Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!
I hope you enjoyed the new cottage and the huge amount of toddlers that have appeared in the last chapter :D But now it's time to have a look at what kid Trystan and his friends are up to in school...
Elena: woo hoo! Look Annie, look how fast I'm going!
Aneira: I love the swings! Hanging around in the school playground after classes was a brilliant idea!
Elena: glad to hear that! Come on An, let's go even faster!
Aneira: I feel I can almost flyyyy!!!
Trystan: ... and that's how steam trains were created! Aren't they super cool?
Adrienne: mmm if you say so....
Trystan: and wait, do you want to hear how the steam engine works? I think it's brilliant! I mean, if you think of the age when they were created.... pure genius!
Adrienne: mmm maybe another time Trys.... how do you know all this stuff anyway?
Trystan: I read about it in a book! We have a huge amount of books at home, and I picked a random one as I was bored, and had the most amazing things inside! Now I want to start creating my own inventions! Then I will be famous!
Adrienne: mmm if you say so...
Tyler: hey guys, sorry I'm late, I had to finish my homework before I could play... mummy always says that playing is more fun knowing that the homework are all done....
Tyler: hey, are you not playing with the train set anymore?
Tyler: I thought you wanted to come over here and play trains?
Adrienne: yeah, Trys got carried away telling me all about them...
Trystan: I'm sorry, I thought you would see how cool the steam train idea is... isn't it great to know how things work?
Adrienne: sorry.... in certain cases I prefer to remain ignorant...
Trystan: but I don't understand... this is so cool! How come you can't see it?
Tyler: leave it Trys, she's a girl, girls are different... they don't like the same things that boys like....
Adrienne: it's not true, I do like to play with the train set with you two! It's just I'm not that interested on the details on how it works.... booooring!
???: Adrienne?
Adrienne: uh?
???: it is really you! Don't you recognise your old friend?
Adrienne: Matilda?!
Adrienne: oh my goodness!!! What are you doing here??
Adrienne: the last time I saw you were still at.... you know....
Matilda: yeah. The last time I saw you you were being adopted and I was being left behind with the others....
Matilda: it was heartbreaking you know... watching my best friend go and thinking why had the adoption lady not picked me...
Adrienne: I'm sorry....
Adrienne: but hey, if you're here, does it mean that you have been adopted? Do you have a nice family now?
Matilda: as a matter of fact... I do indeed! One nice lady came along after a while, and I was lucky enough to be picked by the adoption lady!
Matilda: and that is not all, do you remember baby Clara? That quiet little thing that used to stare at us with huge blue eyes? The adoption lady picked her as well, as my new mum decided she would take two of us... so she's my sister now! We couldn't be more different though, in looks and character, and we would never pass as blood sisters, but still... it's nice to have a sister!
Adrienne: but that is great!! What a wonderful news! And you ended up here, in this town! What are the odds!!
Matilda: indeed... I just arrived, and I was being showed around the school this morning and I spotted you! I was not sure it was you... but now I know!
Adrienne: it's so nice to see you my friend!
Matilda: and you!
Adrienne: I'm so glad both you and Clara have found a family! And even more glad that you have come to live in my same town! You know, you'll like it, it's a lovely place full of nice people!
Matilda: thanks Ade...
Adrienne: you know, at the beginning I was very shy and I didn't think people would like me, and there was a girl who really hated me, actually, but everyone else is absolutely lovely, and I've got a lot of friends now! And they can be your friends too!
Matilda: cool, thanks! I don't know anyone at the moment, except from you and Clara, but she's still a toddler, so she's not a huge company...
Adrienne: come, I'll introduce you to my friends!
Adrienne: hey guys, come and meet my friend Matilda!
Adrienne: we used to be friends before I was adopted... and guess what? Now she has been adopted too and she has just moved here! And she'll come to school with us! Isn't it amazing?
Tyler: cool! Hiya, I'm Tyler, welcome to the neighbourhood!
Trystan: I'm Trystan...
Matilda: .... oh my goodness!
Trystan: ....er.....
Matilda: I can't believe my eyes!
Trystan: er... what?
Matilda: have you looked at yourself in the mirror recently? You look----
Tyler: oh no....
Adrienne: Matilda don't say it!
Matilda: ....you look exactly like Harry Potter!
Trystan: what....
Matilda: he's my favourite hero! Do you know he was an orphan as well? Just like me! You have no idea how much I longed to receive my own letter from Hogwarts and leave the orphanage... if only Hogwarts was real... but of course, you'll know everything about Hogwarts! *laughs*
Trystan: as a matter of fact, I don't. Nor I'm planning to.
Matilda: have you not read the books? How come!
Trystan: I have not read the books and I'm not planning to read them in the near or distant future!
Matilda: but.... why? Everybody has read the books! Or at least seen the movies!
Trystan: look, I don't know if you realise, but this ... this is really annoying! I'm tired of people staring at me because I look like someone else... tired of people laughing at me and quoting stuff I don't understand... I AM TIRED!
Matilda: but... it's not a bad thing! It's actually a good thing! The best thing ever, if you ask me! In fact----
Trystan: no it's not! I'm done with people just talking the usual rubbish all over again. I don't care who I look like to, I am myself, I am Trystan! Understood? Not whatever fictional character I might look similar to!
Matilda: but----
Trystan: in fact, I bet you're only talking to be because of how I look, aren't you?
Octavia: hello, I'm here too! I prefer to stay out of the main scene and play chess on my own.... And I feel some evil energy arising right behind me... mwahahahaha gooood, very gooood! Mwahahahaha
Trystan: in fact, I have a bad news for you. I'm not your Harry Potter, I'm just Trystan, the boring Trystan that is interested in inventions and talks about steam trains to girls and bore them to death! Yeah, you can ask your friend Adrienne about it! So yeah, sorry to break your heart girl, but as you can see there's no point of you talking to me at all. Just a waste of both our time, so there, why don't you go and look for your hero somewhere else?
Adrienne: Trystan, stop it, you're being rude!
Matilda: .... oh really?
Trystan: really....
Elena: hey guys, what's going on here?
Aneira: Trys, what's got into you, you're always so quiet! Calm down!
Trystan: Calm down! I'm not calming down! I don't even know this girl, and she just came to me and started talking to me in awe because, guess what? I look like some one else. Big news! You must be the thousandth person spotting it...
Matilda: actually, now that I look better, I can see that you don't look like him at all!
Matilda: you're rude and you are not charming at all!
Trystan: oh really?
Aneira: hey, watch how you speak to my brother, girl!
Matilda: and what are those huge things under your hair? Oh my goodness, you have pointy ears! *laughs* What do you think you are, an elf? *laughs* Definitely not like him at all. And you are wearing very silly clothes by the way.
Elena: rude, much!
Aneira: hey! Stop it, kid!
Matilda: sorry to hurt your precious feeling, Trystan, but I just had to state the plain truth...
Trystan: whatever...
Elena: holy plumbob, I really dislike this girl! How can she say such evil things! She's even worse than Octavia!
Matilda: and for your information, now that I have met you I would never ever hang out with you, ever!
Trystan: good....
Trystan: likewise! Now, get out of my way!
Matilda: ....
Trystan: And go find your heroes somewhere else... and bother someone else!
Trystan: I really pity them you know, whoever will fall in your trap and think that you're talking to them because you actually like them... but now, it's only because they look like someone else you like! Big news: we're not living in a book, or in a movie, whoever you're looking for does not exist!
Matilda: ah!.....
Matilda: .....
Elena: Trys, I think you hurt her feelings....
Aneira: she's one nasty girl, but you have been rude Trys, you should apologise...
Trystan: okay, okay! .... er.... sorry if I hurt your feelings.... but it's for the best! You should live in the real world and start having real friends... and liking real people....
Matilda: yeah, it comes so easy to you, doesn't it! Everybody likes you and you have many friends... I know you're that kind of person, that does nothing and has tons of friends...
Trystan: I...
Matilda: but you don't know what it's like, to be like me! You don't know what it's like not to have a friend in the world... or well, maybe one, but just that one! You don't know what it's like to be waiting for someone to pick you, but they pick your friends and you're left there, waiting!
Trystan: er... what is it exactly that we're talking about, now?
Octavia: yes, I'm still here. And I feel the rage escalating... good....very good....
Aneira: oh, poor thing... I'm sorry, it must have been hard for you.... but it's not an excuse to be rude to my brother!
Matilda: you too... you don't know nothing... nothing! None of you, you can't understand!
Matilda: stay out of my way, Trystan!
Trystan: very happy to oblige! And you stay out of mine! Have you already forgotten that it was you who started it?
Matilda: let's go, Adrienne, turns out these friends of yours are not very nice after all... maybe we should start looking for other friends...
Adrienne: er.... sorry guys... I think I'd better go with her... she's very upset and she needs someone with her when she is like this...
Trystan: whatever, but tell her to get help! She started it...
Adrienne: oh, shut up Trystan, you really understand nothing!
Adrienne: Wait up, Matilda, I'm coming!
Trystan: *shouting* how can this be my fault, eh? She started it!
Aneira: calm down Trys...
Aneira: what's wrong Trys? I've never seen you so upset!
Trystan: it's that girl! She was so... annoying! Why do everybody feel the need to let me know that I look like---
Aneira: I know Trys! But you do look like him, I'm sorry....
Trystan: well, I don't want to look like anyone! I want to look like me!
Aneira: you do look like you, brother... it's just that you also look like someone else who is famous, you can't do anything about it...
Trystan: it's like a curse...
Elena: speaking of which, have you noticed the sky?
Elena: it's full moon night tonight!
Elena: holy plumbob, we need to run home! Or we'll be attacked by the zombies!
Tyler: don't worry Len, I'll protect you from the zombies!
Elena: thanks Tyler... that's sweet...
Aneira: maybe we should go home and forget all of this, Trys...
Trystan: yeah, maybe we should... I don't know what got into me, really, but she was just--- I don't know, maybe it's the full moon...
Octavia: the full moon has risen, cousins! You'll all be zombified if you don't go home quick!
Aneira: I think that you should say "we", Octavia....
Octavia: oh no, my dear cousin, you forget that I'm a witch! I can cast a spell on them so that they won't bite me!
Octavia: but you, poor humans... you're all doomed!
Octavia: mwahahahahahhahahahahha.....
Octavia: .... hahahahahahahahhaha
Tyler: *shivers* I know she's your cousin, Len, but she freaks me out more than the zombies!
Aneira: come on guys, let's go....
Aneira: finally some peace to keep writing my secret novel... I'm not as good as mummy, but maybe with some practice...
Trystan: hey Annie, have you got a minute?
Aneira: holy plumbob, Trys, you almost gave me a heart attack! Have I not told you to knock?
Trystan: sorry sis... what is it that you're doing, anyway?
Trystan: I can come back later if you're busy?
Aneira: nothing...
Aneira: it's okay, tell me what you want....
Trystan: I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier...
Aneira: I thought you had said you wanted to forget the whole thing...
Trystan: I need your help, sister...
Aneira: my help? What for?
Trystan: well, that girl...
Trystan: she said I was wearing silly clothes... can you help me find something nicer to wear?
Aneira: you can't be serious...
Trystan: not that I really care of what she thinks, or people think, really, but I thought that maybe I should give more attention to what I'm wearing, it's not a big deal right?
Aneira: mmm and you need my help because?
Trystan: because I have absolutely no clue when it comes to clothes! And you're a girl, so I guess you should be more knowledgeable on the subject...
Aneira: oh, you want me to pick a new outfit for you!
Trystan: yeah...
Aneira: aww that's sweet little brother! You'll see, you'll feel totally different after I've created your new look!
Aneira: and nobody will ever question your clothes again! Or they'll have to deal with me!
Trystan: thanks Annie...
Aneira: I can help you Trys, but hey, I hope you know that clothes don't matter right?
Trystan: yeah, I know, it's just...
Aneira: that girl made quite an impression on you, didn't she?
Trystan: yes she did, she was horribly rude! I've never met anyone as annoying as Matilda was!
Aneira: oh, so that's her name, I had not caught it... *smiles*
Trystan: mm I think so... or something like that.... not that I care much, whatever she's called, she's the most annoying and rude girl I've ever met!
Aneira: but still, you're still thinking of that comment....
Trystan: yes....
Aneira: *smiles* okay, I'll help you then.
Trystan: thanks, sister *smiles*
Aneira: although I have to warn you, I'm not very much into fashion...
Trystan: always better than me, sis...
Trystan: okay, I think I'm done...
Aneira: can I turn?
Trystan: yeah... how do I look?
Aneira: *smiles* the same as before, you're still my little brother Trys!
Trystan: yeah, but I mean, the clothes... do I still look silly?
Aneira: you've never looked silly Trys... you're the cleverest person I've ever met! But yeah, I like these clothes yeah...
Trystan: cool. Thanks An...
Trystan: I do feel better now, I feel more confident! And tell me, have I stopped looking like ... you know who?
Aneira: *laughs out loud*
Trystan: why are you laughing?
Aneira: nothing, it's just... it's so funny you said that!!! But you can't understand if you keep being obstinate and not wanting to read the books, they're a good read, really! And you like reading...
Trystan: thank you, but no, thank you!
Aneira: Trys, just let me tell you this: you're an amazing boy, you should stop worrying about what other people think... People will always think stuff, but you can't let them influence your life... you need to be who you feel you want to be, and who cares of what other people say!
Trystan: I know! I just get really annoyed when people tell me one specific thing... I feel like they don't want to know the real me, they just talk to me because---
Aneira: I know, but honestly, you need to live with it brother... unless you dye your hair green and get a weird haircut or something, you'll always look like Harry! But always better than looking like Voldemort!
Trystan: who?
Aneira: forget it... Trys, relax, you look great! You'll see tomorrow at school, I bet that Matilda will come back to annoy you some more *winks*
Trystan: I sure hope she will not! I think I'll go to bed now, I want to read that last books on old inventions that I found in daddy's bookcase... nighty night sister, and thanks for your help!
Aneira: anytime!
Alice: knock knock! Can I come in?
Trystan: yeah...
Alice: what are you reading? You seem so concentrated...
Trystan: uh? Just a book...
Alice: don't you wanna talk to your mummy?
Trystan: uh? Yeah why not, but I'm reading now...
Alice: can you put that book down for a second, please?
Trystan: *sighs* okay... happy?
Alice: thank you, Trystan.
Trystan: so?
Alice: so, I heard that you had a fight with a new girl....
Trystan: who told you?! Aneira said she wouldn't say a word!
Alice: auntie Susan.... apparently Octavia was bragging that she had made the evil spread or something....
Trystan: that weirdo! She is the freaky one, not me!
Alice: *sighs* so, wanna tell mummy what happened?
Trystan: nothing happened mum, just this friend of Adrienne's came along and she was rude to me and I fought back!
Alice: sorry to hear that... but you shouldn't have been rude to hear in turn, you know... as it will make it become a circle of negativity which will never end...
Trystan: but she came to talk to me just because she noticed that I looked like--- you know! And you know that I absolutely hate when people tell me that I look like him... you know I hate it!
Alice: I know darling, but people don't realise you do! They might even think you're lucky!
Trystan: what! Then they should know better. Stupidity is not an excuse!
Alice: Trys, why are you so upset? I mean, I know this is a touchy subject for you but....
Trystan: dunno.... maybe it's because everybody expects me to behave like someone else I'm not... maybe it's because I'm just dull Trystan...
Alice: nobody expects you to be someone else, Trys... and you are definitely not dull! By the way, nice clothes, are they new?
Trystan: yeah. Annie picked them for me. Now mum, if you'll excuse me I think I'll go to bed, I'm quite tired... good night!
Alice: but Trys...
Trystan: night mum!
Alice: .... oh Trys, what is happening to you?
Alice: actually, I'm quite tired myself... goodnight my child!
Alice: hey...
Leo: hey you! What's that sad face? Have you talked to him?
Alice: yeah, kind of... looks like he picked a fight with a new girl because she told him he looks like Harry Potter...
Leo: ouch...
Alice: yeah, but how could she have known if she's new?
Leo: well, she'll know better next time!
Alice: yeah... but it's not just that...
Leo: what is it, then?
Alice: I don't know.... he's always so quiet, but when he decides to get upset, hell break out! Aneira is so much easier to read, but Trystan... he always seems to be immersed in his thoughts... who knows what he's thinking?
Leo: well, that's his personality Alice, I don't think we can do anything about it....
Alice: I know....
Leo: but I know for sure that there is something we can do for your sad mood....
Alice: what?
Leo: can't you guess? *winks*
Alice: Leo!!
Leo: no, really, I've read it! Being in one's love one's arms is the cure to all sorrows!
Alice: *smiles* you always find a way to make me smile, Leo...
Leo: of course I do, I'm good! Right? *smiles*
Alice: yes you are... the best ever!
Lumikki: ... why have I woken up? I was having such a nice dream...
Lumikki: like someone was calling... and then I woke up!
Lumikki: hellooo? Is anybody there? I heard somebody calling!
Alice: oh no! No no no! Not Lumikki!
Aneira: mum! Mum, what is going on?
Alice: oh Annie... come here...
Lumikki: don't you worry girls, somebody has been calling me and I feel like I need to find this voice soon!
Leo: Alice! What's happening?
Alice: oh Leo.... I think Lumikki.... she's.... it's time....
Leo: WHAT!!! No, she can't! No!
Aneira: I don't want her to go daddy, please can you stop this?
Leo: I'm afraid I can't, darling... but I can't bear to watch....
Grim Reaper: yes, you can't stop me, nobody can stop me now! Mwahahahahah
Alice: you shut that invisible mouth of yours up! You can't take our dog!
Grim Reaper: oh yes I can, and I will.... she has been a good and faithful dog, and has lived her life... now it's time for her to cross the bridge over the rainbow and run free in the meadows of the afterlife...
Aneira: I don't think there are meadows there... I think she's better off here! What if she doesn't like it there?
Grim Reaper: oh, don't you worry little girl, she'll be perfectly fine! And she'll come to visit you, once in a while! Now, can you all stand back and let me do my job?
Grim Reaper: hello, you! How are you feeling today, lovely? It's a big day for you! Excited?
Lumikki: oh, you were the one who was calling me!
Grim Reaper: oh yes, I want to take you with me over the rainbow bridge! Would you like to come?
Lumikki: sounds cool!
Grim Reaper: that's a good girl....
Lumikki: can my humans come as well?
Grim Reaper: I'm afraid they can't come, this time... but soon they will! Everybody will, eventually... and in the meanwhile you can come and visit them, as your friends Noodle, Ralston, Sophie and Rembrandt!
Lumikki: okay then... that's a deal!
Grim Reaper: there's a good girl! Now, can you see this stick?
Lumikki: positive!
Grim Reaper: do you think you can fetch it?
Lumikki: sure! Come on, throw the stick!
Grim Reaper: fetch!
Lumikki: oooh I'm flying!
Aneira: mummyyyy nooooooo!!!!
Aneira: nooooooooo
Alice: you evil, evil thing, how dare you take our Lumikki away!
Grim Reaper: stop the shaming, lady, as much unpopular as it can be, I'm just an employee doing his job!
Leo: *cries* this is too heartbreaking, I don't think I'll ever be able to recover!
Aneira: mummy I feel so saaaad! I want Lumikki back!
Alice: I know honey, me too... but we need to be strong...
Trystan: hey, what is going on here? Why are you all crying?
Aneira: Trystan, it's Lumikki.... she's gone! The Grim Reaper has taken her!
Leo: I think I'm going to be sick...
Trystan: no.....
Trystan: Lumikki.... oh no! No no no! It's not possible!!!!
Trystan: I can't believe it noooooo!
Arni: it breaks my heart...
Trystan: Lumikkiiiii!
Leo: we need to be strong... very strong... she's in a happy place now... and she was old, we knew she could not live forever.... but we shall miss her dearly....
RIP Lumikki, faithful Generation 3&4 dog... we shall all miss you dearly <3
Rembrandt: hey, looks like there's one more of us tonight! Yippee! Watch out humans, we pet ghosts will take over the world... soon!
Leo: this is too heartbreaking, I don't think I can cope!
Aneira: me neither....
Noodle: RIP Lumikki, looking forward to seeing you on the other side!
Ghost Benjamin: hey guys, I've just heard... sorry for your loss...
Leo: thank you, really.... thank you....
Ghost Benjamin: but don't you worry, she'll be totally fine on the other side with us, trust me!
Aneira: I don't think I can take it anymore.... please let it be a big bad dream....
Alice: sweetheart, are you okay?
Aneira: am I okay? Am I OKAY? Of course I am NOT okay mum!!!! How could I be okay?
Alice: woah, calm down Annie, I know we're all upset, but we need to be strong....
Aneira: I don't want to be strong, I want my dog back!
Trystan: yes, bring Lumikki back!!!
Arni: actually, I think we all need to sit down and collect our thoughts... with a cup of hot cocoa of course...
Alice: that seems like a lovely idea, dad....
Leo: and it's almost morning, no point in going back to bed... not that we would be able to sleep anyway...
Aneira: I still feel sad, grandpa...
Trystan: and me....
Aneira: the cocoa is not working...
Trystan: I don't think I want to have this cocoa at all...
Arni: it's a bad business, kids, very bad business... but we need to be strong... and we need to be prepared... but we'll be strong and we'll keep on living, that's what all those who leave the earth for the netherworld would want us to do...
Aneira: I still don't feel better....
Trystan: and I don't feel like drinking this cocoa at all...or drinking or eating anything else....
Trystan: or going to school!
Aneira: yes, can we stay home today?
Leo: honey, I don't think it's possible unfortunately.... and I'm sure you'll feel better if you leave the house and get some fresh air and meet your friends---
Trystan: I have no friends in school! I really don't want to go, daddy!
Eric: grandma, why are you so sad?
June: oh little one, something sad happened during the night... Lumikki has decided it was time for her to cross the rainbow bridge....
Eric: cool! A rainbow bridge! Can we go as well?
June: no darling, we can't, not just yet and not for a long time! Lumikki has gone to a happy place, you don't have to worry about her... but of course we all miss her...
Eric: oh granny, don't be so sad, I feel like I want to cry as well now!
June: there, sit down for a minute while I go pick up your brother, will you?
Eric: oooh kitty! Hello Mr Paws!
Eric: how are you this morning?
Eric: wanna cuddle? Let's cuddle together!
Eric: hahaha funny kitty! Did you know that your ghost friend is nicking your scratching post?
James: helloooo? Where is everybody? I'm awake but nobody's around!
James: except from Mr Ghost here! Helloooo Mr Ghost!
Benjamin: you can call me Ben, and I'm your great great grandfather!
James: woooow I didn't know we were related!
James: I'm related to a ghost!
James: how cool is that!
James: hey, so how are we related again? What is a great great grandfather?
Benjamin: well, you know your grandmother June...
James: yes I know her!
Benjamin: well, her father Sebastian was my son! Does it make sense now?
James: mmmm no!
James: hey, somebody's coming! Is that mummy?
Bonehilda: good morning master James! Have you slept well?
James: oh no, it's the creepy maid! Great---great--- whatever, Mr Ghost, make her go away, please!
Bonehilda: why are you upset, little one?
June: it's you! Move aside, Bonehilda, you're upsetting my grandson!
Bonehilda: I am so not! I was going to hold him and he would have felt better straight away!
June: yes you are... anyway, I'm here now, your presence is not needed anymore... go creep out someone else somewhere else... and you're not strong enough to hold James anyway, have you not noticed your lack of muscles?
Bonehilda: look here! I've got strong bones! Who needs muscles nowadays!
Bonehilda: and I'm good at fighting burglars! Do you know how many burglar's butts I kicked?
Bonehilda: no, you wouldn't know, as thanks to me, those burglars have never made it into the house! So much for some gratitude!
Benjamin: I think everybody's grateful, Bonehilda, but I think my granddaughter would be even more grateful if you would leave her and my great great grandson alone.... please...
June: thanks, grandpa...
Bonehilda: umph, only because you said please...
Benjamin: any time! Now, if you'll excuse me, I think it's time for me to go back, otherwise your grandmother will be worried!
Benjamin: bye kid!
June: bye, grandpa...
James: woooow he disappeared in a cloud of green light! How cool is that!
Teacher: morning kids! Are you ready for your class today?
Trystan: noooo definitely not! As a matter of fact, I didn't even want to come here in the first place!
Matilda: there you go, always moaning! I don't know how you can be friends with that guy...
Adrienne: oh shut up Matilda, you're still upset for yesterday! Trystan is totally fine!
Matilda: I certainly don't think so!
Teacher: I'm sorry to hear that, Trystan, you're always so interested in what we learn here! Is anything wrong? Are you unwell?
Tyler: no, you see, the thing is.... his dog passed away last night...
Trystan: I am not going to cry, I am not going to cry!
Aneira: please don't say that again, Tyler!
Aneira: I don't know if I can keep my tears in for much longer!
Elena: be strong, Annie.... be strong....
Jimmy: goodness, my first day in school and this happens...
Jimmy: that's so sad!
Catherine&Jay's son has grown up and is a little man now ^_^
Teacher: oh no, I'm really sorry Trystan and Aneira, I really am...
Octavia: mwahahahahahaha it was about time we got some death here! Mwahahahahahaha
Kylie (kid sitting next to Octavia): shut up Octavia, that's totally inappropriate!
Kylie: Don't you have any respect for your cousins' feelings?
Octavia: oh yes I do... but this is stronger than me, I need to let out a manic laugh! Mwahahahahahaha
Adrienne: oh no, poor Trys... I didn't know about the dog.... did you?
Matilda: ... no....
Matilda: that's sad, isn't it....
Adrienne: don't tell me you feel for him now! I thought you hated him!
Matilda: oh yes I do, but I love dogs... it's sad when one passes away...
Octavia: you're not fooling me, new girl! You can't be one minute evil, and the next one good... you need to choose! And I do hope you will join team evil of course!
Teacher: okay kids, I'm so sorry that some of you are upset today, but we have to go on with the class...
Teacher: may I introduce two of your new classmates! Looks like we've got another Love in the class! Everyone say hello to Jimmy!
Kids: hello, Jimmy!
Teacher: and also to Matilda, who has just moved to this neighborhood but I'm told has already made many friends! Can we say welcome to her?
Kids: welcome, Matilda...
Trystan: ....
Matilda: wow, thanks for the enthusiasm....
Matilda: and thanks for the warm welcome, Trystan...
Aneira: can you not just shut up for once?
Aneira: Can't you see that he's grieving? Give him a break! What kind of person are you?
Matilda: hey, Trystan, I'm talking to you!
Trystan: ....
Matilda: .... why is he ignoring me? What a horrible kid!
Adrienne: just leave him be, Matilda... please, just for today, while he's upset...
Matilda: Wow, that's a news! I didn't know you cared so much for your friend, Adrienne!
Adrienne: I do not! It's just... you can be very mean sometimes! And I don't want you to hurt my friend, that's all.
Matilda: if you have forgotten, he hurt me first!
Adrienne: just drop it, pretty please?
Matilda: mmm okay... but only because I'm sad his dog died..... I do like dogs....
Adrienne: thanks goodness! You are my friend Matilda, but sometimes you can be a huge piece of work!
Tyler: you know what? I know the advice to ignore her was mine, but I don't think it's gonna work?
Trystan: why not?
Tyler: because she keeps staring at you, man, and it's creepy! I'm afraid you've just entered your name on her black book of evil or something... I don't think there's anything we can do, she'll bug you until she gets what she wants!
Trystan: which is?
Tyler: I don't know dude, she's evil, she's probably just enjoying tormenting you for some reason!
Trystan: creepy, much!
Elena: .....
Aneira: ....
Teacher: Trystan! You really can't concentrate today, can you...
Trystan: no, sorry...
Teacher:go on then, it's lunch break now, I hope some fresh air will make you feel better....
Trystan: We can't go out Miss, it's pouring down with rain!
Tyler: oh well, we'll just stay in the canteen... right Trys?
Teacher: you can go, kids... enjoy your lunch...
Octavia: mwahahahaha it's lunch time already! The morning flew and I didn't even realise! It must be that spell that my mum taught me last night... it must have worked!
Kyle: can your mum cast a spell to make school time go faster?
Octavia: of course she can, she's the best evil witch ever!
Kylie: but sure it's not good to be evil?
Octavia: oh, you can be evil even without being evil! Look at the new girl for example, tormenting my poor dear cousin... that's pure evil and she doesn't even have the trait! I like her!
Matilda: Trystan.
Matilda: oi, I'm talking to you!
Tyler: I told you dude, no point in ignoring her, better face the storm before she starts shouting your name in the corridors!
Trystan: *swallows*
Elena: what is your problem, Matilda? Why are you tormenting him? Just leave him alone!
Matilda: that is not your problem now, is it?
Elena: but---
Matilda: so mind your own business, will you?
Matilda: Trystan, I'm talking to you, and I won't move from here until you decide it's time to acknowledge that!
Tyler: I second what my girlfriend said! I mean, what Elena said... what is wrong with you! Besides, you don't treat Elena like that, understood?
Matilda: oh, just shut up! Trystan, I'm still here...
Trystan: *exhales* okay, okay, I hear you... what do you want?
Matilda: I just wanted to tell you----
Trystan: oh you know what? I don't care what you wanted to tell me! Now or ever! You know I'm crushed today, and you still want to keep up the fight! You know what? I'm not in today, I'm not fighting!
Matilda: what!
Trystan: So there you go, you win, yay for you! I hope you and your victory solo are happy together! Now just leave me alone, I'm mourning my dog! *sniffs*
Tyler: oh, Trys... death is a sad sad thing...
Aneira: and you? Have you got nothing to say? If I wasn't so distraught I would tell you one thing or two myself! Are you happy now?
Matilda: I----
Elena: just leave us alone, we only accept friends in our group. So unless you change your attitude, you'd better leave us all alone!
Tyler: you heard her! There's my girlfr---- er, you rock, Elena!
Matilda: wow, you set half the class against me, I'm impressed...
Trystan: I didn't do anything, you did it all yourself!
Matilda: whatever. I'll see you at lunch.
Matilda: come on Ade, let's go get one of the nice tables before these losers get all the nice ones!
Adrienne: .... I have never seen you like that, Matilda... what happened to the nice cheerful girl I used to know?
Tyler: looks like we were too late... no more free tables!
Elena: hey! Look who's here!
Aneira: Ella! What is your sister doing here?
Elena: I don't know, but I think we shall find out soon! Come on, let's go!
Trystan: hey girls, wait for me! Don't leave me alone....
Aneira: hey Ella! What a surprise! What are you doing here?
Ella: hey girls... me? Oh nothing, just finishing one history project...
Aneira: yes but, why in the cafeteria? I don't think your class have the lunch break at this time'
Ella: uh? Oh no, we had it ages ago, but Harry had to stay in class longer to finish something. So I'm waiting here, he'll have to come to have his lunch at some point, and when he does, I'll be here to wait for him!
Elena: oh dear, I should have imagined, it's Harry again!
Matilde: there you are, Trystan!
Trystan: oh no....
Desmond: hey Trys, you'd better hear what she has to say, or the whole school is going to!
Matilda: oh, come on, I'm not that loud...
Trystan: fine! What is it you want.... again?
Matilda: I wanted to tell you something... but if you don't want to hear it, then fine, I don't really care!
Trystan: I'm here, just clear out the air so that we can move on! So?
Matilda: ... I wanted to say that I'm sorry about your dog.
Trystan: what?!
Matilda: you heard.
Trystan: er... okay.... er.... thanks?
Aneira: will she ever leave him alone?
Elena: naaaah
Ella: perseverance is the key! Look at me and learn, girls!
Aneira: ....
Elena: El, I don't want to be indelicate but... have you gone out on a date with Harry already?
Ella: no... but I'm working on it! Perseverance, little sis, perseverance....
Elena: if you say so...
Aneira: at least it doesn't look like they're arguing now... but how long will it last?
Matilda: I too had a dog once. At the orphanage. He was not really mine, but we were best friends!
Trystan: mmm oookay....
Matilda: and then one day he was adopted and I never saw him again! He was my best friend! Together with Adrienne of course...
Trystan: I'm sorry... it must have been hard...
Matilda: hard? It was awful!
Matilda: I cried day and night for weeks!
Trystan: so you can understand me! I would have never thought...
Matilda: yes... in addition to the fact that I thought that even the dog had found a family, while I had not! Why did nobody want me, Trystan? Why?
Trystan: er....
Aneira: oh no! Here they go again!
Elena: by the way, El, before I forget, I heard that older kids were going to play basketball in the gym this afternoon... maybe that's where your Harry is...
Ella: damn, it's stupid sports day! I had forgotten... how could I be so stupid! Just waiting here with you kids while he's somewhere completely different! Stupid stupid me!
Elena: sorry sis... thought I'd let you know...
Aneira: ....I'm kinda getting used to it actually... but I don't know how Trystan survives... she's a bit crazy, that girl, isn't she?
Elena: yeah...
Ella: I bet she is! Look how cute your brother looks, Aneira!
Aneira: uh?
Elena: quite the opposite El, she seems to really dislike him!
Ella: ah, blissful youth, you'll understand when you grow up...
Elena: don't give me the grown up talks sis! You know how much it gets on my nerves! Besides, in a couple of days it's birthday time... myself and Aneira are going to experience this adult world of yours and then we'll see who has the last word, ha!
Aneira: if she does like him she has a really weird way to show it...besides, someone should tell her, it's not the right way to impress my brother....
Matilda: what were you about to say?
Trystan: nothing, I---
Matilda: just say it! Say that nobody wanted me because I'm a horrible girl!
Trystan: once again, I didn't say anything, you did it all yourself! What is your problem, really?
Matilda: what is my problem? What is my problem? You are my problem!
Trystan: what! How is that even possible! Look, okay fine, I'm your problem, then just stay away from me! Easy!
Matilda: it would help if you stopped being in my way!
Elena: it's not looking good anymore, is it?
Aneira: nope...
Trystan: what! You are the one who keeps coming in mine! But hey look, as I said, this is an easy fix, as I'm perfectly fine to keep away from you! So there you go, why don't we just start ignoring each other and minding our own business?
Matilda: yeah, maybe we should.
Trystan: see? We can agree on something! Now, stay out of my way!
Matilda: likewise!
Ella: way to go, girl!
Trystan: believe me, I've never wanted anything more in my life!
Matilda: fine!
Trystan: ....
Matilda: .....
Jimmy: do you think it's over? Do you think we can head off to see the basketball match now?
Tyler: I don't know... maybe we should wait a couple of more minutes... better keep a low profile man, keep a low profile!
Matilda: I think you should go now.
Trystan: never been happier to go see a basketball match!
Matilda: you can't go see it.
Trystan: and why would that be?
Matilda: because I wanted to go and watch it with my friends! And I thought we had agreed to stay out of each other's way.
Trystan: well, you can't kick me out of school! Besides, I said it first! Whatever, I think the gym is big enough for both of us to keep distance...
Ella: there you are guys! I've been looking all over the place for you!
Nick: hey El!
Ella: mind if I sit down and watch?
Harry: not at all, having an audience distracts Nick! *laughs*
Ella: wow...
Nick: as you can see, not true at all!
Harry: hey, that was a good one Nick!
Nick: wow, looks like we're very popular today, Harry!
Tyler: hey guys! Do you mind if we use the other half to play as well?
Nick: not at all... go ahead! Then I won't feel the pressure of having an audience so much!
Harry: so you do feel it... *grins*
Desmond: come on Tyler, ready for a little match?
Tyler: mmm not sure....
Ella: now girls, tell me... what's better than watching boys play sports? I tell you, nothing! *smirks* Now relax and enjoy the view!
Aneira: ... I suddenly feel very uncomfortable...
Elena: ... go Tyler go!!
Jimmy: basketball is quite cool! Fancy a match later, cousin Trys?
Trystan: mmm maybe not Jimmy, I really don't want to draw more attention on myself really...
Blond kid I forgot the name of: yeah, I wouldn't be in your shoes, dude... that girl is nasty business, what have you done to end up straight in her black list?
Trystan: nothing... that's the problem, I've done nothing! I was having a perfectly normal life up to a couple of days ago!
Matilda: this is so boring... come on guys, start playing! We've come here to see a match!
Tyler: oh no! Look who just came in!
Desmond: don't tell me you're scared of her...
Tyler: well, I certainly don't feel at ease when she's around!
Octavia: so you are also gonna play today? Let's see what you can do *evil grin*
Tyler: *swallows*
Octavia: come on Tyler, your audience is waiting!
Elena: go Tyler!!!!
Aneira: er... tell me if it's not my business, but what is it this thing with Tyler calling you his girlfriend?
Elena: ... er.... well, he asked me if he could call me that and I said that I supposed he could.... I like Tyler, he's funny...
Aneira: but this is so cool! Congrats Elena! Wow, I can't believe you've got a boyfriend! Ella, isn't it super cool?
Ella: no. It's just incredible! Incredible that my kid sister got herself a boyfriend before I do! I can't believe it, life is so unfair!
Octavia: hey Trystan!
Tyler: thanks goodness she has lost interest in our game! Phew!
Matilda: now he's gonna get some of her rage too! Ah, justice! *laughs*
Trystan: hi Octavia.... are you enjoying the game?
Octavia: I didn't come here for the game, I came here for you!
Elena: oh no...
Aneira: please everyone, leave my brother alone!
Ella: poor Trystan... who knows why he's having such a hard life! Must be the karma...
Nick: come on Harry, your turn...
Harry: I suddenly feel so unconfident ... that girl freaks me out!
Nick: don't let her freak you out! Do it now while she's not looking at us!
Harry: okay mate, here you go!
Nick: woo hoo! Wow that was super cool Harry!
Octavia: oh no, don't worry, I have not come here to annoy you Trys...
Trystan: well, er.... thanks.... good to know!
Trystan: it's nice to experience something different, for a change!
Aneira: oh no, poor little brother, that girl has really stressed you out....
Octavia: that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about...
Ella: come on Nick!
Nick: oh no, it's my turn now... I'm shaking....
Harry: come on mate, your turn....
Nick: I'll never be as good as you, Harry!
Harry: rubbish, stop freaking out and stop thinking that there are people watching you for plumbob's sake!
Ella: oh, Harry, you're such a wonderful guy....
Octavia: I mean, I have heard that that new girl is giving you a hard time...
Trystan: a hard time! That's a gentle way to put it! And the best thing is, I have no clue as to why she's doing it!
Octavia: well, I thought that was because she was evil like me, but big news: she's not! She doesn't have it as one of her traits... anyway, although my powers couldn't sense the reason behind her actions, and although I am secretly supportive of evil deeds, I do not want my family to get upset.
Trystan: er... thanks, that's vey.... thoughtful....
Octavia: so, if you want, I can take care of it for you.... what do you think?
Trystan: er... what do you mean?
Octavia: give that girl a lesson she will remember, for plumbob's sake!
Aneira: what!
Tyler: I need to block this discussion out and focus on the game! I shall not be freaked out, I shall not be freaked out...
Kylie: hey, I think they're talking about you over there...
Matilda: *grins* it means I'm famous enough to be talked about! Cool...
Kylie: I wouldn't "cool" it too much though... I don't think it's actually a good thing...
Matilda: why not?
Kylie: because they're not saying nice things about you!
Matilda: who cares, so long as people talk about me, I'm cool with it!
Kylie: how can you be cool with people talking about how annoying you are!
Matilda: well, it's always better than people being totally indifferent to the fact that I exist, isn't it? Some kind of feeling, whether positive or negative, is always better than no feeling at all... at least they will think about me!
Kylie: but.... they're not thinking of you in a positive way!
Matilda: well, that can come with time maybe, but for now.... well, at least they will remember me forever!
Kylie: I really don't get it... why are you doing this to Trystan? And to yourself! I mean, you don't seem to be a horrible person, so why do you show your worst side to the world? Of course people will not like you if you keep behaving like this!
Matilda: Well, for some reason that kid manages to get the worst out of me! Besides, I owe you no explanations for what I do, really, so let's go back watching the game! I bet Tyler will get this hoop wrong again... goodness, he's too nervous! Somebody should tell him really....
Kylie: ....
Trystan: well, Octavia, although I really appreciate your concern... I don't think there is the need to punish people, really.... I can handle this okay?
Octavia: I wouldn't be so sure of this.... oh, you're way too good Trystan! My evil powers feel weak when standing next to you.... I should make some evil to bring them back into the force...
Jimmy: wow... I have no clue what she's talking about for most of the time....
Trystan: neither have I! For example, what am I supposed to say now?
Octavia: you don't need to say anything, cousin, I just need to identify my next victim to practise some evil spells upon...
Octavia: .... and I think I've just found one! Mwahahahahahaa
Jimmy: cousin, you can be so scary sometimes....
Alice: so, how has your day been, kids?
Aneira: ....
Trystan: er...
Aneira: the usual, really! Nothing much going on, right Trys?
Trystan: yeah sure! The usual school stuff...
Alice: good! So now it may do some good to start planning the next party! Annie, looks like your birthday is coming up! I was talking to auntie Scarlette today and we thought it would be nice for you and Elena to have a big party together, how about it?
Leo: oh yes! Let's have a big party for the both of you, and you can invite all your school friends over!
Aneira: of that, I'm not so sure... but I sure know who I do not want to invite over!!
Alice: oh? Is there anyone you don't like in school?
Aneira: well.... yeah, actually there is one really annoying girl that I will certainly not want to invite to my party!
Trystan: hey... thanks for that....
Aneira: no worries, I thought you might not want her around...
Trystan: but however much I appreciate it, you should not fight my battles, really... I don't know how I've found myself in this situation, but I can handle it, really....
Aneira: I'm sure you can but... a little help from your big sister won't do any ill right? *winks*
James: hey bro! Have you heard? Sounds like we're going to another party! How cool is that!
Eric: we're lucky brother, we live in a party-friendly family! And I'm sure this time we'll manage to get some cake!
Eric: it's big sister's birthday, surely she won't deny us a bit of her cake right?
James: yaaaay! We've got a masterplan!
Arni: *crying* I miss Lumikki so much!!!
Trystan: and me... and my life has been horrible lately... I'm so sad....
Alice: me too! And I just broke the dishwasher and flooded the floor! And had a random change of clothes! And these clothes are not season-appropriate!
Alice: This just makes me want to cryyyyy!
Leo: Alice! What's going on here? What's wrong?
Alice: *sniffs*
Alice: I don't know Leo.... I just feel so sad!!!!
Alice: I miss Lumikki.... and when I was realising that, the dishwasher broke and flooded the floor.... and while the floor was being flooded I had this sudden change of clothes... which is not season appropriate at all! And all the dirty clothes ended up on the flooded floor!
Leo: I see....
Leo: wait a second, is my wife going bonkers or what?
Alice: oh and by the way there is another thing!
Leo: what is it now? The microwave feels stressed and needs a holiday?
Alice: no! *laughs* I think I'm pregnant!
Leo: yeah sure....
Alice: uh?
Leo: wait a second, what did you just say?
Alice: I'm pregnant!
Leo: whaaaaat! Really!
Alice: positive! Hence the random clothes...
Leo: oh my goodness!!! Alice!!! We're having a baby!!
Trystan: wait, what?!?!
Alice: yes, our fifth baby is on the way Leo!
Leo: holy plumbob, I'm so happy!
Alice: and me...
Leo: and how are you feeling?
Alice: I'm alright I think, if you don't count the hormones playing up with my feelings... and these summer clothes that will need changing asap....
Alice: but other than that I'm good....
Arni: noooooooo Lumikkiiiiii! I miss you soooo muuuuch!!!
Trystan: grandpa, I think we have moved on from there now.... haven't you heard the news?
Arni: no, what news?
Trystan: looks like I'm going to have another brother or sister! And ----- ewwww parents, get a room please!
Leo: I'm so happy Alice, so so so happy!
Alice: me too, Leo! Me too!
Leo: should we tell the children?
Trystan: I think you already have, dad!
Arni: oh my goodness, I'm going to be grandfather for the fifteenth time! This makes me want to cryyyyy!
Aneira: hey, what's going on here?
Aneira: why is grandpa crying?
Alice: oh darling, I think we have some news for you!
Aneira: oh no, bad news?
Trystan: fortunately not! I couldn't cope with more bad news!
Aneira: so what is it then?
Trystan: looks like we're going to have another brother or sister soon!
Aneira: what! Another one! You're kidding me!
Trystan: nope...
Aneira: is it true, mum?
Alice: yes darling, you're going to be a big sister again!
Aneira: woooow I can't believe there is a baby in there! Hi there, I'm your big sister! There are a lot of people in the house but we are all thrilled to meet you!
Aneira: there is me and Trystan, James and Eric, and then grandpa and grandma and mum and dad of course! And then all the aunties and uncles and cousins... but I won't make a list otherwise you'll freak out already!
Trystan: I hope he or she will have a happier life than the one I have... *sniffs*
Leo: why is that Trys? Are there any problems at school? Are your classmates being rude? I can go and sort them out you know!
Trystan: no dad, it's fine really... but thanks....
Arni: oh nooooo my grandson is being bullied at school! I can't believe it! This is so sad, it makes me feel like I want to cryyyyy!
Aneira: I'm very happy mum...
Trystan: yeah, me too!
Trystan: wow, I can't believe there is a baby in there!
Aneira: hey Trys, that was my line!
Random alien lady: wow, this horse is so fast asleep that he hasn't even noticed I've landed here!
Random alien lady: oh, and it's raining! He will get completely soaked! Helloo? Anyone there? Wake up beautiful horse, you need to go home or you'll get completely soaked! ....
Arni: let's see who sent us a gift this time.... hopefully it will be something useful! Or something which will sell well!
Random alien lady: hello, I think we should do something for this horse, he's not waking up and it's raining!
Arni: oh, don't worry, this guy comes to sleep in our front yard every night... I think he's taken a fancy to our yard! Would you like to come inside? We can make you a cup of coffee or something...
Random alien lady: well... thanks but I think I'm fine---
Arni: although I have to warn you, there's a bit of a situation going on in there... you see, our dog just passed away and everyone is very distraught... and then it turns out my grandson has been having problems with other kids in school poor thing... and then the dishwasher broke... and then it turns out my daughter is pregnant for the fifth time! No, actually for the fourth time, because the third time she got twins!
Random alien lady: .... oh, I just remembered I forgot to lock my spaceship, sorry, I really need to go!
To be continued....
I hope you enjoyed the chapter :) And Generation 4 in general! Thanks for being faithful readers! :)
Chapter 17 is already in progress! Hopefully it won't take too long!
Have a lovely Sunday!
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