Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!
Last time we left the Loves celebrating New Year's Eve with the Elves, a happy ending to the Love teens little adventure! But now it's time for the Loves to go back to the normal life... but a couple of additions!
Aneira: I still can't believe it!
Arwyn: what?
Aneira: that this is really true! I mean, I moved from being crazy worried to going on an impromptu secret trip to see you, to risking being thrown in jail by my crazy aunt, to celebrating my birthday and New Year's Eve with you! All in less than 48 hours...
Aneira: definitely! And the best part is... today we get to go back together...
Aneira: it's true, Arwyn, we can really finally be together!
Arwyn: I'm the happiest elf alive right now, you know that?
Aneira: and I'm the happiest human alive! Although I would say, Elena and Tyler also seemed pretty happy yesterday... I think they're up to something...
Aneira: but hey, what are we going to do, once we're back home? Should we get jobs? Move out? Go travelling maybe? Or maybe we could also come back here if you want to...
Arwyn: relax An, there's no rush... let's go back and take some time for us... then we will decide... no rush...
Aneira: I know, it's just that your life changed abruptly and... I want to make sure you're happy and you get to do the things you want to do... after a life to serve my crazy relatives, you deserve to get everything you want...
Arwyn: I already have it, An *smiles* whatever we decide to do, we do it together. This is everything I want...
Aneira: always... *smiles*
Arwyn: now, shall we go downstairs and get some breakfast? I guess we might be leaving soon?
Aneira: yes, it's a long trip, we should get going...
Elena: hey guys! We were wondering we we would be seeing you...
Aneira: morning!
Jimmy: damn it, you just made me lose my bet!
Elena: oh shut up Jimmy... guys, there's coffee in the kitchen and your mum prepared a delicious breakfast An!
Aneira: oh great! But where is she?
Elena: oh they had breakfast ages ago, they're getting ready to go... I think we'll go after we're done here... and auntie Susie and Gareth already went back. And I didn't see Octavia this morning, but I she and Ash also disappeared so I guess it's just us left... but now, go get your coffee guys, we have something to tell you!
Arwyn: hey brother, you're here too! And... washing the dishes... wow... that's new?
Berwyn: good morning brother! Aneira... and yes, I do take pleasure in the simple things... after a lifetime serving the Queen and princess, for the first time I feel free... I want to cherish every little thing that I can do as a free elf... including washing the dishes... aaaah so good, life has a different flavour today....
Jimmy: so as I was saying, you just made me lose my bet. I thought you two wouldn't get downstairs for at least another couple of hours... honestly Arwyn, why the rush? I could have won 20 simoleons from these two!
Arwyn: *drinks coffee*
Jimmy: I mean, you've been apart for a while, it would be perfectly normal to---
Arwyn: *cough in the coffee, stares at the void* I... I don't know what you're talking about...
Aneira: jeez Jimmy!
Elena: ignore him An... men....
Aneira: what!
Elena: whatever...
Tyler: I think we should tell them our news now...
Elena: yes, great idea....
Elena: Annie, there's something we need to tell you...
Aneira: Elena, you are beaming! Spill the beans...
Elena: as soon as we get back, Tyler and I are going to move in together!
Aneira: no way! Congratulations!!
Elena: thank you! And it's not all... Tyler asked me to marry him!
Aneira: whaaat! Oh my goodness!! Elena this is amazing, congratulations!!!
Elena: thank you, thank you... you see, I don't have a ring yet as it was too crowded yesterday and Tyler doesn't feel too comfortable with the elves - sorry you guys! - so he's going to pick a more romantic location to really propose, you know, with a ring... but I've already said yes!!
Aneira: this is amazing!! I'm so happy for you guys!!
Tyler: did you really need to share the details.... I'm not comfortable with people discussing my private life choices...
Elena: but honey, it's so sweet! I get to have two proposals!! And you won't need to be nervous as you already know the answer, right?
Jimmy: hey, sorry I was teasing you before... I forget that you and Tyler are shy and private people... but I'm really happy for you and Annie, you know that....
Arwyn: thank you Jimmy....
Jimmy: so, are you going to ask my cousin to marry you anytime soon? I can't believe shy Tyler was the first to propose, I always thought Ella would get married first!
Jimmy: ah sorry, I did it again didn't I?
Berwyn: soooo... I hear congratulations are in order! Congratulations man! Well done!
Tyler: er... thanks...
Trystan: morning guys! What's up?
Aneira: Trys! Elena and Tyler are moving in together... and they're getting married! Isn't it wonderful?
Trystan: oh cool! Well done guys, congratulations! And also for the baby!
Elena: *cough* baby? What baby?
Tyler: Elena... is it true?
Aneira: oh my goodness! Elena...
Elena: what... wait a second everybody shut up! I'm not pregnant.... where would you get this idea from? Wait... do I look like I'm pregnant?!
Aneira: of course not... but then...
Trystan: sorry, I saw a pregnancy test in the bathroom this morning... I didn't give it a second thought then, but when I heard about you moving in together and getting married I put two and two together...
Arwyn: perhaps they are the wrong two and two...
Trystan: sorry! I haven't had my coffee yet guys...
Gale: look, I know you're upset but... we did this for you Blodwen... your dad... and me... we were worried... that you might grow up without the full perspective on... things, people, us as a royal family and our role and duty in this kingdom... and this is probably also very much my fault, I am sorry. We should have told you a long time ago, but it's not a story I share easily.... see, your father and I, we loved each other very much, and it was not easy to--
James: exactly... and next time, we'll be teens too! Oh the adventures that we could all go on when we grow up... so many possibilities! I can't wait...
June: a surprise... oh Arwyn and Berwyn! So nice to see you again!!
Leo: umph, one thing is making my daughter happy, but I hope having him living with us doesn't mean that he can smooch my daughter right under my nose!
Arwyn: I think it's perfect... we should ask for an acual door but... it's perfect....
Arwyn: okay brother, it looks like you just promoted yourself of mastermind of this mission... I hope you know what you're doing!
Aneira: of course I'm sure! You heard, Trystan just found somebody's test that's it!
Elena: yes but if it's not mine...
Aneira: and definitely not mine!
Elena: whose test is it?
Trystan: .... I should have never brought that up, should I...
Arwyn: next time get your coffee first...
Trystan: yeah...
Berwyn: no, but seriously, who is it then? Oh I love a bit of gossip!
James: morning!
Arwyn: good morning James! Eric, Lowri..
James: Eric, shall we tell Arwyn about our plans?
Eric: of course! Now that we have agreed, we can invite people!
Arwyn: invite people... to what?
James: our birthday party of course! Will you come?
Eric: With Aneira of course...
James: and Berwyn too, you are both invited!
Arwyn: but of course! I wouldn't miss it *smiles*
James: good! And Glyn is coming too by the way!
James: yes, we're very excited about that! He said he can't come back with us today, but he will come to our party!
Arwyn: what trip?
James: oh, we're also planning a camping trip after our birthdays... you guys are invited to that too by the way! You and Berwyn are basically like additional brothers so...
Enfys: by the way, I'm here to formally apologise for the rest of my family for not hosting a royal breakfast for you!
Aneira: oh don't worry, this breakfast is all we need, but thank you! Actually I was just wondering where everybody else was..
Enfys: yes, well... they're taking care of Blodwen right now...
Aneira: Blodwen.. is she alright?
Elena: do we really care? I mean, that kid is a---
Enfys: no worries, I can see why my sister is not the most popular girl around. Despite what she thinks! *giggles* she's bossy with me too... but I can see why she does it, so that's ok... she's annoying but she's my sister you know...
Elena: you're such a kind child, Enfys...
Aneira: no, but really, is everything okay?
Enfys: well yes... and no.... see, my parents never told us their story, how they met I mean... I think Glyn had figured it out but Enfys and I didn't know... and we had never really asked. This morning they decided it was time to tell us all... if you ask me, I think this is so cool and makes me feel proud of my parents even more, but my sister... you know how she always goes on about royal bloodline and so on... well, she didn't take this well. But I think that's why they told us... my sister needs to learn... anyway, that's where they are now, she threw a tantrum and they're trying to calm her down. She feels majorly betrayed you know... but she'll come around, don't worry... it's actually good for her I think...
Lowri: wow, what a blow it must have been for miss I'm-better-than-any-of-you-mortals royal highness... but indeed it's good for her... perhaps she'll change....
Lowri: .... but probably not, who am I kidding! Sorry Enfys, I think your sister will always be a pain... I don't know how you can cope...
Lowri: but if you need to escape, you can come to visit us any time!
Aneira: indeed! It was nice to spend more time with you here and get to know you little cousin... you're welcome to visit us any time you want!
Enfys: thank you, you guys are such nice people... I think I will take you up on that!
Lowri: cool! And you can stay in my room, now that Aneira will probably move out with Arwyn, there is a spare bed for you!
Lowri: ... well, I guess they will want to share a bedroom... that's what older people who love each other seem to want to do all the time... I wonder why?
Enfys: *giggles*
Elena: *laughs*
Aneira: ... and that's my cue to leave and go for a shower... I expect we'll be leaving soon anyway!
Elena: sure, we should get ready...
Blodwen: .... so, looks like the relatives are finally leaving...
Blodwen: don't you want to go say goodbye? Annoying as they may be, they're your brother's family after all...
Gale: your dad and your brother are taking care of them. But I want to talk to you... or better, I want you to talk to me Blodwen... I'm worried about you...
Blodwen: I have nothing to say to you, mother.
Blodwen: you lied to me all my life. I have nothing to say to you anymore, mother.
Aneira: so... time to go and say goodbye...
Berwyn: ... and I'm very glad to see the back of it! Goodbye babysitting days, and hello freedom... although I have to say, when we were taking care of Master Glyn it was not too bad...
Gwydion: I'm sorry that Gale couldn't come and say goodbye, she sends her love...
Alice: I can imagine it's hard...
Gwydion: I told her I was worried about Blodwen... I told her we should tell her our story, to make her see a different perspective... and also because our kids should know how their parents came to be what we are now... I knew it would be hard for her but I didn't expect this... anyway, it's also my fault, I'm often away... and it's hard for Gale to deal with everything alone... but I hope things will change now....
Leo: don't be too hard on yourself Gwydion, Gale doesn't have the easiest character... and Blodwen just takes after her... she'll come around, maybe, like her mother, she does have a softer and kinder side, it's just very well hidden...
Lowri: goodbye cousin Enfys, it was so much fun to hang out with you!
Enfys: sure, I'll remember that, thank you... but I think now my mum needs my help... with Blodwen...
Glyn: so, it's time to say goodbye guys... it was great to see you again! So cool that you came over to our realm! This is also your home, you know that right?
Eric: yeah, but I think we prefer our home... no offense... but hey, you're coming to our birthday party, yes?
James: of course he is, we talked about this a million times...
Eric: cool, then I think it's time to go... it won't be long before we see each other again this time, right brother?
Trystan: and we're back...
Alice: well, it's Spring now, it melted away...
Eric: overnight? There was so much snow at Glyn's place...
James: maybe it's colder there... but hey, it's good for our camping plans, brother! *grins*
June: calm down darling, it's just a machine...
Arni: I've been chatting for hours and I still can't get through to speak to a human!
June: it's been 10 minutes Arni...
Arni: whatever...
James: grandma, granpa, we're home!
June: oh Arni, look! They're back! Isn't it wonderful?
Arni: it is, but just a minute, I might be getting somewhere...
James: we did! We had a party and we got to see Glyn again! And we stayed in a real castle!
June: sounds really cool indeed! Oh I have missed you so much... the house was so empty!
Alice: hey mum, dad... it's nice to be back! We have missed you too...
Arni: no... I was fooled again... this thing is completely useless!
Lowri: and grandma, we have brought home a surprise! I hope you don't mind that they're staying with us?
June: a surprise... oh Arwyn and Berwyn! So nice to see you again!!
Arwyn: likewise, thank you for letting us stay with you!
June: so, I gather Aneira's secret plan eventually worked?
Alice: it seems like it, yes *smiles*
Alice: although, I wish she had told us... she had never lied to us before, it was quite a shock... besides, this little trip also meant we missed her graduation ceremony... my eldest daughter graduates and we can't even celebrate!
June: well, I guess she has more important things in her mind now... she's a grown woman, and finally happy... that's the important thing, right?
Alice: yes, of course, but still... I feel like she should have felt comfortable to come and ask for our help, instead...
June: well, but did you not also do the same,at her age? She's just following on your footsteps...
Alice: okay, you win mother...
James: did you also go on an adventure mum?
Lowri: of course she did.. on multiple ones! That's how she met dad and went back for him, and that's how uncle Michael found auntie Susie again... have you forgotten? At least our parents did tell us the family history...
Trystan: dad, chill... what did you expect? *smiles*
June: ah, it's so nice to see her happy... they remind me of you and Leo you know... and I remember how I felt when I finally found my Arni again, when I had almost lost all hopes... *sighs* I love happy endings...
Eric: what does she mean, when she found grandpa again?
Lowri: honestly, you two, you need to revise your knowledge of the family history... grandma and grandpa met in a place called Aurora Skies, that's where grandpa is from. But then they lost touch and grandpa had to enrol in the army to support his younger siblings... he was on a secret mission and nobody knew if he was dead or alive, so grandma had almost lost hope to see him again.... and that's when grandma's sister Rebecca comes in - her then boyfriend Karl managed to track grandpa down and that's how they all lived happily ever after...
James: Karl, as in the vampire? Oliver and Justin's grandfather?
Lowri: that's him, yes!
Eric: wow, how do you know all this stuff, Lo? I'm impressed...
Lowri: I just actually listen when someone is talking of course!
Leo: well, if you need a refresher I can tell you all about how I met your mother and how we fell in love and--
James: jeez no thanks dad, I'm cool...
Arni: it's nice that you have told your kids our story too...
Leo: of course! Your adventures are a staple in the family history!
June: speaking of which, I thought you were going to write a book about our family, Alice... when do you think it's going to be ready? I'd like to read it before I... well, go....
Eric: go where, granny?
Arni: don't worry darling, I'm sure we can still read it... any time... besides, had your granny Juliet not started this already? But maybe Alice could write about the more recent history...
Aneira: ... and we're finally alone... this house is big but so crowded...
Arwyn: but we're here now *smiles* hello, my darling...
Aneira: *smiles* at least nobody will find us here...
Aneira: .... they're either making dinner or taking down the Snowflake decorations, and I think Trystan is working on his robotics station again so..... it's just us *smiles*
Berwyn: there you are guys, I've been looking for you everywhere!!
Aneira: .... 5 minutes, peace lasted for 5 minutes! I can't believe it...
Berwyn: mind if I join you? I've been dying to do a sauna... just don't mind me and keep smooching, no problem! *grins*
Aneira: er... maybe not....
Arwyn: I'm so sorry for my brother, I'm so going to kill him later....
Berwyn: wow it feels so hot in here, can you feel it too? *smiles*
Aneira: maybe I can show you our new bedroom?
Arwyn: oh, that's a good idea...
Berwyn: wow, smooth... *grins*
Arwyn: shut up brother, it's not what you think!
Berwyn: haha it's so much fun to tease you guys *laughs*
Aneira: grandma said they have adapted the old nursery, but it was a quick fix so it's not perfect...
Aneira: well, the ceiling is... something indeed...
Aneira: but it's ours! It's our room....
Arwyn: and it's just ours! We are really living together, Annie...
Aneira: yes we are!!!
Aneira: I'm so happy Arwyn, so happy!
Arwyn: and me, my darling, and me....
Aneira: wow, a big family dinner like in old times! And food smells delicious...
Leo: it is, your mother made it!
Snow: *meows* [can I have some too? I think there's fish in here... there, my paw is on the plate, I've claimed it as my own!]
Olive: *meows* [and I have claimed this one as mine... how cool is that! Too bad there was no food left though...]
Berwyn: it's so nice to be back here... thanks for coming to rescue us, An...
Aneira: any time! *smiles*
Berwyn: and sorry for bugging you and my brother... you're too cute together, I can't not tease you! Specially my brother... *laughs* but maybe Trystan can teach me some good manners, now that I'm crashing in his room...
Arni: mmm this was delicious, thanks Alice!
Alice: dad, that was cereal... you were not quick enough to get the actual food and now it's gone, I'm sorry...
Arni: oh, well, this was still delicious... or maybe it's because I'm having dinner wth my lovely family and for once, everybody is happy!
Alice: I'm not so sure about Trystan but yes, I think overall everybody seems happy... such a relief, dad...
June: indeed! It pines me so much to see my grandchildren suffer for love...
Trystan: well, I'm considering going to look for Matilda...
Berwyn: that's the girl who disappeared and stopped communicating with you, right?
Trystan: yes... she was away with her mother, but her sister Clara said she's back now and living in San Myshuno, and she asked me to go check in on her... so I'm kind of doing it for Clara, she misses her sister so much...
Berwyn: *sighs* listen man, if you want to go after this girl go ahead, but do yourself a favour, don't lie to yourself...
Trystan: I'm not---
Berwyn: Trys, it's obvious that you like this girl. Maybe you've liked her all along and never realised, but I think deep down you know it now. If this is why you're going after her, just be honest with yourself and go try to get her back. But you need to be honest with her too...
Trystan: but Clara---
Berwyn: if the only reason you are considering this is to help your friend, fine, but then you don't need to get advice from me, right? You're just going to see another person on behalf of your friend... or something. No big deal, no stress, right?
Trystan: .....
Berwyn: exactly, that's what I thought. If you come to me for advice, it's because you like the girl! And let's admit it, I'm the best one to ask for advice in this area *winks*
Trystan: well, that I don't know, but you're very confident with girls so... or at least with my cousin Ella, from what I remember... are you guys still---
Berwyn: ...that's beside the point. The point is, you go find the girl, and when you do, you tell her how you feel. Easy!
Trystan: not that easy when you don't know exactly how you feel!
Berwyn: well, you'll figure it out there then.
Trystan: and what if she doesn't feel the same?
Berwyn: then you'll know and can finally move on with your life...
Trystan: right.. it's scary though... and did you tell Ella how you feel?
Berwyn: .... again, that's beside the point here, Trys... now, let's go to bed it's late...
Berwyn: night, Trys....
Arni: hey Sebastian! Why are you feeling so sad? We are celebrating happiness in this house tonight!
Sebastian: ah... don't mind me... I'll go hide under a blanket somewhere...
Arni: no, stay with us! We'll cheer you up!
Sebastian: thanks... maybe later... I can't face you right now, I need to hide....
Arni: ah I love these cozy evenings with my family... reminiscing of the past...
Arni: all the good memories... and the funny ones *smiles*
Arni: sharing life with my one true love, seeing my kids happy... and the grandkids too...
Arni: I'm one lucky lucky man! *smiles*
Lowri: so here we are, I finally got the room to myself... but it feels so big... and empty...
Lowri: I really miss my sister... why is it that she had to move into the other bedroom with Arwyn... why couldn't she stay with me? I feel so sad...
Lowri: hey guys... what are you up to?
James: Lowri! Can't you knock? We're having a secret meeting here!
Lowri: secret meeting... for what?
Eric: come on James, it's just Lowri!
James: no way, this is for teens only!
Lowri: what is?
Eric: our birthday party... and camping trip weekend... but you can come, don't worry...
James: Eric! I thought we had agreed... teens only!
Eric: yeah but you invited Arwyn and Aneira, and Berwyn... so....
James: yes but they're older, not younger! We don't want to spend the camping trip looking after kids...
Lowri: jeez brother, I had not realised you were so old already! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror this morning? Also, rude, much!
Eric: shut up James, of course Lowri can come, she's our sister! And she's cool, aren't you cool Lo?
Lowri: of course I am! I think James not so much though...
James: fine she can come too. But I don't know if you would enjoy it Lo, everybody else will be a teen, doing teen stuff...
Lowri: except Gareth you mean, as he's my age...
James: yeah right... well at least you will have someone to play with....
Lowri: and Clara! She's also my age...
James: oh, Clara! Of course she should come, she's nice! Okay fine, you three can come too, so long as you take care of yourselves and don't bother us...
Lowri: jeez brother, and what would you be doing that we couldn't do too... this hype for becoming teens is so overrated...
James: that's what a child would say, Lo. You'll figure it out when you get closer to your birthday...
Lowri: well, it's not that far actually...
James: whatever, but all the cousins are in on it! We were born all around the same time, and they'll all going to celebrate their birthday before coming to our party, so then it's just us to that need to grow up and then our teen party is complete! We're going to have so much fun!!!
Eric: yes, I'm so looking forward to growing up! And Jen and Jan are coming too by the way...
James: what! I thought it was family only....
Eric: well, they are like family right?
James: I knew it, you just want to grow up to be able to smooch with your girfriend!
Eric: oh, look at the time, I think we should go to bed! Good night siblings...
Lowri: .... boys .....
Arni: hey, still feeling blue, Sebastian?
Sebastian: ha ha nice joke. But no seriously, you have no idea what you're talking about...
Alice: just tell us what's going on grandpa! You'll feel better...
Leo: a fight? About what?
Sebastian: I didn't agree with his list on the black tablet of death... unfortunately I lost, I'm sorry...
June: I have no idea what you're talking about dad, but it's late and I'm going to bed..
Noodle: nothing good I'm afraid... something sad is going to happen soon, and there was no way to prevent it... I need you to stay strong and support the Loves, as we did in our time...
Stella: of course... as always...
Aneira: so, what's the surprise?
Arwyn: it's not really a surprise, but I thought that to celebrate our first morning of life together at Love house we could do something special.... we could go for a ride with the horses! I always said I wanted to take you...
Aneira: oh yes that is a great idea! So much has happened that I feel that I didn't get to spend any time with my beloved horses recently... isn't it so Quicksilver? But today we're going to change that, yes?
Arwyn: ... for some reason... I feel like I've forgotten how to ride... it's been a while... weird?
Aneira: same.. although I've never really learnt properly...
Aneira: maybe it has to do with the shift to the new universe or something...
Arwyn: maybe... but spooky, isn't it?
Arwyn: well, I guess it will get better with time and practise...
Aneira: I hope so!
Arwyn: indeed...


Aneira: only if you're up for a race... *grins*
Arwyn: then get ready to go! On the count of three---

Aneira: hey! You started too early! Wait for me!!
Arwyn: *laughs*
Aneira: it's beautiful out here..
Aneira: let's go for a ride on the beach! But then we should go home, I promised Trystan to be there when he's back from school, he said he has something to tell me...
Arwyn: oh... okay then... but maybe we can do this again soon?
Aneira: of course! Any time... and the sooner I improve my skills, the sooner I'll beat you to a race *grins*
Arwyn: *laughs* here's to many more hours of riding together then... looks like we both need them!

Arwyn aaah, this was so nice! and it's such a beautiful day today!
Aneira: indeed, so lovely!
Aneira: ah, I had missed spending time with our horses... thank you Arwyn, this was wonderful...
Arwyn: I knew you would like it! After all, we both are horse people... we'll do this again soon! I really want to take you for a longer ride... maybe we can do a picnic too?
Trystan: sorry, did I interrupt anything?
Aneira: ah, no we were just talking... we had a great day out horseriding! Didn't we Arwyn?
Trystan: er... okay... but An, I relly need to tell you something...
Aneira: sure! Shoot... what's going on...
Trystan: *breathes* I have decided to go and see Matilda...
Aneira: what!
Aneira: wow... well, that's good right?
Trystan: yeah... I guess....
Aneira: so... I guess this means you realised that you actually like her?
Trystan: yeah... no.... I don't know, I'm still not sure...
Aneira: well, I guess you'll figure it out when you see her then...
Trystan: yeah... but you're coming with me right? I can't go alone and risk chickening out...
Aneira: of course... when--
Trystan: tomorrow.
Aneira: tomorrow!
Trystan: If I need to do this, I need to do this now... the mere thought of it is killing me...
Aneira: but what about school....
Arwyn: well, I guess he could skip it for once, for the right reason... as you did before, for me *winks*
Aneira: you're right, I did it too...
Trystan: and I came with you! So now we swap... and you're welcome to come too Arwyn!
Arwyn: sure, where are we going exactly?
Aneira: I'm trying to find where auntie Amy lives, we could also stop by and say hi to her...
Trystan: well, I was talking to Berwyn yesterday...
Arwyn: oh no, nothing good can come after this sentence... please don't follow anything my brother says...
Berwyn: helloooo I'm right here you know!
Trystan: no, actually our conversation was quite insightful! And he's coming too, by the way...
Trystan: and to be honest I don't think I can go on like this anymore anyway... it's too frustrating... I need to see her... try to talk to her.... she's been gone for ages and we didn't really end in a good place so....
Trystan: thanks... but I don't really know what I'm doing, so if we don't do this now I might never have the courage again...
Berwyn: I hope for the same happy ending as the previous one....
Trystan: so... here we are... this is the place... I think....
Arwyn: wow... this city looks big... I have never seen anything like this before....
Aneira: but Berwyn, what are you wearing? *giggles*
Berwyn: well, I thought we were on a secret mission and should be disguised? We're quite recognisable, at least my brother and I... I can't believe that none of you, specially you, brother, thought of coming in disguise!
Berwyn: well, Trystan should, he called in fake sick in school! Imagine if your aunt Amy sees him and reports this to your mother...
Aneira: yeah she won't be pleased... she was not pleased that we lied to her the other time...
Berwyn: exactly. So let's just not stand here in plain sight, let's go inside this cafe. Then we can regroup and make a plan... and maybe also get a coffee!
Berwyn: of course I do, I always do!
Trystan: I can't believe we're finally here! I'm so scared... what the heck was I thinking....
Barista lady: hey guys, welcome to San Myshuno café! What can I get you?
Aneira: well, this is cozy... good choice of table Berwyn! Maybe we could also come back here, when we're relaxed and not on a mission I mean...
Trystan: yeah, that's what Clara told me... she passes by here every morning...
Berwyn: good, so here's the plan: we'll all pretend to have a normal chat, while Trystan will monitor the area through the window.
Trystan: and what if I see her?
Berwyn: well then you get up and go talk to her, while we stay here drinking coffee of course!
Arwyn: I like this plan...
Trystan: well, sounds good for you guys! But I thought you were going to help me...
Berwyn: we will, we'll make sure you get up and go after her of course!
Aneira: Arwyn, I was thinking... maybe we could come back here, like, on a date sometime?
Arwyn: that would be lovely An, I've wanted to take you out on a date forever... but I didn't think big cities were your thing?
Aneira: not in general, but having a coffee is... we could start here and then move on somewhere else...
Arwyn: I would love that my dear...
Berwyn: ... er, guys? We're still here... I know we're pretending to have a normal conversation while on a secret mission, but we don't really want to listen to you two flirt, so cheesy... right Trystan?
Trystan: right... I'm kinda nervous here...
Berwyn: besides....
Arwyn: well, we could start with a coffee, then a walk, then get some food somewhere and go to the movies or something...
Aneira: oh Arwyn, I would love that...
Berwyn: er... guys....
Berwyn: guys shush! *whispers* I think our target just walked in...
Berwyn: target identified at 12 o'clock! It's her right? Trystan?
Trystan: .... holy plumbob it is! And what do we do now? This is a huge city... and she walked right into this café! I can't believe it...
Berwyn: well, we will do absolutely nothing, you on the other hand.... get your a$$ off the chair and go talk to her!
Aneira: Berwyn! Be kind with my brother, he's nervous and you're not helping!
Berwyn: well, this is one lucky opportunity, he must take it!
Berwyn: well, you don't need to think right now, you need to get up and follow her, because she just walked out...
Aneira: what!
Trystan: oh no... she's walking away over there....
Berwyn: then what are you still doing here!?
Trystan: you're right, I'll go... it's now or never...
Berwyn: there you go man! Go and conquer...
Aneira: you'll be fine Trys, everything will be fine... you're brave Trystan, you can do this!
Arwyn: he's not like you Ber...
Aneira: and I think he's still confused... I just hope he won't get his heart broken... that Matilda girl is quite a character...
Trystan: there she is.... at least she's sitting down and I don't need to run after her... holy plumbob what am I going to say to her? I still have no idea....
Trystan: come on Trystan, you can do this.... the right thing to say will come up when you talk to her, you'll see... it's now or never...
Trystan: ah... and who are those guys? Oh no they're sitting down with her!
Matilda: oh shut up Lex...
Random guy 2: hey Mat, good to see you again...
Matilda: Rocky! I can't believe it! I was so worried... when did you come out? I'm so glad they let you out!
Rocky: well, they actually didn't...
Matilda: what! You... escaped? But then you shouldn't be here! If they find you...
Rocky: relax love, wealthy parents paid the bail...
Lex: hey guys... I think there's a weirdo stalking us...
Matilda: what did you say?
Lex: jeez people are weird these days...
Matilda: where?
Lex: over there, running away... what a loser...
Matilda: Trystan....
Lex: no way, that is Trystan?!
Rocky: holy plumbob Mat, after all this time... I thought he was a thing of the past?
Matilda: he was, yes...
Lex: and what are you going to do about it, love?
Matilda: nothing... as you said he's in the past... I've moved on now... but if he made it all the way up here... I can't believe he didn't even come to say hi....
Lex: we probably scared him away! *laughs*
Rocky: what a chicken... you're better off without him, Mat. Now come on, we're late for the gathering...
Matilda: ....
Trystan: no I... we have to go...
Trystan: no I.... let's just go... please....
Aneira: sure...
Arwyn: ... I don't think it worked, brother...
Berwyn: I can't believe it... it was a perfect plan! What could have gone wrong? Maybe that girl really is nasty... but then, Trystan is better off without her... and can finally move on... poor Trystan though... I just hope this little trip didn't make things worse...
Berwyn: open the door man, we can talk about it!
Trystan: I'm fine! I'm just working on my robots. Go away... please!
Arwyn: maybe she didn't feel the same way and he's crushed now... poor Trys...
Berwyn: or maybe she was just nasty. I never talked to her much, but I remember she was a piece of work... maybe it's good guys, maybe he's better off without her you know...
Berwyn: but whenever you want to talk Trys, we're here, okay?
Trystan: yeah sure, thanks, now please go away, I'm trying to finish an important chip...
Trystan: .... damn it Trystan, you're such an idiot! Such an idiot... this serves you good... I can't believe what I saw... I don't even know exactly what I saw... but she.... she.... well, it's clear now that she can't... won't like someone like me. Not anymore, anyway... she's obviously moved on... so good, that's good, I can move on too now... I just need to find a way to forget... so take this, rubbish chip, and make sure you work now!
Trystan: she's still so beautiful though... even from far away... I can't believe I didn't notice this before... but it's too late Trystan, too late... we need to move on now...
Alice: ... I'm sure she's fine Susie, don't worry...
Susan: but she always makes me worry! I never know what she's up to, and usually it's nothing good...
Susan: I just arrived...
Alice: but great timing darling, come here we need to ask you something...
Aneira: so, what's going on?
Alice: have you been in touch with Octavia recently?
Aneira: mmm no I don't think so... last thing I heard she had moved in with Ash and all was well... why? Is she okay?
Susan: well, that's what I would like to know! She's not responding to my calls, or texts. And I've heard that she's not been going to school! She's up to no good again, I tell you!
Susan: listen, would you mind coming with me to check in on her? I can't go by myself as I don't want to cause a scene or risk another major fight.. I thought we had cleared things up but then she disappeared so...
Susan: ah, perfect! Thank you my dear...
Aneira: so... here we are.... that's the address...
Susan: umph yeah perhaps... but look at this place, all dark and spooky! I don't like this... I don't like this at all... but then again, this is probably the best place for her, since she's always up to no good... and this time is no exception, I feel it!
Aneira: let's ring the bell and find out then!
Octavia: I.... I.....
Aneira: Octavia... are you okay?
Susan: ....
Aneira: ... auntie Susie.... I don't think it's fake.... she looked dreadful, didn't you notice?
Susan: umph at least the house is nice...
Ash: and how may I help you, ladies?
Ash: yes, I think sitting down is a good idea...
Octavia: please don't say that word or else I'll be back in there... morning sickness is killing me An.... even at night, it lasts the whole day! I feel horrible...
Octavia: thank you Annie... you're always so kind....
Octavia: yes well... I wasn't sure how to say this... or how she would take it so.... besides, I was too busy surviving my sickness...
Octavia: thank you Annie, I feel so relieved now that someone else knows my secret...
Octavia: mum....
Susan: is it.... is it true? What Ash told me? Are you--- are you---
Octavia: having a baby? Yes, mother. You can say it out loud, it's not a crime you know....
Susan: but how can you--- you---- you're just a child!
Octavia: For plumbob's sake, I told you many times before mother, I am not a child! Besides, my birthday is only a few days away now...
Susan: but you need to go to school, how are you going to manage school?
Susan: you did what?!
Octavia: An... help, please?
Susan: yes.... calmly... *shouting* how could you get pregnant and leave school Octavia! You're a child!
Octavia: mum, I must have told you a billion times by now... I'm not a child! Obviously....
Susan: but could you not wait to finish school at least? You're such a brilliant girl, I can't believe you're not going to graduate!
Aneira: I think you're still missing the main point here, auntie Susie...
Susan: a grandmother... I'm not old enough for that... am I? I'm shocked! And the timing is not ideal, you need to agree with that....
Octavia: maybe not ideal for you, but have you ever stopped and wonder what's ideal for us? Maybe this was not planned, but we're happy! Why can't you see that we're very happy together, mum?
Ash: she's got a point there you know, we are so very happy... and I can't wait to be a daddy!
Susan: argh mum you're impossible! Wait...
Ash: you heard, my love.... I'm officially retiring from the role, too stressful and too much work to live up to the expectations... now I only want to focus on you and our little family...
Octavia: oh Ash, that is so sweet.... but how can we fulfil our evilness needs then?
Ash: I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find another way that's more sustainable with raising a family, don't ou think? Ah! Maybe our child could follow my footsteps, how about that?
Octavia: I love you so much Ash....
Aneira: haha I don't know, but aren't they sweet, auntie Susie?
Aneira: maybe who he was... but now... look at them! They're happy together... that's what matters right? And they came all the way to the elven kingdom to help us! If he truly was evil, he wouldn't have done such a thing, right?
Aneira: yes you were, but it doesn't mean this is bad! Those two are perfect for each other auntie Susie, and you, you're going to be a grandmother! Isn't it exciting?
Susan: of course it is... but she shouldn't have deceived me... she should have told me about this... about him...
Aneira: and what would you have done?
Aneira: come on, you're joking right? I know deep down you're happy for them... or at least for her! And I think you should tell her... come on auntie Susie, this is a good thing! I am very excited to meet my first... er... second-cousin.... or something...
Ash: with a win win outcome, yes?
Octavia: I know mum... and I love you too... and I hate that we fight all the time...
Susan: *sighs* I suppose you get that from me anyway... I also didn't have an easy relationship with my mother...
Octavia: really? I didn't know... but well, I don't think this family trait is going to be passed on, I think this baby will love me, and you too!
Susan: really?
Octavia: it's saying hi to granny!
Octavia: alright mother... I won't call you granny, but my child might!
Susan: yes, well, there's still time for that...
Aneira: aww that's so sweet! Finally...
Susan: I love you too darling... and I can't wait to tell your dad! And your brother and sister...
Arni: ah, what a beautiful night to tend to my plants! It's cold but not too cold, the sky is bright.. Spring time is definitely here!
June: ready? For what?
Sebastian: I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything.... it's time....
Arni: June.... goodbye my love.... I'll be back soon....
June: no!! Stop!!! What are you doing... what have you done! Arni... Arni!!!!!
Grim Reaper: me? Nothing, just ticking the box on my to do list... this was the last assignment for today, now I can go watch some netflix at last...
June: but you just can't do this! You can't take my husband... I need him! I can't live without him....
Grim Reaper: well, it's not quite your turn yet but if you want I can see if I can reshuffle some appointments...
June: you're heartless... heartless!
June: please, please, please! Don't take him... not yet... I didn't get to say goodbye! If you let him leave, you can take us both together, another time...
Grim Reaper: do you seriously think you can convince me? Of course I will do no such thing! Say your goodbyes, June, but don't worry, it's not going to be long....
Arwyn: nooo! Grandpa Arni.... noooooo!
Arwyn: and Aneira is not even here... what a shock... this is so sad.....
Alice: nothing good darling, nothing good... I saw it from the window but didn't make it down the stairs on time... I've called your sister, she'll be home soon.... I can't believe it... dad....
Lumikki: if anybody needs a cuddle, I'm here....
Grim Reaper: stop shouting kid I'm trying to concentrate...
Leo: he was like a father to me....
Berwyn: oh my goodness... oh no.....
Grim Reaper: ah, beautiful! Have I not done a wonderful job.... yes I have indeed! *laughs*
Lowri: grandpaaaaaaaaaaa!
Trystan: I don't think I'll be able to recover from this...
Lumikki: sure thing! But this is so sad... do you know when master Arni will be able to visit?
Sebastian: I don't know... soon I hope...
Alice: dad!!!
Aneira: mum.... mum what happened... it can't be.... I came as soon as I could....
Aneira: noooo! Grandpa!!! I was not here, I couldn't say goodbye!
Aneira: mum, it wouldn't have changed anything... grandpa was very very old... I don't know how he managed to live this long actually...
Aneira: me too mum, me too....
Arwyn: I'm so sorry Annie, this is so sad....
Noodle: wof!
To be continued....
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked the chapter, despite the sad ending :(
Arni you will be missed, he's been with the legacy since 2013! And June even longer.. but the beauty of sims is, he's going to be back in ghost form soon :)
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