scarlette: honestly Toby, don't be so anxious! We'll cross that bridge when we come to that okay?
Susan: awww parents worrying about their little girls...
Susan: it means we all care too much! And Michael worrying about Octavia already is so sweet! I worry about her sometimes as well but hey, she takes after her mummy, so what could go wrong? At least she has someone to show her the way.... I didn't! And still turned out quite alright... right?
Reese: thanks goodness you're all still here!! I would have hated myself if I had missed you!
Tobias: hi Reese, we were waiting for you...
Michael: and started a game of pool in the meanwhile!
Alice: oh, there she is!
Catherine: I was starting to worry that we would miss the plane...
June: and me! But now, time to say goodbye and to go back home... normal life awaits again!
June: Although it will bring substantial changes for some *smiles*
Catherine: yes... I'm already getting anxious, this is really strange, I think it's the hormones playing up!
June: home sweet home!
Arni: yes... but not weather sweet weather! What's with this rain? I miss the sunshine and the island already!
Bonehilda: you're back! Welcome back home, everyone!
Alice: aww, thank you, that's so nice of you!
Alice: and that's so nice of you to bring an umbrella to my poor husband who's getting soaked carrying Trystan!
Aneira: wow, I didn't know that Bonehilda could be so thoughtful.... oh hello there, Paws! Have you missed us?
Paws: *meowww*
Leo: oh, thank you Bone---- hey! I though you were bringing me an umbrella!
Bonehilda: oh, no, I need to protect that Easter gnome over there from the rain... he's getting soaked, poor fellow!
Leo: .....
Arni: yay, we're home! Hello, home, have you missed us?
Aneira: .... mum?
Aneira: .... who is that?
Alice: who is....what?
Aneira: there is a lady with green hair sitting on our sofa...
Aneira: ....who is she?
Alice: oh my goodness Leo! Your sister is back!
Leo: what? What are you talking about?
Alice: your sister! She's sitting on the couch!
Leo: she is sitting where?!?!?!
Alice: oh come on, can't you see?
Gale: well well well.... look who's back! *smiles*
Gale: AT LAST I would say.... I feel like I've waited sitting on this couch for ages! Luckily it's mildly comfortable...
Gale: and if it hadn't been for your boney maid here, I would be standing in the rain!
Bonehilda: yay for me! I knew I was doing the right thing!
Gale: I have to say I am disappointed, I had expected a better greeting for the Queen of the Elves... how dare you be on holiday when I decide to visit!
Loves: ........
Gale: .... oh please, do me a favour and stop staring! Goodness me, have you never seen a baby before? Looks like you've seen a ghost!
Leo: Gale....
Alice: oh my goodness ....Gale! You-----
Gale: ....but from what I can see, looks like you must have seen babies before... at least two of them! Well well well, you've kept yourself busy, brother! *smirks*
Leo: these are Aneira and little Trystan... kids, this is your auntie Gale, she's my little sister and comes from the Elven Kingdom!
Aneira: ....
Trystan: ....
Trystan: she scares me daddy!
Leo: oh, no, she's not scary, she's your auntie! Don't you want to say hello?
Trystan: no...
Gale: and apparently I scare your kids out... not very motherly I know... but then again, that's exactly why I'm here, isn't it?
Alice: ... what do you mean?
Aneira: so.... you're from the Elven Kingdom right?
Gale: not only I come from there... I am the Queen!
Aneira: really?! A real one? Like those in the fairy tales?
Gale: but of course... don't you know the story? Have your parents not told you how they came to be together?
Leo: Gale....
Aneira: I know about my mum and dad... and I know that dad had a sister named Gale. I knew what you looked like because there's a picture of you on the wall upstairs! With mum, dad and another blond guy... and I knew that you and dad were born in a castle... but I didn't know about you! I didn't know you were a Queen!
Gale: oh, it looks like I've been missed out from the story then... how flattering!
Alice: ....
Leo: you have not been missed out, Gale!
Gale: oh, but let me tell your little girl, Leo, after all, she wanted to know about me, didn't she? Well, kid, as things stand, in an alternate universe you could have been a princess!
Aneira: a... princess?!
Gale: but of course! Honestly, I'm quite disappointed, you ought to know where you come from, girl. You know your dad left his home in the elf kingdom to be with your mum... so sweet uh? But what you perhaps did not know, is that your dad was the King of that kingdom!
Aneira: the what! I thought you two were born in a castle because your parents worked there or something!
Gale: ha! well, in a way you could say they did indeed... Anyway, if your mother had accepted to stay over there, you would be a princess today! But no, she didn't like living in a castle and wanted to be back with her family, over here. Of course, she didn't even think of your dad's family at the time, that is myself, and that was quite selfish wasn't it? But anyway, your dad decided to follow her here, and left the weight of the kingdom on my shoulders... and this is how I became The Queen!
Aneira: wow... I.... I didn't know that! But well, looks like it turned out well for you, doesn't it?
Gale: oh yes, this is what I thought too, at the beginning. I had always wanted to be a Queen, so cool! But the truth is, I was young and foolish! I didn't know what expected me, oh no...
Aneira: oh... I'm sorry then.... I guess? But then, this baby... is he---
Gale: you see, your mum and dad are not always the good people they want to look... see, they wanted to be happy and did not give a thought of poor Gale, not one!
Aneira: but....
Gale: Sorry to break this news to you but---
Leo: enough Gale! Why don't you tell her the best part of the story now? Uh? Why don't you tell her what happened next? Why don't you tell her how you came over and tried to crash our wedding because you didn't want to be queen anymore, uh? I bet you still wish you had succeeded!
Alice: yay well done Leo! Stand up to your evil sister!
Aneira: you... you tried to prevent my parents from getting married?
Gale: oh, that's totally irrelevant.... it was a mission un-accomplished in the end...
Aneira: but if you had succeeded, I wouldn't have been born! I wouldn't be here today! And neither would Trystan...
Gale: I suspect not....
Aneira: then I'm not sure I like you anymore, aunt.
Gale: Oh, big deal. I stopped expecting people to like me a long time ago, kid.
Aneira: but how could you wish for me and my brother not to exist, when you can see how happy my mum and dad are, here with us? I mean, you are a mother yourself, would you wish your baby not to be born at all?
Gale: ....
Alice: .... Annie, I think you've asked enough questions now...
Leo: yes, I think it's our turn to ask questions Gale... that baby....
Gale: yes well, speaking of which, would you mind looking after him for a minute? I really need to go to the loo....
Leo: ... what's his name?
Gale: Glyndwr.
June: *death stare*
Gale: what! What have I done now....
June: nothing is ever crystal clear when it involves you... why are you here, Gale, really?
Leo: oh look! He's laughing! Looks like he likes me!
Leo: he likes uncle Leo!
Gale: yess!
Arni: .... there's something wrong here...
June: you bet there is! I know that girl, she is never a good news...
Aneira: ....
Gale: yess! Yes yes yes! He likes him, perfect!
Aneira: I still don't get it.... how can she be so cold, and evil, and scheming? Poor baby, it must be tough to have a mother like that... how can she even be related to my good hearted dad? And I thought all elves were nice and kind.... what a blow...
Leo: look, he's laughing again!
Alice: ...... there is something wrong here....
Leo: Hello little Glyn, what a cute little thing you are!
Alice: Leo....
Leo: what? Oh Alice I'm so happy, I didn't know I was an uncle!
Alice: but of course you did! You have already a nephew and three nieces! Nick, Ella and Elena, and little Octavia! And Catherine's baby when he or she comes...
Leo: yes but I meant, from my side...
June: I don't like where this discussion is going... I smell mischief...
Arni: I know, but there's nothing we can do now... let's wait and see... and she hasn't really said why she's here, has she?
June: I'm sure there's something she has forgotten to mention! She always manages to mess things up! Oh I hate that girl!
Leo: what's the worried look in your eyes? Aren't you happy to have another nephew? One from my side of the family?
Alice: Of course I am! But...
Leo: but?
Alice: but it's your sister's child... I mean... you know her better than I do and...
Leo: and what?
Alice: dear me Leo, don't be so defensive! And nothing, I just have a bad feeling about this, that's it.
Leo: just a bad feeling, is it. What's bad about this little boy?
Alice: oh, nothing about the boy of course, but Gale... why is she here Leo? She always has something in mind....
Leo: I guess she's come to introduce us to her baby! Or vice versa actually, to introduce her baby to us...
Alice: yes but... have you already forgotten what she's told Annie? Have you already forgotten how you stood up to her, like, five minutes ago? Be honest with yourself, you didn't think she was here on a holiday either!
Leo: yes... but hey, she has a baby now, she's a mother, she must have changed!
Alice: then why has she not told us anything about him yet? We don't even know who the father is!
Leo: well I guess---
Alice: probably, but why is he not here? It looks to me that she's running away from her responsibilities again!
Leo: oh, no I don't think so! Why coming here with the baby if this was the case? She knows I would send her right back! I know why you're worried Alice, but please don't, I think she's just visiting...
Aneira: .... I don't like to see my parents fighting.... I don't think they have ever fought before.....
Arni: June, I don't like where this is going...
June: I told you....
Alice: I have to say he is a cutie pie indeed....
Alice: hello little one! You're such a handsome little man! And so quiet! Don't you want your mummy back? Or your daddy? Where's your daddy Glyn?
Gale: I don't know why you keep asking him questions, he's just a baby, he can't answer! Honestly Alice, I thought you would know that, having had two kids of your own?
Aneira: I dislike her more by the minute. I really dislike my aunt! Too bad I had always idealised her and the Elven Kingdom she lives in... such a disappointment.... I understand why my dad came to live here where everyone is nice! If all elves are like her, I hope I'll never ever have to go see that place!
Leo: honestly Gale, I think it is time that you answered our questions... don't you think?
Gale: such as what?
Leo: such as, why exactly are you here in the first place?
Gale: but to pay a visit to my big brother of course! Why else would I be here? Not for the fun it, for sure, this place is so boring, I still don't know how you can like it so much... it's so dull!
Aneira: Dislike. Growing. By. The. Minute!
Leo: okay, then you could tell us something about Glyn's father?
Gale: .....
Leo: I thought so. Why don't we all sit down and you can tell us what happened?
Bonehilda: oh, this is going to be fun!
Leo: so?
Gale: so what! I feel like I'm being questioned... as if I was a criminal or something!
Leo: then don't make us ask questions, just tell us the story behind your visit!
Gale: but your girl is listening... I can't....
Leo: she's old enough to understand certain things, besides, you were the one giving her intelligence on some interesting details earlier. She's involved in your story as well now. So, please go ahead...
Gale: okay then, but don't tell me I had warned you if later on she comes asking awkward questions!
Gale: So, were to start.... you know when we were here for your wedding... Gwydion and I became... er.... sentimentally involved...
Gale: of course I had told him that whatever there was between us, would eventually have to stop as I was the Queen and he was my personal guard, it could never be, especially once we got back to the castle. You can imagine, the Queen and her guard, what a scandal! And you know, with the people not trusting me yet - yes, they still think they would have rather have you as King - it was something that I really could not allow to happen.
Gale: but then, the night before going back we got... er..... involved on a deeper level... and that is not something you can just ignore or forget, if you know what I mean....
Leo: er... yes, go on, just spare us the details please...
Aneira: .... I'm not sure I understand what they're talking about....
Alice: aww I knew it! I'm so happy for you two Gale...
Gale: happy!?! There is nothing to be happy about! It was a nightmare! When we first went back we tried to forget and act as nothing had ever happened... but in the end... we found that we could not.... but there was no way out, we just couldn't be together, we were doomed... until....
Gale: .... until I found a hidden door behind one of the tapestries in my room... the door led to some secret stairs, which I think had not been used for ages! I don't think anybody knew about them, not even our parents, when we were kids... anyway, thanks to those stairs I managed to sneak out when everyone thought that I was resting or something... right under their noses! The poor fools... *chuckles*
Gale: anyway, those stairs lead to some secret passage that led right outside of the castle, right in the middle of the woods. And close to that place was an old abandoned cabin... in that place we could spend time undisturbed, just the two of us, Gwydion and I, like if we were in a different world... and nobody suspected anything, as we would be back to our normal roles once we were back into the castle... it was working and it was perfect! Until....
Gale: until I found out I was pregnant. And that, was nothing that could be concealed. I didn't know what to do. So I freaked out and escaped. And then Glyn arrived. And I didn't know what to do, so I came here.
Leo: oh Gale....
Bonehilda: am I on time for the story? Oh, please don't tell me that I have just missed the most interesting part....
Leo: there is no interesting part for you to listen to, this is a family discussion, please go and make yourself useful!
Bonehilda: but I thought, because I let Miss Gale in, I would be rewarded with a good story!
Leo: go away, now!
Alice: oh, don't be so rude Leo....
Leo: she just interrupted an important discussion!
Bonehilda: If I had eyes to cry I would be crying right now... I can't believe Master Leo has been so rude to me!
Leo: okay, let me understand this: not only nobody knows you're here, but nobody knows you have a baby either?
Alice: but how about Gwydion? For sure he knows he is a father?
Gale: of course not! And he must not know!
Leo: what! Of course he must! You must tell him at once! He must be worried for you, he must be looking for you!
Alice: .... Gale, why did you not tell Gwydion about the baby?
Gale: *sighs* because he'll be staying here with you of course.
Leo: .... WHAT?!
Alice: .... I knew it... knew it!
Leo: you want to leave your baby.... with us?
Gale: yeah?
Leo: but this is mad! This is mental! Are you out of your mind, Gale?
Gale: but try to think from the baby's perspective. You have a lovely family Leo, he will be loved and happy here. What future could he have with me? I can't possibly walk back to the castle with a baby in my arms! What would I tell our people? Oh, I was having a walk in the woods and I got lost, but now I've found my way back, and you know what? In the meanwhile I had a baby! Or hey, look what I found on my doorstep!
Leo: or, you could tell the truth? Think of poor Gwydion, you can't do this to him! What do you think he would do?
Gale: keep the baby of course... that's why he can't know...
Leo: but don't you see that's impossible? Of course he will know, and when he does, do you think he will be happy and agree with what you've done?!
Gale: but you don't understand! Gwyidion is the only happy thing in my life! I can't lose him! If this whole things came out... hell would break loose! He would be fired... people would hate me... and poor Glyndwr would be in the middle of this mess! No, he's far better off with you two here.... and also, as you can imagine I have absolutely no maternal instinct... I think you could say that I've grown attached to the little thing by now, and yes, I will feel a big void in my life when I've gone back to the castle without him, but it's for his own good, he could not have a future in the Elven Kingdom, with me....
Leo: but.... for sure there has to be another solution! I do think you should have consulted Gwydion before coming here, or you could have come here together!
Aneira: ...... and now she's thinking of leaving the baby with us? Poor little cousin, he might be better off with us actually, but hey, have I said Dislike. Growing. By. The. Minute. already?
Alice: whatever the solution, I think we have another priority now. It's sunset and poor Glyndwr must be tired to the bone. Let's get him washed, fed and let's put him to bed. Poor fellow it's not his fault he's at the centre of this mess....
Gale: awww see? You're a natural Alice...
Gale: you're going to be a far better mother than I could ever be.... I think everybody would agree on this point....
Alice: perhaps... but maybe if I showed you, what it's like to care for a baby, maybe you would feel more confident... come on Gale, let's go put your baby to bed...
Leo: but the discussion is not finished Gale! I really can't believe the real reason for your visit was to leave Glyn with us! And I can't believe that I had a discussion with my wife because of that... how could I not see that she was right? She's always right about people...
Aneira: well, at least now the discussion is over... my parents never fight, it was really horrible...
Leo: hey Arni, how's Trystan doing?
Arni: oh he's alright, playing with the blocks... I... er... heard some high tones from downstairs.... is everything alright?
Leo: no *sighs* but I'll explain later....
Gale: so... this is what a nursery looks like? So much kiddy stuff! And smell... ewww
Alice: would you like to put him to bed Gale?
Gale: no thanks, I prefer to watch...
Leo: this is really sad Gale... as your brother, I have to say I would have never expected you to be really stone hearted...
Gale: maybe I am not, deep down, but it's better for him that he doesn't get attached to me, seeing that he will be staying with you....
Gale: I'm so glad he likes you lot! He will have a happy life here, with your kids...
Leo: I can't stand these talks one minute longer! I'll put Trystan to bed...
Alice: Gale... are you sure of what you're doing?
Gale: of course I am, otherwise why would I be here?
Alice: because you're scared and don't know what to do, and want to ask for help but you're too proud to do it.
Gale: well, I was not too proud to ask you to raise my child for me, was I not?
Alice: but that's not the only solution Gale! Of course if there is no other option, we'll be happy to look after Glyn, but this is really extreme, there must be another solution!
Gale: thanks Alice, this is all I wanted to hear. We have had some.... difference of opinions in the past, but I have to say you are a good mother...
Alice: call it difference of opinions, you wanted to disrupt my wedding! Anyway, that's past. Let's concentrate on the present. Which is, you and Glyn.
Alice: And Gwydion. What will you tell him when he'll ask where you've been?
Gale: I don't know... I'll make something up...
Trystan: daddy there's a baby sleeping in the other cot!
Leo: that's your cousin Glyndwr! He'll be staying here... uh.... for a few days...
Trystan: cool! I can have a new friend!
Alice: but you can't just make something up Gale! It's too big a deal to be ignored...besides, he has the right to know! If you love him, you can't lie, you have to tell him the truth!
Gale: but... he will hate me if I do...
Alice: well, you have to face the consequences of what you've done Gale! You can't expect to lie and then everything will be back to normal again! Besides, he will know that you're lying anyway, he will feel it!
Gale: but----
Alice: anyway, we've had enough discussions today, it's been a tiring day for all of us, I think we should all go and have a rest, and talk about this again tomorrow...
Gale: agreed... I think I need some rest yes....
Alice: you can have Catherine's bedroom, same as last time... Annie hasn't chosen which bedroom she wants yet, but at the moment she's using the bedroom Amy and I used to share... so Catherine's old bedroom is still free...
Alice: my goodness, it's so strange to come back to this room now... it's stayed exactly the same as when auntie Amy and I were sharing... so much has happened in this room!
Aneira: I'm happy to sleep here, and to know that a long time ago you also used to sleep here, when you were my age!
Alice: I'm so glad you like it! You might wish to redecorate it one day, but in the meanwhile, I'm so glad you like it as it is!
Aneira: mum, I wanted to ask you something...
Alice: what is it, my lovely?
Aneira: aunt Gale... she is... not the way I pictured her.... not at all....
Alice: *sighs* yes, I know... I'm sorry we haven't talked much about her before...and that we had not told you the whole truth of your elven background... maybe now that you know the whole story, you would wish I had agreed to stay over there, so that today daddy could be King, and you a princess... although, I'm not sure how this royalty stuff works, but I do think you still are, a princess I mean...
Aneira: mum, stop, please.... I'm perfectly fine here, okay? And yeah, being a princess sounds cool, but hey, if all the elves are like auntie Gale, I do not want to be one of them! If all of them are like her, I understand why dad chose to live here! Other than the fact that he chose to be with you I mean... I would not have wanted a mother like auntie Gale... I feel sad for little Glyn... and although living away from one's mother must be heartbreaking, maybe we really are a better option for him! At least auntie Gale was right on this point.... so, I wouldn't mind having him as my little cousin/brother!
Alice: aww Annie, you have such a big good heart...
Aneira: I must take after my parents then....
Alice: aww Annie don't make me cry...
Aneira: I love you mummy... and dad... and Trystan... and grannie and grandpa... and all my aunties and uncles and cousins... and I would not have wanted to live anywhere else in the world but here with you all!
Alice: and I love you, my little lady... we all love you... and I think you're growing up way faster than we all expected...
Aneira: mum, what will happen to auntie Gale and little Glyn?
Alice: I don't know, love... if there are no other options, we will take care of Glyn... but your dad and I will try our best to make auntie Gale understand that she's making a mistake, and that a world where she, and Glyn, and Glyn's father Gwydion can live happily ever after exists... at least, I hope such a world is possible...
Leo: Was Annie ok?
Alice: yeah, she just asked a few things... but she was alright... we have one amazing girl, did you know? She's so clever... and she has such a good heart!
Leo: she must take from you then *smiles*
Leo: I can't believe Gale really want to leave us her child!
Alice: I hate to say I had told you but....
Leo: I know! I should have listened to you from the beginning...
Leo: ... by the way, I'm sorry I didn't... and I'm sorry we kinda quarreled... I feel so stupid now...
Alice: it's okay, I'm glad you saw that I was right!
Leo: I should remember that my wife is always right *smiles*
Alice: oh yes, you'd better remember that Mr Love!
Leo: can I get a kiss of peace?
Alice: mmm... okay, I think so.... if you promise we'll never quarrel again on that subject! Or ever again in general, but in particular, on that subject! It really upsets me you know...
Leo: the subject being...
Alice: your sister of course!
Leo: I never know if you two like each other or hate each other...
Alice: a bit of both I guess...
Leo: ah, women! Now, can I have my kiss of peace please?
Alice: *giggles* feeling better?
Leo: mmm no, I think I need another one....
Alice: greedy!
Leo: of my wife, always!
Alice: *giggles*
Leo: you know, I was thinking...
Alice: what were you thinking, this time?
Leo: Glyn is so cute, I kinda miss to have such a tiny baby around...
Alice: oh, yes, but they don't stay like that for long! Before you know they're toddling around, and before you know it's time to go to school! There still time left before Trystan's birthday, but honestly I'm not looking forward to the day when he will have to go to school... they're so cute when everything they want is food, comfort and love!
Leo: exactly! And when Trystan will go to school we'll have no one to ask for our attention during the day... so I was thinking... how about expanding the family again?
Alice: ...and have another baby?
Leo: yes... I mean, regardless to the fact that Glyn might or might not stay here with us... I just love having babies with you...
Alice: oh Leo...
Gale: hey little one, how come you've woken so early?
Gale: it's only sunrise...
Gale: but then again, it's nice to rock on the chair at sunrise, is it not?
Alice: .... what!! I knew that deep down she does have a heart....
Bonehilda: good morning Miss Gale...
Gale: Bonehilda! I hadn't heard you coming in, you've scared me to death!
Gale: but yes, the sun is rising, I assume everyone will wake up shortly and good bye morning peace! But it was nice, just the two of us, wasn't it, Glyn?
Alice: awww it's such a wonderful thing to see you two having some loving mother and son time!
Gale: ... and what is wrong with you people today? Sneaking up on me like that!
Alice: sorry, didn't want to interrupt, but I came to have some loving time with my baby as well... but I'm so glad to see you two so peaceful and happy...look at Glyn, he's enjoying every single moment with his mummy!
Gale: he does look blissfully happy, doesn't he?
Alice: that's because he's in his mummy's arms!
Gale: .... perhaps....
Leo: morning!
Leo: ....and I certainly didn't expect to find you here, sister! What a surprise!
Alice: aren't they beautiful together?
Leo: definitely... so, I guess you've changed your mind then?
Gale: .... I ... I was just having some time with my son, that's all...
Alice: speaking of which, I would like to have some time with mine! If only Bonehilda would move aside...
Alice: she's always on the way! Would you mind moving aside, Bonehilda?
Bonehilda: oooh, Trystan is such an angel... I love watching him sleep...
Alice: yeah yeah but now I am here, so do you mind moving?
Leo: don't worry my love, I'll take care of this.... Bonehilda, you are dismissed! Go back to your... er... place?
Bonehilda: it's not fair, I've looked after all the kids to make sure they have a good night sleep with sweet dreams, and I never get to give them a cuddle! Life is so unfair!
Alice: good morning little one! Did you sleep well?
Trystan: mummy!!!!
Leo: hey, leave some cuddle space and enthusiasm for daddy as well please!
Gale: hey guys, look! Glyn is enjoying his bottle! I've never seen him so cheerful...
Gale: did you like your breakfast, little one?
Alice: awww
Leo: it was about time my sister showed some signs of motherhood!
Leo: Gale..
Gale: what now?
Leo: isn't it obvious, Gale?
Gale: I don't think I understand, brother..
Leo: you, and Glyn! You can't leave him Gale... he needs you... and you need him!
Gale: but... I don't know what to do! Do you see any solution in this? If so, please tell your smart brain to share them!
Leo: I don't have a solution right now, Gale, but we can find one!
Leo: we are family, Gale, and that's what families do, we help each other... we will help you find a solution that does not involve leaving your child to us, okay?
Gale: mmm I really don't see how you could do that.... but I would appreciate if you could find a way...
Gale: wait, wait, I got it! Can you go back being the King? So myself and Gwydion and Glyn can disappear and be one happy family!
Leo/Alice: seriously?!
Gale: of course I'm joking you dumb relatives! In an ideal world I would quite like it but no, I've got it that I can't change things now... for now at least *winks* now, I'm quite starving, do you think it's possible to have one of those fantastic pancakes that June makes?
Leo:.... you go ahead, I have uh ... something to do...
Gale: good! I'll eat your pancakes as well then!
Aneira: where is dad?
Gale: oh, he said he had something to do... but no worries June, I'll have his pancakes as well, they won't go to waste!
June: oh dear...
June: whatever.... I've learnt to stay calm and control my instinct to punch her in the face, see? I'm all calm and relaxed!
June: so, Gale, what are your plans now? Come and say goodbye before you leave will you? Because you're leaving right after breakfast, right?
Alice: mum... I think plans have slightly changed, isn't it so, Gale?
Gale: it depends on whether my clever brother can find a smart solution to my little problem...
Gale: ... but in the meanwhile, I think I'll stay here with you folks and relax a little bit!
Aneira: really! But mum....
Aneira: does it mean cousin Glyn isn't staying with us anymore?
Alice: he is, as long as Gale is... but he should really be with his mother, darling, don't you think so?
Aneira: yeah maybe... but...
Aneira: I kinda had got used to the idea of having another baby brother... or cousin, but still...
Alice: aww Annie, but you'll still have him around for another couple of days!
Arni: another couple of days?
Alice: well, until we find a solution anyway...
Gale: why do these people not like me? I really don't understand... it's quite rude really....
Arni: another couple of days... oh dear....
Leo: you alright?
Arni: what is this thing that your sister is staying with us longer now? I thought she would be gone by today!
Leo: yeah well... I'm sorry, I know you don't particularly like her...
Arni: well, sorry about that but since she appeared here and tried to disrupt your wedding to my daughter... and now this situation we're having... sorry if I'm not her biggest fan!
Leo: I understand... but don't worry, I think I've found a way to fix the problem! The easiest way really... if she only would listen...but anyway, I think another little family trip might be in order!
Leo: hopefully it will all work out for the best...
June: I can't believe this thing has broken again! When will I get a replacement? And moreover... where is Bonehilda when I need her?
June: Bonehildaaaaaaaaaa!
Gale: so... is this a girls thing? Sitting around a round table and drinking... what is it exactly?
Alice: it's tea!
Gale: tea... and it's made with leaves... we use leaves as well, but we would never pour milk over them!
Alice: *giggles* you'll see, it's delicious!
Trystan: .... was I this tiny when I was born? I can't remember... cousin Glyn is so tiny! And doesn't do much, just lies on the mat and giggles... did I do the same thing? It's a little bit embarrassing... isn't it? I wonder when he will be able to play with me... it would be cool to have a little brother!
Alice: mmmm delicious...
Gale: well then, cheers ladies!
Gale: I would have never thought I would say that, but it's actually quite nice, sitting here and having... tea... with you girls... I haven't felt so relaxed in ages, like my problem has gone, like somebody else was sorting it out for me... oh, wait, but that is exactly the case! I'm so lucky to have such a good big brother, am I not?
June: ....
Leo: hey ladies, there you are....
Leo: sorry to interrupt your tea, but I think you have a visitor, Gale...
Gale: a what--------
Alice: oh!!! Mum, look who's here!
Gale: Gwydion!!
June: awww he came to find her! So sweet!
Gale: so that was your big plan, brother, uh? To bring him here? Had you just forgotten one tiny detail... that I didn't want him to know? Uh?
Leo: calm down Gale, you know you two have to talk! Besides, he was already gone when I tried to make contact... so my plan was to convince you to go back, with us, and sort things out once there, all together...
Gale: how clever... so if you didn't tell him I was here... how....
Leo: he found you on his own, Gale...
Gwydion: thanks goodness you're okay Gale....
Gwydion: I thought I would die when I realised you had gone missing... I thought something bad had happened to you... I've been looking for you ever since, day and night, and then I thought to come here... it was my last hope, and I was lucky... I don't know what I would have done otherwise...
Gale: aww that's sweet...
Gale: ....
Alice: maybe we should leave you alone...
Gale: no!
Alice: Gale...
Gale: okay okay I know I know...
June: come on little man, time to go inside!
Trystan: noo I liked it here! I don't want to go inside!
June: come on, let's leave your aunt some space...
Trystan: there is plenty of space out here! Is it not?
Gale: oh dear... what shall I do now... what shall I say now!
Gwydion: Gale... what's going on? Are you alright? You got me scared to death...
Gale: I am! Kind of...
Gwydion: then what is it? Have I done something wrong?
Gwydion: maybe... you don't love me anymore?
Gale: of course I love you, you silly!
Gale: but that is part of the problem! Don't you remember?
Gwydion: but I thought we had found a way... we were happy.... at least I was happy... I thought you were too?
Gale: of course, of course I was happy! Too happy, in fact... I---
Gwydion: good, because I have missed you so much...
Gale: I've missed you too...
Gwydion: I don't know what happened, Gale, but I want you to know that I'll always be by your side, whatever happens, wherever you will be...
Gale: oh Gwydion, if only you knew...
Gwydion: then tell me, Gale...
Gale: promise me you won't be angry... promise me you won't hate me....
Gwydion: I could never hate you Gale! How could you say such a thing... when you know that you're my one and only...
Gale: oh, Gwydion, I don't know what to do... this is so.... overwhelming....
Gale: I've tried to find a solution, I really did but... there is no solution...
Gwydion: now you're making me really worry, what is wrong Gale? Please tell me... please...
Gale: okay... okay I will... but please, don't judge me...
Gwydion: you know I won't....
Gale: okay... then....
Gale: I need you to meet you someone....
Gwydion: .... a baby?
Gale: yes.... but he's not just a random baby... right, Glyn?
Gwydion: ... Glyn?
Gale: Glyn for Glyndwr, I thought to give him a G name since both our names started with G...
Gwydion: you thought to---
Gale: now, take a big breath and don't freak out... please?
Gwydion: Gale... is this baby... is he... yours?
Gale: of course he is! What did you think, that I had just found him somewhere in the woods?
Gale: but to be precise, he's not just mine... he's.... ours....
Gale: ... Gwydion? Say something...
Gwydion: ... both our names start with G... I have.... a son?
Gale: yes.... we have a son.... Glyndwr...
Gwydion: I have a son... We have a son!
Gale: yes we do.... we have a beautiful baby boy...
Gwydion: oh, Gale...
Leo: yay! They're finally talking! About time! I have good feelings about this...
Alice: Leo, come away from the window, they might see you there!
Leo: oh no, they wouldn't notice a meteorite crashing next to them! Look, she's shown him the baby!
Gwydion: can I... can I hold him?
Gale: of course...
Gale: no you don't understand! Can't you see? I can't lose you! I can't bear to lose you...but I can't bear to be away from Glyn either!
Gwydion: Glyn...
Gwydion: my baby Glyn... my son....
Gale: why can't I stop crying! I can't breathe!
Gwydion: hello little one... he's so beautiful... he's perfect! Do you think he will look anything like me? Or will you take after your mummy, uh? You're so cute baby Glyn, your daddy loves you already!
Gwydion: and don't worry... now that I have found you, I will never leave you, ever! Your daddy will take care of you...
Gale: please, Gwydion...
Gwydion: you're such a bundle of joy! You make my heart explode with happiness... I can't believe I have a son! You'll see, we'll have so much fun together! I'll teach you to walk, and then I'll take you to our forest and I'll show you where all the forest creatures live!
Gale: .....
Gwydion: I'm sure you will love it, little one! Oh Gale I'm so happy.... so happy...
Gwydion: I thought of many things these days, reasons you might have had to leave... but I would have never thought I would find... this!
Gale: Gwydion....
Gwydion: but why Gale? Why running away and not tell me? I would have helped you! We could have found a solution together!
Gale: you said you wouldn't judge me okay? I didn't know what to do! A pregnancy is not concealable as our meetings in the woods you know... I panicked... I didn't know what to do... so I left... I hoped I would think of something... and then Glyn arrived... and then the only thing that came into my mind was to bring him here, and ask my brother if he could raise him with his children... you have no idea how hard that was... but it was for the best! Think what would have happened, the Queen having a baby from her personal guard! I couldn't see any happy ending... you would have been sent away, they might have taken the baby from me, and you know, people have never warmed up to me so....
Gwydion: oh Gale... it must have been tough... you should have told me! He's our child! We have a son together! A baby boy!
Gale: yes, I know darling...
Gwydion: sorry, I still can't believe it, still looks like a dream to me!
Gale: are you not upset I didn't tell you I was pregnant and ran away?
Gwydion: yes, I am upset, deeply upset! And we do need to have a serious talk here, Gale... but for this, it's better to put little Glyn back on to his mat....
Gwydion: we don't want to get him upset now, do we? There you go, back on your mat...
Gale: I'm sorry Gwydion... I really am.... but I didn't know what to do! I would love to live in a world where the three of us can be together, like a real family... but such a world does not exist! Our people---
Gwydion: stop it, Gale... please, stop talking about the people... honestly, I've just found out I have a son, I couldn't care less of what people think!
Gale: I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I know I should have... but I also know that if I had told you, you wouldn't have allowed me to leave... and we would have been doomed... all of us, even little Glyn and---
Gwydion: Gale. You're my one and only, my one true love, my soulmate, and the mother of my child...
Gale: oh Gwydion...
Gwydion: and I am sorry for everyone else who might be upset, but I can't see a better world than the one where we are together, and we raise our child together... I do think that nothing should come in the way of love, and if this upsets someone, well, it's their problem! And if they don't understand, I'm sorry for them, because they've never known true love...
Gwydion: no, don't say anything, just wait one second and I'll show you what I mean!
Gale: Gwydion... what are you doing... have you lost something?
Gwydion: .....
Gwydion: I've got a surprise for you, Gale...
Gale: a surprise? For me?
Gwydion: ta-dah!
Gale: Gwydion, what----
Gwydion: Gale... I have loved you since the first time I set my eyes on you... and not even in my sweetest of dreams I would have imagined that one day we would be together... or have a child together... Gale, I really don't care what people think, I just know that you fill my heart with joy every day... and I want to be with you every day of my life...
Gwydion: Gale, my sweet Gale, will you marry me?
Gale: oh my goodness!!!!
Gale: I can't believe it... *crying*
Gwydion: I know you think it's impossible, but I really don't care where we come from or what people expect from us, the only thing I want is to have you as my wife and see our child grow together... and I know you are the Queen and everything, but I'm sure we can find a way to have our happy ending... together....
Gale: oh Gwydion...*cries*
Gwydion: so? What do you say?
Gale: YES! Yes, yes, of course I say yes!
Gwydion: I kinda hoped you would say that *grins*
Gwydion: here you are, queen of my heart...
Gale: wow... it's beautiful!
Gwydion: I'm glad you like it *smiles*
Gwydion: now how about a hug?
Gale: oh my goodness! I can't believe we're really engaged!
Gale: I love you Gwydion... with all my heart... and I really hope we will find a way...
Gwydion: we will... don't worry my darling, we will...
Gale: holy plumbob, I can't stop crying!
Gwydion: it's a good kind of crying I hope...
Gale: the best kind!
Gale: although I am a bit scared... when we're here everything is fine but when we go back... what will we do?
Gwydion: send out wedding invitations... to everyone...
Gale: but they don't like me!
Gwydion: they don't know the real you... they see you as cold and detached, because that's what you've shown... but they will warm up to you, to us, and to Glyn, I'm sure!
Gale: I really hope you are right...
Gwydion: now, don't you think it's time I kissed my fiancé? I have missed you...
Gwydion: so much...
Gale: I had missed you too... *smiles*
Gwydion: I kinda hoped you had *winks* now, I think it's better if we take our son inside, it's getting cold...
Gale: what should we tell the others?
Gwydion: to pack their stuff and get ready to leave of course! They would not want to miss a big royal wedding now, would they?
To be continued....
Thank you very much for reading! ^_^ I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are waiting for more :) I have a lot of ideas but I just lack time to sit down and play, but I can't wait to have another simming session and crack on with Chapter 12! So, hopefully, it won't take a month to the next chapter... fingers crossed!
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