Sunday 13 October 2024

The Love Legacy - Generation 4 Chapter 34

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

Last time we left the Loves dealing with teen age drama, which Trystan was all too happy to leave behind as he graduated from high school early and celebrated his birthday! 

Arni finally made an appearance, and life is looking brighter, with a wedding on the horizon. But will it really be brighter for everybody? Read on to find out!

Aneira: there you go Stella, a quick brush for a great morning start! That feels good, right? *smiles*

Stella: [mmm a little bit to the right please...]

Arwyn: good morning An... I knew I would find you here... *smiles*

Aneira: Arwyn! I thought you were still sleeping...

Arwyn: I was, but when I realised you were up already, I had to come and find you... and I just knew that I would find you here! *smiles*

Aneira: we both love horses, don't we *smiles*

Arwyn: indeed... in fact, you know that long ride with picnic that we talked about? How about we go riding today?

Aneira: oh, that would be wonderful!

Arwyn: *smiles* I was hoping you would say that...

Aneira: why?

Arwyn: nothing, just because... it will be special *smiles*

Aneira: I can't wait then! *smiles* shall we get the horses ready?

Arwyn: haha I would love to go now too but... I have... something to do first.

Aneira: what is it? You're being so mysterious today!

Arwyn: oh, you'll find out soon! It's something for our little trip, you'll see! *smiles*

Aneira: okay... I'm getting curious now! What are you up to?

Arwyn: it's a surprise, you'll see! *winks*

Arwyn: now, kiss goodbye and see you in the afternoon? I'll text you when you can start getting the horses ready and I'll meet you back here...

Aneira: okay *smiles*

Leo: so... how does it feel like, Trys? To be a young adult?

Trystan: good... it feels good dad! No more school... no more drama.... I feel... lighter....

Leo: I can see that... I haven't seen this happy in a long time Trys! It was about time!

Trystan: thanks dad... and by the way, these grilled cheese sandwiches are delicious!

Leo: well, I'm not as advanced as your mother or grandmother, but I'm trying *grins*

Leo: so, what's next then?

Trystan: dad! I've been a grown up for less than 24 hours, give me a break please!

Aneira: ... helloooo, good morning! What have I missed?

Trystan: dad was about to grill me about my plans for the future...

Leo: of course, of course there is no rush, son! I didn't mean it like that... 

Aneira: oh... now that I think about it... I also haven't figured that out yet... and I've been a young adult since the new year... oh dear...

Leo: I was just wondering... if you had had any thoughts on that matter, that's all...

Trystan: honestly? I don't know. I'm just looking forward to having some time to myself... to continue inventing stuff... to... think.... if I want to get a job or... go to University or something....

Aneira: oh... University... I didn't even think about it! But no, I don't think it's for me... and I don't think Arwyn would be interested either... but maybe it would be good for Trystan... yes, I think it would be good for him!

Alice: good morning all! Oh wow, Leo, did you make breakfast? Smells amazing!

Aneira: and tastes delicious! Hi mum!

Alice: so, what's the deep discussion over here about?

Aneira: Trystan's future... options.... University...

Alice: oh, interesting! And what about your future, darling? Have you and Arwyn given any thought to---

Aneira: mum! Please drop this thing, besides, you're making Arwyn feel uncomfortable...

Alice: I'm sorry darling, I just want to see you happy... and you two have pined for each other for so long, and now you're finally happily together... and I just... sometimes I am wondering what you are waiting for now...

Aneira: mum, we're fine as we are, that's it. We're just enjoying a quiet life for a bit... then... we'll see. Like, we're going for a long ride with the horses this afternoon, and he's being quite mysterious about it actually... it's exciting! And nice, and relaxing, with no worries for once... we're just enjoying life, mum...

Alice: oh, a mysterious ride you say? Awesome! You know, your dad also took me for a ride with the horses when he proposed to me... and now that I think about it, I think my dad also took my mum for a ride when he proposed... oh my goodness, it's a family tradition! *laughs*

Aneira: oh plumbob, mother, it's just a ride and a picnic! Please don't start a brain movie...

Alice: a picnic! We also had one!! And tell me, are you planning to camp too? Because we did and---

Aneira: ok, that's my cue to leave... see you later, mum...

Alice: oh, pity, it was such a romantic story... I hope your ride is as romantic as mine was! *giggles*

Aneira: bye, mum...

Arwyn: I hope she's at home... she said she would be....

Arwyn: Octavia?

Octavia: come in, come in, I'm just finishing this chess match against myself and I'll be right with you...

Octavia: ah damn it, I lost!

Arwyn: against yourself?

Octavia: oh, true, that means I also won! Yay!

Arwyn: okay... well... er.... thanks for agreeing to this...

Octavia: of course, it's my pleasure! Aneira has been such a great friend to me... and cousin, of course. I would do anything for her!

Arwyn: thank you so much, I really appreciate it... you know, I wanted to find the perfect one but then I thought... I might just ask if you can make it...

Octavia: I'd be honoured! Come on, I'll show you my workshop...

Octavia: still one floor up, it's in the attic...

Arwyn: you have a... uhm.. very nice house, Octavia...

Octavia: oh, thank you! We really love it too! See, it belonged to Ash's parents and we renovated it a bit...

Octavia: here we are! My beautiful attic where crystal magic happens...

Octavia: so... you're still sure about the design and materials you sent me?

Arwyn: absolutely!

Octavia: good, let's get to work then! I did some prep work already so won't be long...

Arwyn: can I watch you work?

Octavia: better not, I need to focus, sorry...

Arwyn: alright...

Octavia: done! Ta-dah! Isn't it beautiful? A beautiful diamond star ring...

Arwyn: wow it's.... perfect.... thank you Octavia.... thank you so much....

Octavia: any time, as I said, anything for my dear Annie... now, when are you going to give it to her?

Arwyn: today... I have a special afternoon planned...

Octavia: then what are you waiting for? Go to her! Good luck Arwyn, you'll be a wonderful family!

Arwyn: thank you Octavia, really...

Aneira: An! I'm back!

Aneira: Arwyn, you're here!

Arwyn: have you missed me? *winks*

Aneira: hugely... *smiles*

Aneira: and I have to say, I'm very curious about this mysterious afternoon! Where are we going?

Arwyn: well, let's get the horses ready and find out! *winks*

Arwyn: all set? Ready?

Aneira: let's go!!!

Arwyn: woah, An, not so fast, wait!

Aneira: Stellaaa stop!

Arwyn: Ann!! Wait!! 

Aneira: I wish I could!!!

Arwyn: You don't know where we're going!!

Aneira: finally! Good girl, Stella! But please don't go this fast next time, we're not on a race...

Stella: [that's what you think, human... I just won that race!]

Arwyn: there you are, thank goodness you stopped! 

Aneira: I know, I got scared for a minute there, but Stella had her own plan in mind... 

Quicksilver: [not fair....]

Stella: [ha! You are so sloooow]

Arwyn: okay, but no more funny things now, alright? I'm talking to you, Stella!

Aneira: *laughs*

Arwyn: alright, let's go. It will take some time, but I found the perfect place where I want to take you...

Aneira: where is it? 

Arwyn: it's called Henford on Bagley...

Aneira: oh my goodness, Arwyn, this place is amazing!

Arwyn: I knew you would like it!

Aneira: like it? I love it!! It's so green, and lush, and the sky is so blue... and there are... foxes!! So cute!!!

Aneira: and the river... wow, it looks like a place from a fairytale!

Arwyn: *smiles*

Arwyn: but this is not quite where I wanted to take you, I think we have to go a bit further...

Aneira: how do you know? Have you been here before?

Arwyn: no, I used the power of simoogle maps!

Arwyn: come on, let's go, I think it's over there...

Aneira: haha well, then thanks simoogle for helping you find such a wonderful place!

Aneira: ooh, picnic tables!

Arwyn: not for us... I brought a picnic blanket! But our spot is not far...

Aneira: holy plumbob it's getting more and more beautiful! This place is magical, isn't it? Everywhere you look there's beauty!

Arwyn: I'm so glad you love it *smiles*

Aneira: and look at that house! So cute with the water mill! I would love to live here!!

Arwyn: ah, yes! That's the place! We have arrived...

Aneira: yay! It's so green... so beautiful! Indeed, it's the perfect spot for a picnic... and so quiet...

Arwyn: exactly! Nobody will bother us here...

Aneira: good girl, Stella, it was a wonderful ride, wasn't it? Now you can graze freely while we relax and have a picnic and then we'll go home later, ok?

Arwyn: that house... it reminds me so much of the one we grew up in... before the palace... so I knew this was the perfect place!

Aneira: oh really! Wow, you never talk about that part of your life...

Arwyn: one day I would like to take you there... if you like?

Aneira: oh Arwyn, I would love to see it!

Arwyn: An... I'm so happy here, with you... I just wanted to tell you...

Aneira: me too... and I know, you know? But it's nice to hear it *smiles*

Aneira: so, what have you brought?

Arwyn: well, just sandwiches... I hope it's ok....

Aneira: of course it is! I love sandwiches *smiles*

Aneira: this is really lovely, Arwyn, thank you... so relaxing, so beautiful.... and it's just the two of us... so peaceful...

Arwyn: that was exactly the point! *grins* I'm so happy you like it... your family is wonderful but there are always so many people around, and somebody's drama going on... I just wanted today to be about us....

Aneira: and it's wonderful *smiles* just perfect!

Arwyn: *smiles* in fact---

Arwyn: oh, hello Quicksilver...

Quicksilver: [food. Now.]

Aneira: haha you were saying? Just the two of us?

Arwyn: haha indeed! Funny... but don't mind him, he'll just go graze with Stella soon... right big boy?

Quicksilver: [oh really? You don't know what's gonna come next if you don't give me a sandwich now...]

Aneira: aaah!

Quicksilver: [no food for me, no food for anybody, ha!]

Arwyn: holy plumbob, what's got into him?

Aneira: hahaha oh my goodness that's funny, even when there are no people around, it's still not just the two of us!

Arwyn: *sighs* come on big boy, there's so much grass around here for you to roll on, off you go...

Quicksilver: [but I want a sandwich...]

Arwyn: finally we can finish our sandwiches in peace!

Aneira: *laughs* that was quite funny actually! I've never seen him behave like this!

Aneira: look at the clouds, Arwyn! Don't they look like little sheep? So beautiful!

Arwyn: haha indeed!

Arwyn: the sky might be beautiful but not as much as you my dear Annie...

Aneira: oh Arwyn, you make me blush *giggles*

Arwyn: let me tell you a secret... I love it when you blush...

Aneira: really? *smiles*

Arwyn: really...  ah, Annie, I'm so happy here with you...

Aneira: and me.... at last, we can be together... feels like a dream sometimes! 

Aneira: I love you, Arwyn....

Arwyn: and I love you, Annie...

Arwyn: An.... you're so beautiful....

Aneira: *smiles* just kiss me already....

Quicksilver: [look! Now they're hiding the sandwiches away! I told you they didn't want to share with me but this... outrageous!]

Stella: [sighs... honey, I don't think that's what's they're doing really....]

Quicksilver: [what do you mean?]

Stella: [can't you see that they're in love?]

Quicksilver: [uh? Oh... OH! Okay... ]

Stella: [speaking of which... we're not getting any younger honey, would it not be time to give the Loves a little one? After all, we've seen Aneira's parents fall in love... the children grow up... and now fall in love....maybe it's time for us too?]

Quicksilver: [well... if you insist!]

Aneira: wow... that.... was an experience....

Arwyn: hahaha a good one I hope!

Aneira: good, definitely good but... don't you feel like a burrito now?

Arwyn: ahhahaha well, maybe! Oh Annie, I love you so much!!

Aneira: and I love you... oh, and it's dark already! I think we've lost track of time... maybe we should be heading back...

Arwyn: we shall, but first, there's something else...

Quicksilver: [finally! That took a while...]

Aneira: what is it? Why the serious face? Arwyn...

Quicksilver: [come on big boy, you can do it!]

Arwyn: *inhales* dear dear Annie, I've tried for so long to find the perfect moment to do this...

Aneira: to do what?

Arwyn: please let me finish.... 

Arwyn: Ann...

Aneira: oh my goodness... Arwyn....

Quicksilver: [Stella! Stellaaaa! Look! He's doing it!]

Arwyn: I--- one second it's stuck...

Aneira: oh my goodness! Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?

Arwyn: Aneira Love, love of my life and light of my days, will you marry me?

Aneira: oh my goodness! Arwyn!! YES!! Of course I'll marry you, yes!!!

Aneira: wow, Arwyn, it's wonderful!

Arwyn: I'm glad you like it! I asked Octavia to make it for me... I gave her the design and she made it for you... for us....

Aneira: oh wow! Octavia?! That's so sweet of her... 

Arwyn: I wanted it to be perfect, and I couldn't find one that fit the requirement so, I thought, we have a witch and crystal master in the family, I may as well ask her....

Aneira: just... wow....

Aneira: oh Arwyn... this is so.... perfect.....

Aneira: oh my goodness, we are getting married!!!

Arwyn: indeed we are!!!

Aneira: oh Arwyn, I'm so happy!!!

Arwyn: me too my darling, me too...

Aneira: hey, everybody, we're home! *smiles*

June: wait, do I sense some excitement here... 

June: so, what's up with the two of you? What's the news?

Arwyn: ah...

Alice: Annie! And Arwyn... you're back! How was the ride?

Aneira: it was wonderful, mum, we went to this place called Henford on Bagley, it was so beautiful!

Alice: oh, I've heard about it yes! And...

Aneira: and we had a wonderful ride in the nature, and had a picnic under a willow tree and by the river...

Alice: sounds idyllic...

Aneira: it was! And mum, there's more.... 

Alice: is there?

Aneira: we're engaged!!

Alice: what!! I knew it!!!! 

Alice: I'm so happy for you Annie! I really am!!!

Aneira: I know!! Thanks mum!! Me too!!! We are over the moon!!! 

June: I knew it!! Well done, Arwyn, well done... I was hoping to see you guys get married before---

Arwyn: before what?

June: nothing... I'm really happy for you *smiles*

Leo: hey, what's going on here? What's all the excitement?

Alice: oh, Leo... it's Annie and Arwyn... they're getting married!

Leo: what! Oh wow! Congratulations!!

Alice: I'm so happy, Leo! 

Leo: I know darling, I'm happy too... and I know how much you wished for this....

Aneira: hey, should I not be the one getting a hug?

Leo: of course my dear, congratulations Annie! I'm so happy for you!

Aneira: thank you daddy....

June: oh, sweetheart, I'm so happy for you... congratulations!

Aneira: thank you, grandma....

Alice: well played, Arwyn... and about time, might I add...

Arwyn: indeed! There's so much drama going on around here that there was never the perfect time to.... until today...

Alice: *smiles* I'm happy for you...

James: woah, what's going on here? Congratulations? Do you mean....

James: oh wow, well done, man! And about time indeed!

Arwyn: thanks, James!

Lowri: oh wow.... big news indeed and I'm the last one to know! Not cool...

Eric: wow... that's a big news... 

Trystan: well, nor a surprising one though? And specially a very happy one!

Eric: yes indeed but... doesn't it make you feel... old? Marriage... such a grown up thing... I mean, you are going to be the next one! Is it not... scary?

Trystan: well, since I think it's more likely that you are gonna be next, no, I don't feel old... *smiles*

Eric: oh shut up, I've heard you are considering going to university? Cool idea by the way! I'm sure you're gonna meet someone that will make you forget your old flame M---

Trystan: she is not an old flame! 

Eric: sure, so we will all pretend that you didn't go looking for her in the new year...

Trystan: I think we should go congratulate Annie and Arwyn, don't you think?

Lowri: Annie!!! What a wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!!

Aneira: aww thanks, Lo!

Lowri: I'm so happy for you!! I've been rooting for you two from the very beginning!

Aneira: thank you so much sis...

Lowri: and I will be your bridesmaid, right?

Aneira: well, we haven't thought about the details yet but... sure, of course you can be my bridesmaid!

Lowri: good, and don't worry, I will be all grown up by then!

Aneira: oh don't worry, we haven't thought about the timing yet... but first there's Elena's wedding in two days... then we'll plan...

Lowri: regardless... I think I've had enough of childhood... and it's so lonely now that it's just Gareth and I.... I'll text him later today: Sunday morning is the time when we'll both join the teen gang... so we can fully enjoy Elena's wedding!

Trystan: Annie! Wow!!! That's one big news there! Congratulations!

Aneira: thank you little brother! Wow, I'm getting so many hugs tonight!!

Trystan: and congratulations to you too, Arwyn! I always thought of you and Berwyn as other brothers... it's nice to have you officially part of the family!

Eric: it's just me missing from the hugging list now! Congratulations, sister, I'm so happy for you!

Aneira: thank you Eric, my heart is so full! I really feel the family love tonight...

Eric: of course! But please, don't get married too quickly, it's making me feel old, and Trystan said I will be the next one, so....

Aneira: haha but you're still a teen ager, Eric, it will still be quite a while... although I do agree that you and Jenny are a wonderful couple! *smiles*

Benjamin: hey, hey, what's going on here? What am I missing? What happened?

Leo: now I can finally say, welcome to the family, son... I'm proud to be able to call you that...

Arwyn: oh, wow, thank you so much... it means so much to me...

Benjamin: wait, what? Are you celebrating... a wedding or something?

June: an engagement, grandpa! My granddaughter Aneira just got engaged to the love of her life Arwyn over there... isn't it beautiful? A wonderful, if sometimes painful, love story might I add....

Benjamin: oh wow! 

Benjamin: that's a great news!! I'm so happy for them, our legacy continues!!

June: of course it does! And by the way, the new generation has already started... 

Benjamin: what? There's another Love on the way? But that's amazing!! I need to go tell Juliet!!

June: well, he's here already! Little Arno, Octavia's child... remember Octavia? She's the first born daughter of my third son Michael...  

Benjamin: I must confess I got lost at some point with all these new generations...

June: well, I'm a great grandmother now, and you are a great great great grandfather... or something... I also lose track of the "great" sometimes...

Benjamin: so... your big sister is getting married, uh? Happy?

Trystan: absolutely!! Really happy for her... Annie and Arwyn are good, kind people and deserve to be happy...

Benjamin: and what about you, uh? Have you found a lady friend yet? *winks*

Trystan: oh, look at the time! I think we should all go have some dinner now...

Lowri: ... yes!! Gareth agreed! Sunday morning is the time... get ready world, we are just getting started...

Benjamin: Sebastian! Son! Have you heard the news?

Sebastian: uh, what? Where have you found that grilled cheese? I couldn't find any leftovers...

James: hey, is it ghost night or what? Hello, Rembrandt! Nice to see you!!

Aneira: good morning all! Happy Saturday!

Trystan: morning...

June: good morning, darling, you sound happy!

Aneira: I am indeed! Although you two don't look that happy.... what's wrong?

James: Eric kept me awake until 1 a.m. panicking about getting old, getting married and what not...

Aneira: oh, Eric...

Eric: aah no big deal... James is exaggerating as usual... I'm cool!

June: aaah, they are all growing up so fast! Thanks goodness Lowri is still a child, otherwise I would definitely feel veeeery old!

Trystan: actually, I don't feel old at all! I feel just GREAT! I love being a young adult... no more drama... aaaah so relaxing! Like, there's prom today and I thankfully don't have to go and could not care less! Freedom!

June: that's so beautiful Trystan, your life awaits and you can do exactly what you want to do! And I'm sure somewhere there's a young lady waiting just for you... *sighs*

Trystan: no, thank you, I'm quite fine as I am... just enjoying life!

Lowri: morning! Mmmm smells like pancakes! Yummi! I hope you haven't finished everything off already?

Aneira: morning Lo! And no, grandma just finished preparing them, but now that I look at it, it seems that some waffles are also ready to be served! Did you guys make them?

James: do I look like someone who can cook waffles?

Eric: yeah... if the house hasn't burnt down, it was not us...

Aneira: well, they look good... double breakfast, everybody!

Lowri: oh, I think great-great-grandpa Benjamin made them, I saw him fiddling with the waffle maker last night...

James: oh, great, waffles from the great beyond... are we sure they're safe to eat?

Aneira: but of course they are! Oh that was so nice of him, to think of our breakfast!

Lowri: actually, I think they were for him and he just forgot them in there.... but whatever, more for us!

James: I'm still not sure... I think I'll stick to pancakes... I want to live a long life! And I'm just a teenager for plumbob's sake, not time yet to get old or die... right Eric?

Lowri: speaking of which...

Aneira: oh, come on, what is wrong with everybody talking about old age and dying? Please change the topic!

Lowri: ....tell me James, how's teen age life treating you? Is it better than childhood?

James: uhm... yeah I suppose....

Lowri: you suppose or you know? Like, if you could back to childhood today, would you do it? And what are the perks of beeing a teen? What is high school like?

James: woah, so many questions, Lo! I don't really know... and why do you want to know, all of a sudden?

Lowri: because I'm joining your gang tomorrow!

James: uh, what?

Lowri: it's my birthday tomorrow!!

James: no it's not, there's still a while to go...

Lowri: no, I have decided it is tomorrow! Isn't it exciting? Gareth is also celebrating, so we can both join your teen gang!

James: oh... alright... well, since you will be celebrating early, why not doing it today? So you can come to prom with us?

Lowri: oh no, I will have plenty of time to do that... besides, what a lame start of teen age, going to prom by myself without even having had the opportunity to ask someone... or for someone to ask me.... no, it's going to be tomorrow, before Elena's wedding. I've decided!

James: alright, alright... well, then you better enjoy your last day of childhood!

Lowri: indeed... and so I shall do!

Aneira: ooooh that's true! It's prom night tonight! Are you excited to go to prom with your future wife?

Eric: Annie, stop it!

Aneira: sorry, but I had to tease you!! *laugh*

Eric: great, thank you....

Trystan: but no, really, it will be fun! Although I'm so glad that I don't have to endure another one... the romance drama is all yours, brothers!

Eric: I'm quite hoping for no drama at all, thank you very much....

Lowri: well, that's one of the downsides. I'm not looking forward to drama at all... does it always come with teen age?

Eric: pretty much... more for some than others... but we're still good, aren't we, brother? Lowri you should follow our example, don't follow Aneira's footsteps... or even worse, Trystan's!

Trystan: woah, thank you very much...

Lowri: but I do want to follow Aneira's footsteps... she's my big sister! And she's getting married now! I think she had a wonderful love story, don't you agree?

James: well, not when evil auntie made sure it was not the case...

Lowri: yeah true...

Trystan: but well, sometimes you have to go through difficult times to really appreciate what you have and figure out what you really want, and then be happy, in the end...

James: oh wow, that was... deep....

Eric: and sorry to say it, but it didn't really work out like that for you, Trys...

Lowri: oh, come on Eric, did you really need to say that? Big brother was giving me wise grown up advice! Please apologise, it's not his fault if she took off and never came back!

Trystan: ......

Eric: yeah, sorry bro... perhaps it hasn't happened yet, but it will... anyway Lo, just follow my advice, Jen and I are very much in love and without drama... now, go enjoy your last day of childhood, while we... er... find something to keep us occupied until prom starts...

James: how about a basketball match? That will help you calm your nerves, Eric...

Eric: yeah, sounds good...

Lowri: why nerves? Did you not say your relationship is drama-free?

James: *laughs* that's a story for when you join our gang, little sister! Now, go enjoy your favourite childhood activities!

Jenny: oh Eric, finally! I thought you two would not show up at all... I thought something bad happened....

Eric: I'm so sorry, we were playing basektball and lost track of time... and then brother dear over there took ages to get ready...

James: I did not do such thing!

Janet: ....

Eric: Jenny, you look wonderful!

Jenny: *blushes* thank you Eric, you too! Shall we go in? The others are already inside...

James: hey Jan....

Janine: ....

James: are you really not talking to me?

Janine: you're late.

James: I know, I texted you... I'm sorry... but we're just 20 min late, it's not the end of the world...

Janine: it is for me! We missed the photoshoot session. Now I don't have a photo with you taking me to prom!

James: I'm sorry... but hey, we can take a selfie together or a photo at the photo booth maybe?

Janine: it's not the same thing.

James: *sighs* fine. I'll let you sulk in peace. In the meantime, I'm going to get a drink.

Janine: ....

Jenny: wow, this is so beautiful!

Jimmy: and there's plenty to drink over here! As always the place is quite deserted, but dig in, people! 

James: come on Janine, are you seriously going to stay there the whole evening? I'm really going in for a drink now...

Jenny: ....

Eric: .... your sister is really mad, isn't she?

Jenny: yeah....

Jimmy: what are you doing, all sitting there, cousins? The dance floor is ours!! Wooo hoooo!! 

Eric: would you like to dance, my darling?

Jenny: absolutely!

Amelia: hey girls, shall we go dance?

Clara: yes, that might be a good idea, Zoe!

Zoe: no... you go if you want, I'll just stay here...

Zoe: Glyn should have been here, he had promised... but then his evil mother had other plans... I'm so sad...

Clara: I know, that sucks... but we are here! It's not the same, but we can have fun just us girls!

Zoe: maybe later... I'm not in the mood for dancing yet... but you go ahead girls, don't wait for me...

James: I'm glad you've changed your mind...

Janine: well, that would have been a waste of a prom, wouldn't it?

James: indeed... *smiles*

Janine: now, shall we go dance? Honestly James, you should be asking me....

James: okay, but first I need a drink, I'm really thirsty...

Janine: but I thought you would want to dance with me...

James: yeah, we have the whole evening for that, right? Come on, get a drink, let's relax a bit first, okay?

Janine: .... why can't we have what they have....

James: hey girls, why the long faces?

Amelia: they don't want to dance, Zoe is sad because Glyn should have been here...

James: oh... I see... I'm sorry that whole thing with my aunt coming over was a bit messed up... but we can still have fun right?

Clara: that's what we've been trying to tell her....

Zoe: okay, fine, I'm going... dancing with my brother and sister, what a delight... *sighs*

James: well, at least she's trying now....

Clara: yeah, thanks James...

James: and what about you?

Clara: what about me?

James: are you not going to dance? You look very pretty tonight, by the way!

Clara: *blushes* thanks, James! You're so kind as always... as for dancing... well, if somebody asked me, I wouldn't say no.... *smiles*

Clara: what about----

Janine: hey sweetheart...

James: Janine! Did you not get yourself a drink?

Janine: I don't need a drink... I only need you.... 

James: ah... *blushes*

Janine: come here....

James: oh my--- Jan.... wow....

Clara: .... really? Under my nose again?

James: wow... what was that?! *grins*

Janine: that, was an appetizer... *winks*

Clara: .... I may vomit.....

James: what do you mean?

Janine: well, if you need me to spell it out.... *whispers*

James: oh... okay... *blushes*

Janine: now, shall we go dance?

Clara: ......

Janine: see? Slow dancing is not that bad... if you're doing it with the right person *winks*

James: yeah, right *grins*

Clara: ... enough. I've had enough! I knew coming here was a bad idea... now I feel really sick....

Jimmy: wooo hooo this party rocks!

Amelia: you didn't bring a date... and you're happy... this is new.... are you sure you're ok Jimmy?

Jimmy: no, this party really sucks. But fake it till you make it, right?

Amelia: oh dear...

Zoe: you're right, brother, this party sucks but we'll make the most of it, right Chlo?

Chloe: whatever... there's nobody else here to dance with anyway...

Glyn: well, I really hope to change that...

Zoe: wha-----

Zoe: Glyn!!!! 

Glyn: hello, love *grins*

Zoe: oh my goodness! What are you doing here!!

Glyn: well, we had a date, hadn't we? *winks*

Zoe: yes, but I thought... your mother... you had to go back.... how... how did you get here?!?!

Jimmy: heeey bro! Wow, that's a surprise.... didn't think I would see you so soon....

Glyn: I'll tell you everything, but first things first....

Chloe: I hate to admit it but... these two are so sweet together... they make nauseous!

Zoe: oh Glyn, this is wonderful... I'm so happy that you're here! But how did you manage....

Glyn: oh that was easy. I basically just walked out! Future king, remember? I have some power... *grins* I just had to ignore my mother having a fit and Blodwen screaming because she also wanted to come...

Zoe: oh, and where is she?

Glyn: she stayed with my mother of course! This was too important to me to let her ruin it as usual... besides, I don't know what's got into her and why she wants to follow me here every time...

Jimmy: YES! He came alone... yes!!!

Clara: good night Zoe, I'm leaving.

Zoe: Clara... no, wait, where are you going?

Clara: I've had enough, I'm going home. But don't you worry about me, your evening has just started! Enjoy...

Zoe: oh no, poor Clara...

Glyn: what's going on?

Zoe: *sighs* long story...

Glyn: tell me while we dance?

Zoe: oh no, she would kill me if I told you!

Glyn: girls stuff? Boys drama?

Zoe: something like that, yes...

Zoe: oh Glyn, I can't believe you are really here! This feels like I'm dreaming!!

Glyn: I assure you, you are not *grins*

James: did you see that Clara left? She seemed upset, maybe we should go after her...

Janine: oh my goodness, enough! What is it about this Clara that keeps you getting distracted from me?

James: excuse me?

Janine: fine, I'll make you focus again.... 

Janine: James? Focus....

James: woah!

James: what was that for?

Janine: you didn't like it?

James: of course I liked it but... we were having a conversation...

Janine: you didn't need to worry about your friend, she just walked back in. See? All good, she probably just went to have some fresh air. Actually, it's sweet that you worry for others, James, I like that about you...

James: oh, ok, she seems fine...

Clara: I forgot to vote for prom royalty and jester! And now the voting is closed... damn it, how could I forget?

Eric: Jenny... something feels weird...

Jenny: what happens? Was it the flash? It was quite bright, my eyes hurt too...

Eric: wooo hooo! I'm prom king!!

Jenny: the pictures look okay though...

Eric: Jenny, look!

Jenny: congratulations Eric! I see that my vote worked!!

Eric: oh, sweetheart, did you vote for me?

Jenny: of course I did!

Eric: well... thank you darling... and perhaps, I was thinking.... we could just go back in there and celebrate this? *winks*

Jenny: what?! Now? There are.... people! What if they... notice? Embarrasing!

Eric: nobody's watching... come on Jen *winks*

Jenny: Eric Love, what has got into you tonight! 

Eric: maybe it's the crown... I feel very brave right now... and I couldn't care less about other people. I only care about you.... come on Jenny, let's be daring for once!

Jenny: oh dear... I hope nobody walks by....

Janine: prom jester. Are you kidding me?

James: haha good one Jan, pun intended!

Janine: no, seriously, that was not the plan! I had planned for you to be king... and for me to be queen... something must have gone wrong with the voting....

Chloe: uh oh.... a storm is coming....

Glyn: Jimmy! I hadn't noticed you there... how are you doing mate?

Jimmy: alright... nice to see you Glyn! I heard that this time you managed to make it here alone?

Glyn: Oh yeah. Blodwen had a tantrum but my mum would not let her come. And I wouldn't let her either! Wouldn't want her to spoil my special night with Zoe, would I? Besides, I wouldn't wish any of you to have to take care of the way, I never got to thank you for taking her out to your concert so Zoe and I could have our date the other night! How did that go? She unusually shared very few details...

Jimmy: uhm, alright I guess..

Clara: are you talking about your concert? You guys were great! 

Jimmy: thanks Clara...

Zoe: wait, I thought you had left?

Clara: I forgot to vote for prom royalty... but turns out I was too late... but then I turned and I saw the buffet and realised I was hungry... so here I am! You girlfriends were not very nice though, Jimmy... poor B--

Jimmy: thanks Clara, and indeed, they were not very nice... 

Glyn: girlfriends? *laughs* oh dear, perhaps I don't want to know...

Zoe: ......

Jenny: wait... nobody is around... the coast is clear Eric, we can get out!

Eric: haha thanks, Jenny... that was exciting, wasn't it *winks*

Jenny: it was indeed *smiles* but I'm still worried... what if they have cctv or something? 

Eric: naaah don't worry dear... and even if they do, why would we care! I love you so much and I want the world to know! *grins*

Jenny: oh Eric... I love you too *grins*

James: you're serious... you're seriously upset that I was vote prom jester....

Janine: are you not?

James: of course not! Why would I be?

Janine: because you are king material! Not jester material...

Janine: and I thought I would have a date with the king, not with the jester....

James: honestly, why does it matter so much to you, it's always me you're having a date with!

Janine: you don't understand, this was my dream! For you and me to be prom king and queen... and now... it's shattered!

James: oh, come on, there will be other proms... 

Janine: but not this one! This one will never come back!

James: er... okay... but look---

Janine: no, you really don't understand! This evening is ruined! Ruined!

James: look, calm down---

Janine: calm down? CALM DOWN? Did you really just say that to me?

James: you're making a scene, there's no need to---

Janine: WHAT?! You... you're impossible! You really don't understand how I feel...

James: honestly, no... I don't even know how we got here.... everything was fine and then....

Janine: fine? FINE? Nothing was fine! First you show up late and make me miss the photoshoot, then I have to beg you to dance with me, as you prefer drinking and chatting to your friend. Then, somehow even if you are dancing with me, and are supposedly focusing on me, you manage to notice that said friend left and start being paranoid about it..

James: woah, what does Clara have to do with this? 

Janine: and THEN, to top it all up, you are voted prom jester. Jester! This is all a joke...

James: well, I am the jester *laughs*

Janine: how can you be sarcastic now! Can't you see you ruined my prom?

James: er... I'm sorry, I don't really know how---

Janine: look, the prom is over anyway. Let's go somewhere else and move on, okay? I don't want to talk about this anymore.

James: but it's you who--- nevermind, let's go.

Glyn: woohoo! We're going to the pier!

Jimmy: but you've never been to the pier, Glyn, you can't know if it's cool or not...

Glyn: whatever, my Zoey is happy so am I!

Glyn: so... what's the plan now? This place is deserted...the bubble tea shop is closed...

James: yeah, as always...well, we could always go on the rides?

Eric: well, I know which ride Jenny and I are gonna try first... I've always wanted to see the world from above! *grins*

Amelia: yeah awesome view to an awesome makeout spot... *sighs* sometimes I wish I could experience it myself...

Janine: oh, great idea Eric! James and I can come too...

Clara: *whispers* I don't think she needs your input... but well done, Eric, well done...

Glyn: Zoe... I don't have much time left, I have to go back...

Zoe: oh... so soon?

Glyn: unfortunately... but hey, I think... there's still time for a ride... in the tunnel of love perhaps?

Zoe: *giggles*

Zoe: of course...

Glyn: *smiles*

Jimmy: that... that was not my baby sister going in the tunnel of love with---... was it?

Luke: yep...

Alex: awkward, man...

Jimmy: I don't think I need to see this... I really don't... oh dear.... 

James: so....

Janine: they're blocking the ride! I thought we could just take a different cabin but no, we have to wait... 

Chloe: and they're taking forever!!!

Chloe: of course, nerdy cousin Eric had to decide to become a love machine right when I fancied a ride on the ferris wheel to look at the night sky and think about my sad love life... of course.... not to mention, when I had to go to prom by myself because the guy I liked chose my sister... thanks karma, what have I ever done to deserve this...

Janine: well, I have to say I'm really happy for my sister... and if only they could speed up, I would be happy for myself too!

James: don't worry, we'll have our ride on the ferris wheel too... *smiles*

Zoe: Glyn...that was... magical *blushes* thank you...

Glyn: thank you... for this wonderful night together...

Zoe: when will I see you again?

Glyn: soon... as soon as possible! I'm already planning when I can sneak out again *grins*

Zoe: well, that better be like, tomorrow... I'm gonna miss you, Glyn..

Glyn: me too, babe...

Jimmy: holy plumbob, I definitely don't need to see that!

Alex: then what are we doing here, let's go somewhere else! This place is dead, anyway...

Glyn: see you soon my love...

Zoe: Glyn...

Zoe: I love you....

Glyn: oh, Zoey, I love you too! Very much... *smiles*

Zoe: *grins* 

June: aaah I can't believe little Lowri is growing up today! She and Gareth were the last ones that made me feel still young, as grandmother... and now... *sighs* but it's life! And today is a very happy day... I'll see the last of my grandchildren grow up, and witness the first grandchild to marry! And I have already become a great-grandmother to little Arno... I feel that I've seen it all! I can't complain, life has been so generous with me...

Lowri: mum, dad! Are you ready for my birthday?

Alice: of course, we are, darling! But are you sure you don't want to wait and have a proper party with your cousins?

Lowri: naah, we already had a big party for James and Eric... nothing could compare to that! Besides, I'll see everybody at the wedding anyway... and Gareth is also growing up, so we can all celebrate together later!

Leo: as you prefer, Lo...

Alice: then what are we waiting for? Where is everybody?

Lowri: they're coming... some I had to wake up, others were already getting ready for the wedding... like you mum!

June: come on everybody, the cake and the candles are ready! Where is the birthday girl?

Ella: hey An!

Aneira: Ella! You're here already! I didn't know if you go straight to the wedding or...

Ella: of course I had to pass by here! We're staying in the cottage after all... and we wanted to wish happy birthday to Lowri.... and most importantly....

Ella: me the ring!!!

Aneira: haha, here it is! Isn't it wonderful? Arwyn asked Octavia to make it...

Ella: it is indeed... and wow I didn't know Octavia could do this... but hey, congratulations!!! To both of you... I'm gonna cry now....

Berwyn: hey bro!

Berwyn: I can't believe you finally did it! And without my help! Well done brother!

Arwyn: of course, why ever would I need your help? *laughs*

Berwyn: *laughs*

Berwyn: woohoooo! Baby brother is getting married!!!! Finally!!! After the ordeal you put us through... it was about time!

Arwyn: oh, come on, what are you talking about....

Ella: oh sorry, I was still in shock and in need of coffee... come here for a hug Ann! I'm so happy for you!!

Aneira: aw, thank you El...

Ella: you two are so sweet, my heart melts at the thought that you are finally getting your happy ever after! It's like a fairytale...

Aneira: haha well, it feels like that sometimes *smiles* 

Aneira: thanks, El, really...

Ella: so,  busy time! Two weddings in a row now! First my little sister, now my favourite cousin and best friend...  I wonder who's gonna be next....

Aneira: well....

Ella: oh, please, don't say it. That's so not in the plans. We just reconnected... kind of...  have I told you that we're gonna go travelling? 

Aneira: no, you haven't! Wow! Where are you going?

Ella: everywhere! We'll move from one place to the other, explore the world... and then I'll tell you which location is the best *smiles*

Aneira: sounds exciting! When were you planning to go?

Ella: after Elena's wedding... 

Aneira: oh, so soon!

Ella: yeah, we've actually been delaying the trip because of the wedding... but don't worry, wherever we will be, we'll come back for your wedding of course!

Aneira: good, I will need my maid of honour! *smiles*

Ella: of course! *smiles*

Leo: so, are we all here? Gather around, Lowri's about to blow out her candles!

June: aaah such a happy day today!

Lowri: yes!!! A happy day indeed!!! I will finally stop being lonely and will be part of the gang again! 

June: go on, blow your candles darling!

Leo: happy birthday little Lo!!!

Crowd: yes, happy birthday Lowri! Woo hooo!

Lowri: make a wish, Lowri.... I wish for a teen bedroom renovation with a big bed just for me! *blows candles*

Alice: and so my last little child is not so little anymore... aaah so bittersweet... but I'm so proud of her!

Eric: ... and so we get another teen ager in the house. Great. Just great... more drama to come...

Leo: happy birthday darling!

Berwyn: woo hooooo! Happy birthday Lowri!!

Lowri: ta-dah! So, how do I look? I feel great!!

Lowri rolled the equestrian aspiration! With the high metabolism trait coming with it. Somehow she also has high self-esteem. She is cheerful and self-assured, and looks very artsy from the type of things she likes!

Alice: oh, my baby girl... she's a beautiful young woman now!

Trystan: wow sis, look at you!

June: ooh, another beautiful grandchild! We Loves have very good genes!

Eric: well, little Lo, welcome to teenagehood!

Lowri: you might want to skip the "little", brother, we're going to be in the same class!

James: naah, you'll always be our little sister!

Lowri: *sighs* whatever, at least I'm the first one to get cake! Dig in people, you know there's not enough for everybody...

Ella: the cake... it's all gone....

Lowri: I told you! You were not quick enough, cousin...

Ella: sweet boyfriend of mine, I see that you managed to get cake..

Berwyn: yes, my cake...

Ella: but surely you could spare some of it for your dear girlfriend, the love of your life?

Berwyn: mmm if I give you cake, will I get anything in exchange?

Ella: well, we can talk about it *winks*

Leo: ... I'm not sure I should be listening to this conversation... jeez, these new generations have no shame...

Lowri: aaah I can't believe I'm finally a teenager! I'm so gonna start planning my bedroom renovations... mum also got that room to herself, when auntie Cath moved out... and I've been alone for a while now, so... yay for a big pink and purple room all for me!!

Aneira: my beautiful little sister! You're not so little anymore... feels strange, doesn't it?

Lowri: actually, no, it feels great!

Aneira: I'm happy to see you happy, Lo! I hope you'll have a lot of fun in your teen age years!

Lowri: oh yes, I'm definitely planning to!

Lowri: but now, let's go get ready! We don't want to be late for the wedding, right?

Aneira: indeed! But first...

Aneira: sisters selfie!

Arwyn: wow, what a beautiful day!

Berwyn: yeah, almost perfect!

Arwyn: almost?

Berwyn: yeah, the beach is missing. If this was on the beach, looking into the ocean, that would be perfect...

Arwyn: but you've never seen the ocean...

Berwyn: exactly... but we're planning to visit soon....

Tyler: I feel so nervous... where is she?

Janine: come on brother, chill! You've been waiting like 5 minutes!

Kendra: I can't believe our son is getting married! Eh, Tib? 

Tiberius: yeah... feels like yesterday that we were in university, living with Toby and Scarlette... and now, our children are getting married! It couldn't get more perfect!

Scarlette: oh Toby, I'm so happy! Our Len is getting married... and to our best friends' son! Feels like a fairytale...they were inseparable since they were children, and now...

Toby: yes, pretty much like us!

Scarlette: except we didn't meet again until university... I'm glad they didn't need to wait this long!

Lowri: mm I feel that we're quite far grandma, we were not quick enough to get the front seats! I hope I'll still see from here... I'm very curious about the dress, aren't you, grandma?

June: what? Ah sure, sorry, I was in my own world... my first grandchild is getting married!! 

Lowri: well, technically, Nick and Harry were first...

June: true, but they didn't tell anybody and I didn't get to be there for them... we only found out afterwards... while this time, I get to see it, right?

Lowri: for that, I think we'll need a telescope...

Catherine: oh, Jay, isn't this exciting? The first family wedding for the new generation!

Jay: yeah.. it has been a while since the last one... it was Alice and Leo's wedding, wasn't it?

Catherine: no, I think it was Amy and Mark's! How can you not remember... the island... it's when I found out that Jimmy was on the way!

Jay: oh yes! Of course....

Catherine: but hey, maybe soon it will be time for one of our kids too!

Jay: woah, wait there...they're still teenagers, Cath! Besides, I don't think Jimmy as anyone specifically--

Catherine: no, I meant Zoe! Apparently we're going to receive a formal invitation to visit... you know, our future in laws!

Jay: what!! No way, Cath, jeez chill please! That's not happening any time soon, okay? And those pointy-eared people better not touch my daughter!

Catherine: *laughs* well, have you asked her what she thinks about that? It turned out pretty fine for my sister Alice, I wish our daughter the same happiness...

Jay: Catherine! Please stop! She's still a teenager!

Catherine: I know, I know, there's time of course! But isn't it so romantic?

Nick: this is so nice... it's so beautiful to be here all together!

Harry: it is indeed... hey, Nick... I'm sorry our wedding was only a small one...

Nick: naah, don't worry, we had those who love us the most with us! And we can enjoy a big family party at some other weddings... I bet this is only the first one of many!

Harry: how do you know?

Nick: well, have you noticed how many cousins are around? It's only a matter of time...

Ash: this is beautiful my darling... you have a beautiful family... 

Octavia: yes they are... even my mischievous heart melts when I think of them... and look at how happy little Arno is! It's his first family gathering, such an important day for many of us!

Susan: Michael, should we do a poll on who's gonna be next?

Michael: well, I hope Octavia---

Susan: naah, I don't think they're the marrying type... and now that they have little Arno, I think they're quite happy as they are, don't you think?

Michael: maybe... but I do wish that they got married too...

Susan: do you really want to have a dark wizard as soon in law?

Michael: well, he kinda already is, it would just be... I don't would just make me happy, to see my daughter married, that's it...

Jenny: oh, come on, where are they? We're gonna fry here under this scorching sun! Although good idea to get married in the late afternoon, I hope it will be a bit cooler when the evening comes...

Elena: are you ready girls?

Aneira: ready when you are...

Ella: always, little sis!

Elena: good... and thanks so much for being here, both of you... you are my sister, and cousin, and best friends...

Ella: back at you! Now, shall we walk?

Elena: *breahtes* yes, let's go...

Rebecca: here comes the bride!!! Finally... *whispers* we've been melting here... glad that the rest of my family decided to stay home... the sun filter has no chance against this weather!

Tyler: oh... oh my...  she's here!

Trystan: relax, Ty... you're about to marry the love of your life!

Tyler: I am... I think inside me I have dreamt of this day since I met her at that pool party when we were kids... even then, I think I knew it was forever.... I'm a very lucky guy...

Arwyn: wow, so beautiful....

Aneira: thank you, Arwyn *smiles*

Ella: even here, you two are so sweet it's disgusting... I'm so happy for you.... ok, enough sweetness, let's go...

Ella: and as the sun sets, here comes the bride!

Tyler: wow... she's so beautiful...

Ella: of course she is, she's my sister!

Tyler: Elena.... my Len....

Elena: Tyler!

Elena: wow, you're so handsome! That suit suits you! Wait, what?

Tyler: *laughs* haha, Len, you're so cute when you're nervous!

Janine: oh dear, did she really said that?

Jenny: aww they're so cute together! I need to take a picture...

Tyler: Elena, my darling, will you marry me?

Elena: oh, Tyler...

Ella: *whispers* Tyler... you've asked her already... this is the next step!

Trystan: oh man....

Tyler: ah yes, true! Sorry, I'm a bit nervous...

Elena: *giggles*

Tyler: Elena, with this ring, I take you to be my wife...

Elena: and Tyler, with this ring, I take you to be my husband...

Elena: always and forever...

Janine: aww, so sweet!

Amelia: aaah, so nice to see a happy ending!

Lowri: grandma, do you see what's going on? Because without a telescope I really can't---

June: oh come on Lo! Just enjoy your cousin getting married to the love of her life! It's so romantic!!

Lowri: mm I don't know... yeah, for them it must be... but of course, if only I could have a closer look...

June: oh, stop it Lo!

Ella: woohooo!!!

Aneira: congratulations guys!!!!

Trystan: well, I have to say they are indeed very sweet together... the always have been...

Elena: oh Tyler, I'm so happy!

Tyler: so am I... my dear wife!

Rebecca: oh, that was sweet... congratulations Elena and Tyler!

Kendra: Tyler! My boy! Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you... and you guys are so sweet!

Mark: yeah, congratulations man! Welcome to the big and chaotic extended Love family *smiles* but of course, you've always been part of it, since you and Elena were kids!

Lowri: Gareth! Finally I get to speak to you! I spent half the time wondering who was the guy in the row in front sitting next to Jimmy... and then it clicked!

Gareth: yeah, apparently growing up was a big deal for me...

Lowri: you're very handsome, cousin!

Gareth: you're very beautiful too! Hey, must be the Love genes that gave their best with the last rounds *laughs*

Lowri: haha maybe!

Amy: Elena! My beautiful niece... I'm so happy for you and Tyler! But of course, you must have heard this a thousand times already...

Elena: aww, thank you auntie Amy!

Amy: I'm so proud of you! The first Love girl of the new generation getting married... after my wonderful Nick of course...

Amelia: finally!

Luke: so, that's where the food is!

Harry: dig in, people!

Jimmy: hey Harry, where did you leave your food?

Harry: oh damn it, I must have placed it somewhere and now I have to queue again!

Ella: hey sis, looks like most of the seats are taken, I think I have to go somewhere else...

Elena: oh no, but I think there are still some free seats over there!

James: hey sis, are you enjoying the party?

Lowri: well, that depends...

James: on what?

Lowri: will you leave me your place in the food queue? Then yes, maybe I can say I'm enjoying...

James: not a chance!

Amelia: hey Alex, are you queuing too?

Alex: yeah, been here for ages! There's too many of us...

Amelia: indeed! And now that Octavia got started with the next generation... I bet the numbers will grow quickly...

Alex: oh god, don't tell me... by the way, speaking of growing...  it took a while for me to recognize Gareth! What a change!

Amelia: I know! Apparently now he's got his own modern wizard style, or whatever he likes to call it... but yes, baby brother is all grown up now! Feels weird that he'll be in school with us... doesn't it?

Alex: not really, makes sense that we're all together... no? I felt bad for him and Lowri, eventually always left behind a bit as the youngest of the group... now they can have fun with us again!

Gareth: ouch!

Jimmy: waht?

Gareth: I have the strange feel that someone is talking about me...

Jimmy: probably all those queuing for the last plate. of food that you just took *laughs*

Janine: *sighs* why do they keep doing that... in public... don't they have any respect for those whose boyfriends have better things to do than sweeping them off their feet?

Elena: .....

Tyler: there you are my darling!

Elena: sorry, I got held up... by the way, I don't think your sister is very happy with my cousin...

Tyler: which one? No, don't tell me, I can tell which one you're definitely not talking about... but I guess they'll have to figure it out themselves....

Elena: yeah... I hope they do... maybe this beautiful place will help! Oh Tyler, it's so beautiful... the fairylights... all our family here together... it's perfect....

Tyler: that was the plan, wasn't it? I'm so happy... with you...

Tobias: hey, sisters, I think we should take more photo all together later, what do you think? Those we took earlier were nice in the sunlight, but perhaps we could also have one taken by night!

Amy: that's a cool idea! Up for it, Alice?

Alice: of course I am! We just need to catch Cath... there are so many of us I lost track of her!

Jay: so... eventually none of our kids wanted to sit with us... and here we are, just the two of us...

Catherine: yes, but isn't it so romantic? This place is beautiful....

Jay: it is... but what you said earlier is making me worry... how long before it's one of our kids walking down the isle?

Catherine: oh Jay, I am romantic and was fantasizing for a minute, but they're just kids! Come on, relax darling, they're just kids, right?

Jimmy: hey sis, I think mum and dad are planning your wedding!

Zoe: shut up...

Trystan: *laughs*

Chloe: oh sister, don't be ungrateful... I wish they were planning my wedding! But some of us are luckier than the rest...

Jimmy: you mean me, right?

Alex: so, officially welcome back to the gang guys! You're very welcome to hang out with us!

Lowri: like, just the two of you or....

Amelia: and Clara, she also hangs with us... 

Gareth: what about the rest of the cousins?

Alex: oh, usually Jimmy hangs out with Trystan, although not sure what he'll do now that he's grown up... Luke minds his own business and the others are busy with their girlfriends and shenanigans...we are the quieter ones... although I wonder what's going to happen now that we're actually the majority! Quiet Loves for the win!

Lowri: ....

Berwyn: guys... you know you're gonna be next, right?

Aneira: what?

Ella: to get married of course! How does this wedding make you feel, now that you know you're gonna be next?

Arwyn: ah... I hadn't thought about it... but yes... that's right my darling!

Aneira: true... wow... it's so new we haven't really thought about the details yet... but I guess it will be hard to compete with this venue, it's beautiful!

Tyler: ... and now I'd like to propose a toast! To my darling wife Elena. From the day I found the courage to really talk to you that day at Nick's birthday pool party, there has been no day when I have not loved you, my sweet Len. 

Tyler: I could only dream that one day we will be where we are now, and now that that dream has become reality, I can't wait to love you every day for the rest of my life... and beyond! Here's to you, my sweet Len!

Elena: aww, Tyler... I love you too....

Crowd: hear hear!

Tyler: and now, time to cut that cake!

Tyler: ready? 

Elena: ready when you are!

Tyler: and now, queue up peopole! Mum, dad, you might want to get a piece now or it might be too late... there definitely isn't enough for everybody....

Alice: there better be a piece for me!

Tyler: well done guys, nice and smooth, one after the other, nice and smooth...

Tyler: wow, the queuing system is actually working! What an achievement! 

Catherine: Michael! Where are you going? I've heard there's cake!

Michael: been there, done that...

Catherine: what! Already? Oh my, was there anything left?

Michael: I don't know, I'm in a rush...

Catherine: where are you going?

Michael: to get my spot on the dancefloor of course!

Tyler: thank you everyone for joining us on the dance floor! 

Tyler: feel free to join in and dance... if you find a spot....

Aneira: come on Arwyn, shall we?

Arwyn: always! But... somehow I'm stuck... it's too crowded, there's not enough space!

Leo: maybe let's wait for people to move around a bit... there's no way I'm gonna miss an occasion to dance with my dear wife, right?

Alice: exactly!

Arwyn: your parents are still so in love... 

Aneira: I know, so sweet, isn't it?

Arwyn: yes... and we will be the same... *smiles*

Susan: Michael, why are we not dancing?

Michael: we're stuck! We all are.... damn it....

Amelia: too many people... as always.... 

Susan: oh come on, I thought you were going early to get us a spot!

Michael: I tried my darling, I tried!

Gareth: *laughs*

Tobias: I still can't move...

Scarlette: me neither... umph seriously? Such a beautiful dance floor and there's only space for one couple?

Tobias: but they are beautiful, aren't day? So proud of my little girl... not so little anymore!

Scarlette: indeed... so am I.... *smiles*

Eric: let's go Jen, looks like we have to get out of this dance floor if we want to dance... 

Jenny: but everybody is now getting out... there's not gonna be any space left there either!

Harry: hey guys, move on, Nick and I want to dance!

Adrienne: get in line brother, Lukey here is going to find a spot for us first, aren't you? *smiles*

Luke: ....

Janine: come on James, let's go dance!

James: but there's no space...

Janine: not here, right outside! Where everybody's going right now...

James: ah... alright....

Janine: come on, you promised!

James: yeah, and I said alright... let's go....

Kendra: ....

June: oh, such a beautiful wedding, I'm so happy! If only Arni could be here...

Rebecca: yes, hello? Of course you can come now, it's dark! Come on, the party just got started, you can join if you want!

Rebecca: aah I'm so happy! My grandchildren are gonna join us too!

June: why do I have a feeling that this is not good news?

Oliver: here we are brother! Gran was right... so many people... *smirks*

Justin: Oliver, these people are family, we can't drink from them!

Oliver: yeah you're right... bummer...

Chloe: Oliver! Justin! My favourite cousins! I didn't know you were coming!

Catherine: favourite cousins?! Since when? Jay....

Jay: I have no idea! But I don't like this... she's always been a supernatural fan but... I wouldn't want her to start hanging out with vampires!

Chloe: I have missed you! Since you graduated we haven't seen you around much... when are you taking us out to another vampire bar like in old times, uh?

Jay: .... Chloe....

Catherine: I don't like this. I don't like this one bit.

Arwyn: finally! See, I told you, we had to wait for people to move away... now there's finally space to properly dance!

Aneira: I know! Amazing!

Oliver: sure, I've been keeping a list of the best vampire bars for you, cousin! Let me check...

Chloe: yay!!

Zoe: sister, are you sure you know what you are doing?

Chloe: of course, chill, sis... this is my playfield, I know what I'm doing!

Catherine: Jay... those vampire cousins... I think they're up to no good...

Jay: of course they are! They are vampires!

Catherine: what shall we do?

Jay: nothing for now... but we'll keep a close eye on her, okay? Don't worry Cath, we'll keep her safe...

Octavia: this is so nice... isn't it, Ash?

Ash: indeed it is! Your family is very kind... 

Octavia: yeah... I'm just so happy for Elena and Tyler... and for Aneira and Arwyn who are going to be next! They do deserve to be happy... *smiles*

Ash: I know! And what about us?

Octavia: what do you mean what about us?

Ash: you know... do you maybe want to be next too? *smiles*

Octavia: what... what?!Ash!! I---- wait, are you joking?

Ash: of course I'm not joking... never been more serious in my whole life! *smiles*

Janine: so that's what it's going to be like then? 

James: woah, what's going on now... you wanted to dance, we danced. What else is wrong now?
Berwyn: uh oh... all of a sudden I feel uncomfortable... fancy moving somewhere else?

Ella: *whispers* no, wait, I want to see what happens!

Janine: why do you always have that attitude!

James: what attitude?

Janine: like you couldn't care less!

James: look, I'm here, dancing with you, as you asked me. What else do I need to do to make you happy?

Janine: you need to want it!

James: what---

Janine: whatever, I'm going to dance on my own.

James: .....

James: wait, Jan...

James: Jan... talk to me.... look, I've no idea what I've done but I'm sorry, okay?

Janine: .....

James: Jan--

Rebecca: oh my goodness! Kids, get a room! 

James: woah, what was that for?

Janine: did you not like it?

James: I thought you were angry at me...

Janine: yeah well, why wasting time being angry, when we can make out here on the dance floor, in front of everybody...

June: holy plumbob, these new generations are shameless!

James: I'm not sure I get this Jan.... you can't be angry at me and one second later--

Janine: whatever, shall we dance?

James: whatever... you go ahead.

Janine: *umph* yeah, sure...

Tyler: ....

Amelia: I don't like the vibes I'm feeling... not one bit....

Luke: relax cousin, we're on the dance floor, let's have fun!

Nick: well said brother, I have missed the Loves crazy dancing!

Lowri: well, I hav to admit that crazy dancing as a teen is much more fun! Yes, growing uo a bit earlier was the right decision! *grins*

Lowri: oh yeah, bring it on!

Susan: hey, why did the lights suddenly go off?

Michael: I guess it's a sign that we should go home... it's like 4 am!

Tyler: I don't care what time it is, I could dance with you all night...

Elena: same, I don't want to stop... it's been such an amazing, wonderful and blissful day....

Tyler: and night!

Elena: *laughs*

Eric: hey...

Jenny: hey you *smiles*

Eric: are you tired yet?

Jenny: no, you? 

Eric: no... but we kind of have school in a few hours! Isn't it funny?

Jenny: ah, I hadn't thought about it! Well... it's gonna be an interesting day... huge amount of coffee will be needed *laughs*

Eric: ahah yes, and--- woah!

Jenny: what?

Eric: your sister is on fire!

Jenny: oh dear... were they not having a fight earlier?

Eric: I don't know, I lost track... but wow brother, that's one kiss! *laughs*

Alice: Leo, what's all this commotion?

Leo: uh, what? I don't know, I'm too busy looking into your beautiful eyes my darling...

Alice: *giggles*

Chloe: aaand I think it's time to go... it's almost sunrise, the vampire cousins had to leave, there's nothing else for me to do here. But this day turned out better than I had expected! I can't believe Oliver and Justin showed up, and promised to take me to one of their vampire places soon! So exciting!! Although I'll probably have to leave that chicken of a sister I have at home, she wouldn't... approve.... but perhaps Lowri and Amelia... let's see... finally, the future is looking brighter!

To be continued....

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And thank you to whoever made the lovely wedding venue that I used and reworked a bit for this chapter! I can't find it in the gallery anymore, but it came from there.
And now, enjoy some official wedding pictures :)

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