Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!
Last time we left the Love teens plotting a secret plan to help Aneira visit Arwyn, with Octavia having her own secret agenda as usual... but will this work, with so many people involved, or will this backfire?
Read on to find out!
Nick: so.... let me get this straight... you two are the only ones that are actually where you said you would be because....
Nick: right... and Octavia is...
Elena: we have no idea where Octavia is really, but she's away on whatever secret mission she's on at the moment, although her mum thinks she's here with us at cheerleading camp!
Nick: .... cheerleading camp?
Tyler: yeah... apparently a camping trip wasn't enough for her and she had to add the cheerleading part... I hope my family never finds out, or I'll never hear enough from my sisters...
Nick: *laughs*
Nick: yeah, sorry... so... that's where Harry and I come in, we are hosting your cheerleading camp... now I think I have the bigger picture... and I'll make sure to tell Harry too, so we can share the same story... although I do hope nobody is going to come and ask us, I don't feel comfortable with this stuff...
Tyler: me neither! I hate all this...
Elena: oh, and I didn't mention the vampire cousins are also in, they are covering for us at school, saying we have food poisoning... or something....
Tyler: and apparently James is in it too... but he's the only one of the little ones...
Elena: no, we have briefed everybody...
Tyler: except James, who heard it from Aneira... and the cheerleading camp thing also came from Aneira, we know about it but are we sure everybody is informed?
Elena: well... I hope so....
Nick: but let's say all goes well... what if anybody wants to see pictures?
Elena: that's true! I hadn't thought about this.... and wait, what if they come to a match and we are not in the cheerleading squad?
Tyler: I don't think that's the main issue here....
Tyler: except for the not having any pictures from the camp to show part....
Elena: oh don't worry about that, we can always just come back quickly to take some... or use Photoshop!
Elena: ah... long story... it all started with Arwyn disappearing from the face of the earth and Aneira going crazy, what with the new world and everything...
Tyler: please don't say the whole thing again, my brain is hurting...
Nick: don't worry guys - Harry, I'll tell you the whole story later. But basically, the cousins here have conceived a master plan and we're their cover-up...
Elena: well... maybe... I guess maybe at some point in the future one might look back and tell this story too, yes...
Tyler: if we are successful....
Harry: and what about your sister? Is she also part of the plan? I hope she's doing okay, we haven't talked much recently....
Nick: .....
Elena: well, speaking of which: are you not ashamed of yourself to even mention her? You've been leading her on for ages for what, just a bit of fun? Or to please your ego?
Harry: wait... what?
Elena: actually, I shouldn't even be talking to you since you basically ruined her life. But I'm willing to call a truce as I'm grateful that you are helping us now. But yeah, stay away from her, will you? I'm trying to make her move on... to someone who's actually interested in her...
Harry: er... I'm not sure how we got here or what we're even talking about?
Tyler: awkward much...
Elena: well, anyway, I'm going to bed. Thanks for dinner... and for opening the campsite for us...
Nick: sure, I hope it's not too cold, there's no heating but the snow has already melted so you guys shouldn't freeze...
Elena: no worries we'll be fine... I just hope Aneira and the others also manage to find a warm place to sleep tonight, I haven't heard from her the whole day, I guess they're still travelling...
Trystan: finally... I thought we had got lost again...
Jimmy: great! I knew you could do it!
Aneira: this is the entrance to the elven kingdom... it's so beautiful with the snow! Too bad this place is ruled by my evil auntie, otherwise it would be nice to visit more often...
Trystan: at least the special fabric keeps us warm!
Trystan: yeah yeah... not that we've met many people so far anyway... besides, you're wearing a scarf too...
Aneira: but mine blends in with the outfit!
Jimmy: but hey, true, where is everybody? We were lucky that nobody was home when we "borrowed" these clothes from the hanging line outside that cottage... but at least it was a sign that somebody was living there. But the rest of the place looks deserted...
Trystan: I don't know, maybe they left or are hiding from our evil auntie?
Trystan: maybe we should do the same... I don't like this place, I have a bad feeling... besides, we shouldn't have stolen these clothes, I'm not comfortable with this...
Aneira: not too far, we're almost there...
Jimmy: exciting! We should go on secret missions more often guys!
Trystan: speaking of secret... remind me why are we using the main road again? I thought we didn't want to be seen...
Aneira: true, but it's the quickest way... and the plan is to blend in, nobody will notice, relax Trys...
Jimmy: and again, nobody is around anyway!
Trystan: the fact that we don't see anybody doesn't mean that anybody can't see us....
Aneira: my auntie? No way...
Jimmy: I second that, Trys! Let's go kick some a---
Aneira: Jimmy! That's not why we're here... although I wouldn't mind saying a thing or two to my evil auntie, if I get the chance!
Jimmy: looks cool! Shall we go in?
Aneira: of course not, there must be another entrance somewhere... we should have a look at the back maybe...
Aneira: sure... holy plumbob, I can't believe we're so close! Arwyn must be here somewhere...
Arwyn: I built the last one, so this one's for you, brother...
Berwyn: yeah... I think it's fair... I wonder what the next activity is going to be, when the snow is gone...
Arwyn: don't ask yourself too many questions brother, it doesn't help....
Arwyn: better just live in the moment and forget about everything else... but it's too painful...
Arwyn: wait.... was that....
Arwyn: nothing... I must be hallucinating now... for a moment I thought I had heard her voice...
Arwyn: we've already talked about it Ber... it's impossible... we're stuck here.... forever ....
Blodwen: so? Who's coming to help me build the best snowpal ever? I'm waiting!!
Trystan: wow, that was major luck, what are the chances!
Aneira: wait before you speak of luck... crazy cousin is also here...
Trystan: great, but now, let's move... the sooner we get this done the earlier we can be on our way home...
Aneira: one second... I need a moment.... all that time wondering how Arwyn was doing... I can't believe we're finally here!!
Trystan: please tell her to speed up....
Jimmy: yeah.. An you've been so brave! But now that we're here... just go talk to him... please...
Aneira: yes... I will.....
Arwyn: I'm hearing it again... I must be really hallucinating badly... I wonder whether they used the right mushrooms for the soup today...
Aneira: Arwyn! Over here!
Arwyn: what...
Arwyn: Annie... it is you... holy plumbob! How...
Aneira: ah... long story...
Trystan: shut up Jimmy, we're trying to keep a low profile here... you don't want to wake the evil cousin...
Trystan: jeez, get a room, sister....
Berwyn: I'm sure she doesn't mind *laughs*
Blodwen: and what is going on now, what is all this noise..... ah!!!
Berwyn: holy plumbob, now, this is a surprise!
Berwyn: well, she's a princess too, she doesn't need an invite... beisdes, by taking away our phones and forbidding us to communicate with them... you kind of did invite her....
Blodwen: grrrr this is not what I had planned!!
Aneira: oh Arwyn, I missed you so much.... what happened to you? I didn't hear from you... and then we woke up in this new world on Snowflake Day...
Arwyn: my brave girl... thank you for finding me... and I'm sorry if I made you worry, and believe me, if I could have found a way to get in touch with you I would have but...
Aneira: but?
Arwyn: she took away our phones and....
Aneira: and?
Aneira: oh Arwyn I'm so sorry, I should have come sooner... I'm sure when I tell my dad he can---
Blodwen: *cough cough* ehm ehm....
Aneira: woah, I had forgotten about her...
Blodwen: this is unacceptable! So leave this instance and don't you ever dare coming back!
Trystan: hey kid, how dare you treat my sister like that...
Jimmy: and there she goes again... I see she hasn't changed one bit....
Jimmy: oh wow, you broke my heart there...
Trystan: I have no idea... but I have also no idea how my dad can have a sister like that... they are so different....
Aneira: hey lady, listen to me. I know you don't have great examples at home but you should stop this behavour at once. Can't you see everybody dislikes you? Is this what you want for yourself?
Blodwen: that's not true! I am a princess, everybody adores me! They must too, otherwise they'll be in trouble!
Blodwen: oh just shut uuuuup! You're making no sense there!
Aneira: somebody needs to tell you Blodwen, you're growing up to be worse than your mother, but you can still change that if you want...
Arwyn: I know... and I'm so proud of her....
Berwyn: listen, you should go back with her... don't worry about me, I'll figure things out. But you go and be happy... you deserve it...
Arwyn: but...
Berwyn: no buts, you belong together brother...
Jimmy: ouch ouch I'm hurt... Trystan help me this kid hurt me so much... she said she hates me! What shall I do with my life now...
Blodwen: well, you brought this on yourself you know... but if you apologise to me I might reduce it to dislike only... oh I'm so kind today, aren't I?
Aneira: Arwyn...
Berwyn: yes brother go... now... I'll keep her here...
Arwyn: Berwyn...
Berwyn: no, you go, now, it's an order! I was born first by a minute or so, remember? I get to order you around. Go and be happy brother... I'll find my way. And maybe if I'm lucky, a lovely lady might come to save me too one day *winks*
Aneira: thank you, Berwyn... really....
Arwyn: let's go now, before it's too late....
Trystan: oh no, you're so unlucky cousin, I don't think I could live knowing that someone hates me...
Jimmy: it's not just someone, it's this little lady here... I was so hoping to receive some appreciation from her, or even awe...
Trystan: *laughs*
Blodwen: wait... are you teasing me?
Trystan: *laughs*
Blodwen: you can't fool me! Do you think I'm stupid? Besides, your acting skills are rubbish...
Jimmy: oh, another stab in the back... that hurts... not....
Trystan: yep...
Jimmy: how do I make her stop?
Blodwen: you can't.... wait a minute....
Jimmy: well that was fun...
Trystan: yes but... how do we go back now?
Trystan: I'm not a very sporty type...
Berwyn: then, turn and run to the trees, you can make your way back to the portal through the forest... it will be harder to catch you, but you are more likely to get lost...
Trystan: er.....
Arwyn: so close.....
Aneira: ... hello auntie Gale....
Gale: what are you doing here?! I don't remember inviting you... and what are you two doing here alone anyway...
Arwyn: An....
Aneira: don't worry, leave it to me. She's my aunt, she won't harm us...
Blodwen: mummy!!! Thank goodness you caught them, they're escaping!
Blodwen: yes, explain this to the Queen, cousin... I want to see how you get out of this one...
Berwyn: wait!!! I can explain...
Gale: what did you call me? You may be my niece but I'm still the Queen of the Elves! You shall not speak to me like that...
Blodwen: yes, tell her off, mummy!
Blodwen: you won't speak to my mummy like that! Mummy, throw her in the dungeons already!
Blodwen: ....well, they are not, so deal with it...
Jimmy: and you people probably don't have dungeons anymore... what would you need them for? Elves are peaceful people... although yourself and your mother might be the exception...
Blodwen: watch out how you speak to me, human, or you might need to prove yourself wrong...
Berwyn: *laughs* I hadn't had this much fun in a long time! You two are hilarious... do you fancy a job at the palace, Jimmy? With my brother gone, you would make my days so much more cheerful!
Jimmy: er.... thank you, but no thank you?
Blodwen: and your brother is not going anywhere unless I say so, he's staying right here! But you, human, can apply for a job as additional servant if I allow it... and I have to see about that...
Gale: anything else?
Aneira: yes, we are going to leave right now and you will let us go and reflect on your evilness and hopefully change your ways going forward!
Aneira: yes...
Gale: good....
Arwyn: woah, even you cannot say that!
Gale: I have no idea what he was thinking, he was following his heart yes, but because of that, I had to pay and be Queen!
Aneira: well, and you disliked it so much that you stayed on and abused of your power...
Aneira: what?! Are you out of your mind?!
Gale: if you all want to meet me in the great hall, your trial will begin in five minutes.
Aneira: but this is crazy! I want to speak to uncle Gwydion...
Arwyn: An, he's not here..,. nor is Glyn... oh my goodness I was dreading this might happen....
Gale: indeed, he is not here, and neither is my son... they're away on diplomatic travels... and guess why I hardly see my husband and son these days? Guess whose fault is that? Exactly... yours!!
Aneira: but how can it be my---
Gale: I don't care, if you want a trial, you'll come to the great hall in five minutes. Otherwise, that's a trip straight to the dungeons!
Jimmy: trial... who does she think she is? Jeez Trys, your family is weird...
Trystan: don't tell me...
Gale: Aneira Love, you are accused of trying to steal one of my daughter's guards and of trying to help one of my subjects escape my realm.
Aneira: I just need to breathe otherwise I'm going to explode...
Berwyn: I can't believe she's actually putting her niece on trial!
Gale: so? What do you have to say for yourself?
Jimmy: Trys... I don't know if I can keep quiet here... and look at your cousin's smug face! I can't stand it.... these two are completely crazy!
Aneira: quite a few things, actually. How dare you treat Arwyn and Berwyn as slaves!
Gale: they are not slaves, they are my daugther's guards! And watch your tone, you don't want to try my patience, niece..
Aneira: well, technically, they are Glyn's guards, not Blodwen's. She's just a spoiled little brat that follows her mother's example way too closely. What does Glyn have to say about this?
Gale: that is none of your business!
Aneira: but of course it is my business when you're talking about my boyfriend!
Gale: kid, I will do no such thing and you know it, so deal with it...
Gale: but of course they do, so long as I approve of it of course.
Aneira: you're a tyrant aunt Gale, I can't believe uncle Gwydion approves of this!
Trystan: go ahead...
Arwyn: I admire your courage, Jimmy...
Jimmy: to be honest I don't care... but what I care about is that we arranged this secret trip to help my cousin check that her boyfriend was still alive, because it turns out he was not able to let her know he was okay because someone had threatened him and taken away his phone!
Berwyn: he's good...
Arwyn: he's so brave... such an inspiration....
Jimmy: you tell her, man!
Aneira: wow, Arwyn! I didn't expect this!
Arwyn: I had high hopes when my uncle gave us to you when we were kids. I thought you were kind and just. And I was proud to be Master Glyn's guard. But now... what you are doing now is despicable! And besides, only done out of spite for your niece and to please your tyrant daughter!
Blodwen: the insolence! Mummy, he can't talk to you like this, he's just a guard! He's nobody...
Aneira: I'm so proud of you, Arwyn! And don't worry, nobody's going to end in a dungeon... my dad would not allow it...
Jimmy: hey kid, don't you dare insult my friend ever again, or...
Gale: I'm bored...
Blodwen: ... I'm the princess, you can't do anything to me. But you, on the other hand, will do what I say...
Blodwen: I... I hate you!
Jimmy: finally, a mutual feeling! Grow up kid...
Blodwen: indeed! What matters here is that I have claimed you both as my guards and cousin Aneira here wanted to rob me of one of you! That is a crime and for this you will pay!
Gale: I have decided. You are guilty and will be taken to the dungeon immediately!
Arwyn: And you know that we are right...
Aneira: don't worry Arwyn, my dad will not let this happen. Do you really want me to call my dad, aunt Gale? Do you think he will approe of what's going on here?
Gale: that doesn't matter at all. He walked away from his kingdom and therefore has no right to interfere anymore. Besides, he'll never know that you are here...
Aneira: well, he'll kind of figure it out when Trystan goes back home without me...
Gale: you misunderstood me, niece. When I said you are guilty and will be taken to the dungeon... I meant all of you....
Arwyn: you can't do that!
Jimmy: you ladies are completely nuts! Let's get out of here, guys...
Berwyn: bomb about to explode on the count of three..... two.....
Gwydion: and what is going on here?!
Berwyn: one...
Enfys: I told you mummy was being weird and locked herself and big sister up in this room for a very long time... they forgot about me...
Glyn: thanks, little sis...
Glyn: hey mum, we're back early!
Aneira: now, deal with this, auntie Gale... *laughs*
Jimmy: woohooo that is what I call a perfectly timed entrance!
Jimmy: I hope this guy will give them a lesson...
Blodwen: daddy, evil cousin Aneira had a plot to steal one of my guards! She was going to steal my property, can you believe that? But I discovered it and mummy is sending her and her friends to the dungeon! Are you proud of us?
Glyn: ... dad, I think that Blodwen has been spending too much time with mum.... we shouldn't leave them alone for this long...
Blodwen: but daaaad!
Trystan: Glyn!! So nice to see you!! And you've grown up!!
Trystan: haha sure! Welcome to teen age world, cousin!
Trystan: we have missed you too! James was very jealous that we were coming here without him and asked us to bring you back with us!
Glyn: haha, I wish!
Arwyn: Master Glyn is back... Berwyn, I think we might actually make it alive out of this!
Arwyn: wait, what? What do you know that I don't...
Berwyn: *laughs* well, let's say that they forgot to invite one family member to this so called trial... and I managed to send her a quick message on the way here... I didn't know if it would work but I was counting on it...
Arwyn: Enfys... but she's still a child...she just had her birthday a couple of days ago...
Berwyn: yes.. but luckily for us she takes after her father and brother and is obviously very clever to figure out the rest herself *smiles*

Blodwen: shut up Enfys, you were a baby until like yesterday, you have no saying in political matters...
Enfys: *laughs* political matters? Seriously? You having a tantrum because you were going to lose
one of your toys is a political matter now?
Blodwen: I told you to shut up. Anyway I refuse listening to the arguments of an infant!
Enfys: but let's speak of the fact that what you were going to lose is actually a living being that you were keeping as a slave... poor Arwyn and Berwyn, I always wondered how I could help them...
Blodwen: you don't understand sister, you're too young!
Blodwen: but she has me! I help her when dad is not here...
Enfys: you are like her, it doesn't help... sorry...
Blodwen: you're just jealous because you were left out! I know it and I will not listen to you any further!
Gale: Gwydion! You're back early...
Gwydion: luckily, I would say... so... will you tell me what's going on? Blodwen was rambling about some plot... and dungeons... what have you done this time?
Gale: I did nothing! She came here uninvited, thinking that she can just take whatever she likes, as if she owns the place, can you believe it?
Gwydion: *sighs* I guess you mean whoever...
Gale: regardless, she can't do that, and I had to punish her! Or are you okay with my brother's offspring just walking in here and taking everything they like? He walked away from the kingdom, he chose to live in the mortal world, he has no power here anymore!
Gale: but it was not fair... it's not fair!!
Gwydion: I tell you what's not fair: treating people like toys is not fair. Purposefully ruin someone's life out of spite is not fair. Not letting two people that love each other be together just because you have the power to do so, is not fair! Don't you remember us, Gale?
Gale: I do... and I'm sorry that I have to separate them but... Blodwen said... I need to make the point that--
Gwydion: no, Gale, you don't need to make any points here. Just let them go... it's time that our daughter learns a lesson, she's really spoilt, have you not noticed?
Gwydion: ..... I think I've been away for too long... I'm sorry, Gale...
Glyn: likewise.. and I apologise for my mother's behaviour... and my sister's behaviour...
Trystan: yeah, that was not going the way I hoped... and I didn't fancy visiting your dungeons...
Aneira: I kind of counted on that... and my dad would be furious if he knew this!
Trystan: he's still going to be furious when he finds out about this trip anyway....
Aneira: relax brother, he won't find out unless you tell him...
Glyn: well, he will kind of figure it out when you show up with these two elves with you....
Arwyn: Master Glyn....
Glyn: yes guys, that's exactly what I mean....
Arwyn: Berwyn.... I think we're free....
Berwyn: I've heard....
Glyn: you don't have to say anything Arwyn, that's what you do among friends...
Aneira: but your mother...
Glyn: let me deal with her...
Berwyn: of course I can... although I might need some time to believe that we are free... what will we do now?
Arwyn: well, we'll go back with Aneira, right? And I know exactly what I'm going to do! I thought you knew it's what you wished for too?
Aneira: Arwyn, we made it!! We made it!!!
Arwyn: I know my love... I still can't believe it, but from now on I won't leave you anymore...
Gale: Glyn, what have you done, why are those two being happy over there?
Gwydion: I think you should listen to what our son has to say, Gale...
Gwydion: of course he can, they're his guards... and friends...
Glyn: yes, but see, here's the deal mother. There is something else that you wish and you've not been very successful in getting, is it?
Gale: what are you talking about?
Glyn: you wish for me to be the next king, but you can't force me to do it. And I didn't want to do it.
Gale: this is rubbish, you know you should accept your responsibilities and get on with it! And I won't---
Glyn: exactly, mother. I'm happy to accept my responsibilities and be the next king of the elves....
Gale: really! oh Glyn that's great, I'm glad you finally saw reason! I'm so proud of --
Glyn: ...if you let Arwyn and Berwyn go.
Gale: what!! You can't possibly---
Blodwen: oh my goodness what's happening! The light is gone!!!
Enfys: she's scared of the dark...
Blodwen: but... we have candles!
Enfys: that's actually true....
Blodwen: something is afoot... something evil...I can sense it! We have to run!
Jimmy: jeez you're so dramatic, it must have just been the wind blowing off the candles...
Blodwen: inside?!
Enfys: you've got a point there...
Aneira: Arwyn... what is this... it's suddenly so cold...
Arwyn: I don't know An... but don't worry, now that we're together nothing scares me anymore...
Glyn: mother, is this one of your tricks?
Gale: of course not! Gwydion...
Gwydion: I don't know what this is... but it's getting colder... something is not right...it's almost like ---
Jimmy: ouch! That was my foot, watch where you're going kid!
Blodwen: if you hadn't noticed it's pitch black here, so obviously I can't watch where I'm going, can I...
Enfys: don't move sister, if you're right and something evil is here, you don't want to run right into them....
??: mwahahahahaha *evil laugh*
Gwydion: who is this and what do you want?!
??: *evil laugh* you are doomed, elves...
Blodwen: I told you! I told you something evil was coming! Why does nobody ever listens to me!!
Jimmy: maybe because you're a crazy kid 99% of the time? But this time you might have been right... stay close to me kids, nothing will hurt you...
??: *evil laugh* don't worry, I have no intention to hurt you.... on one condition .....
Gale: Whoever you are, you can't blackmail us, we won't let you!
??: you have no choice....
Enfys: *screams* aaaaaaaah!
Glyn: Enfys!! You son of a *** leave my sister alone!
??: who?
Enfys: sorry... I'm okay... something grabbed my arm but... it's just Blodwen... she's scared... she's been crying...
Blodwen: shut up you traitor!
Gwydion: enough. Stop scaring my family and leave at once, whoever you are!
??: as I said, I have no intention to hurt you... but I will plunge your kingdom into darkness forever....
Gwydion: into darkness forever....this sounds vaguely familiar.... holy plumbob.... I know who you are! I have heard of you... but I thought they had managed to trap you... how have you escaped? Nevermind... the most important thing is what do you have against us? We are a peaceful kind and don't get involved with matters of magic...
??: that is not totally correct... the peaceful part. See, King of the elves, it seems that your Queen has not been that peaceful lately...she's actually been quite evil and therefore has attracted my attention...
Gwydion: Gale??
Gale: I have no idea what he's talking about!
??: oh I think you do... I know for a fact that you have not been nice to two people that love each other very much... you've actively worked to keep them apart... and this is not .... cool, Queen of the elves, not cool.
Arwyn: wait... An, is this about us?
Aneira: oh my goodness... Arwyn...
??: ... so, if you elves want to see light again, you will have to let Arwen and Anneera go....
?? n.2: *whispers* Arwyn and Aneira!
??: yes that's who I meant. Arwyn and Aneira. Let them go now, or I will take the light out of this realm forever *mwahahahahahha*
Aneira: oh my goodness... I know what's going on....
Arwyn: you do?
Aneira: yes... I think this is---
Glyn: but this has already been sorted! I freed them two minutes ago...
??: oh.... really? Ah.... well... uhm... then what are we doing here?
?? n.2: *whispers* sorry, I didn't know!
Blodwen: oh my goodness there is more than one!! We're going to die!
Aneira: oh dear... excuse me, are you A--
Susan: let the light return!
Octavia: mum?!?!?!
Susan: what are YOU doing here... and with... with.... oh my goodness, how has he managed to get free! Octavia, come to me, quickly, I've got this...
Octavia: what are you talking about?
Susan: whatever he might have told you, it's a lie... do you know who that is?
Octavia: of course I know, he's my boyfriend!
Susan: he's.... WHAT?!
Gwydion: well... I think there's another family drama unfolding... but your friend Susie seems to be handling it...
Gale: Susie... what is she even doing here?
Gale: but that guy... who is that guy anyway?
Gwydion: oh, just the most dangerous dark wizard alive.
Gale: what?! We need to do something Gwydion! How can you let him stand in our castle?
Gwydion: well, I think he's got enough to deal with right now *laughs* Look, all is well: the crisis has been averted, the light has returned, we have sorted our family drama and now it's our turn to sit back and watch the rest unfold! Do you have any popcorns?
Gale: do I have what?
Gwydion: This day is getting better and better *laughs*
Berwyn: your crazy witch cousin? And who's the guy?
Aneira: her boyfriend Ash... he's the darkest wizard ever existed and she was keeping him a secret...
Berwyn: and for a good reason... wow she knows how to pick them!
Ash: er... sorry everybody, there was a little misunderstanding here. But good to hear that the people we came to save have already been saved! No harm done and we can leave in peace...
Susan: what were you thinking!!! And how long has this been going on, huh?
Octavia: that's none of your business! Ash and I are in love...
Susan: in love? He's dangerous Octavia! He plunged a whole town into eternal darkness!
Octavia: So what? And how does that compare to sending him into exile and trapping him? So not cool... poor Ash, if I hadn't helped him break the spell....
Octavia: but I love him, mum!
Octavia: it's not true, we love each other!
Ash: I think it's time I take over, love...
Susan: after what, exactly?
Octavia: mum, we've been together for ages, you just didn't know about it...
Octavia: well, exactly because of the way you are reacting right now maybe?
Octavia: I'm not coming home, mum.
Susan: but of course you are. And wait till I tell your father...
Susan: it's not that easy kid, he's evil!
Octavia: oh yeah? What about you then? You are an evil witch too and dad still chose you...
Octavia: why are you so cruel mother! We want to be together...
Susan: you're just a child...
Ash: she is definitely not, she's the most powerful witch I've ever met, and the most beautiful one. I am in love with your daughter, Mrs Love, and nothing will keep us apart, not even your threats.
Susan: nonsense, you've got school to finish and--
Ash: she's not coming home because I have asked her to move in with me. But you are welcome to visit us Mrs Love!
Susan: what... but... you're crazy, you can't go live with him Octavia! You still have school and--
Ash: there is no need to drop out of school love, you can finish studying if you want. Or not, as you prefer.
Susan: you can't do this... she's my child!
Ash: she's old enough to make her own decisions, Mrs Love. And I've lived long enough to know that once I found true love I should not let it go...
Susan: ... very well then. I see my trip up to here was completely useless. I hope you're happy, Octavia. I'll go tell Leo that we're leaving.
Octavia: and what does uncle Leo have to do with all this?
Susan: Oh, I bumped into Alice and she was furious as she had just found out about Aneira's little plan... I just knew that if I follwed them I would somehow find you too...
Aneira: dad.... what..... what are you doing here... how....
Arwyn: king Leo....
Aneira: well, kind of... if it hadn't been for Glyn...
Leo: your mum and I were so worried! We knew something was not right... you should have told us!
Aneira: I couldn't... I'm sorry dad, I couldn't tell you...
Leo: you know you can tell me anything, An!
Aneira: not this... you hadn't done anything, you had let your sister take Arwyn away... I didn't want you to do the same now...
Leo: I'm sorry Annie, it was more complicated than it seems... I thought to give a little time to Gale to settle and then talk to her again... but I see now how important he is to you...
Aneira: mum! You're here too!
Alice: of course I am darling, I was worried sick!
Alice: of course you could, and I wish that you had Annie... you never lied to us before...
Leo: Arwyn, you really care for my daughter, don't you?
Arwyn: I do sir... very very much...
Leo: good. You have my blessing.
Arwyn: thank you, king Leo...
Leo: But now, I need to go sort something out...
Berwyn: but it was for a good cause, right brother?
Arwyn: the best one...
Trystan: mum!!
Alice: Trys! My brave boy, I can't believe you went on this little adventure with your sister!
Trystan: I'm sorry mum... but I couldn't let her go alone...
Alice: I know... I know... I'm just happy I found you healthy and happy!
Susan: I have... but she's not exactly the daughter I thought I would find... I don't recognize my daughter anymore...
Ash: indeed, she's the most wonderful woman and witch and I'm so honoured to have her by my side!
Octavia: oh Ash... you make me blush!
Susan: well, we'll see about that...
Leo: bit of advice from personal experience, old friend: don't try to keep two people who love each other apart... it will just backfire... just be happy for her!
Susan: I don't know that I can... this is too much Leo...
Leo: and you! You've grown up so much Glyn!
Glyn: yes, everybody is saying that... and you know what? I have decided I will accept my role as future king of the elves. One day, I want to be just like my dad, and like you uncle Leo!
Arwyn: he did it for us... I can't believe he did it for us! I hope it's what he wants too...
Berwyn: but of course it is. He was born for this! He's going to be a wonderful king, Ar... we should be very proud!
Glyn: James! And Eric! You're here too! So nice to see you!!
Eric: holy plumbob....
Glyn: indeed I have...
Eric: indeed... and when we grow up too we can have fun together again as before! Isn't it wonderful?
Gwydion: I told you this day is keeping on giving! We should really get popcorns, dear...
Gale: it was all a misunderstanding really...
Gwydion: really....
Gwydion: ....didn't we have one of those old popcorn machines stored somewhere?
Blodwen: hello uncle Leo, have you come to take evil cousin Aneira away? She tried to steal my guard you know. That's not cool. If it were for me, I would have sent her straight to the dungeon!
Leo: .....
Blodwen: what? Mother...
Gwydion: Blodwen, we have already talked about this.
Leo: but of course he is not.... he's a person, with feelings, and feelings for my daughter specifically, he's nobody's property!
Blodwen: of course he is! He's just a guard, that's what guards are. Just somebody else's property, here to serve and obey our will. They'e not like us.
Leo: what! Holy plumbob, guys, I think you need to talk to your daughter here...
Gwydion: he is right, Gale, we should have told her long ago...
Gale: absolutely not, that's our business, she doesn't need to know...
Trystan: but mum, that's not fair!
Aneira: and I already told you, we would have told you but couldn't, as you would have told dad, and we couldn't risk dad saying no! I needed to see that Arwyn was okay mum, specially after what happened on Snowflake night...
Alice: and he did indeed, but now I'll have to talk to him too... I didn't know he knew? It would have made things so much easier if we had known! *sighs* I've got three lying kids out of five... who would have thought...
Alice: your school called and asked how the food poisoning was going.... they were worried for us, as so many of he Love teens seemed to be sick...
Aneira: ah... damn school....
Aneira: so we took a trip to the campsite....
Aneira: Elena! You're here too!!
Elena: yeah... well... once we got caught I thought it better to come along than to face mum and dad....
Aneira: wow, always so positive Tyler... but indeed it did work, actually...
Aneira: yes, and we should really do... it's New Year's Eve guys, we were supposed to grow up today...
Tyler: indeed... instead we are stuck here... do you know when we're going to leave?
Elena: or, we could celebrate here?
Aneira: here? After everything that happened today?
Elena: I only know the part from when we arrived, but yes, why not, we're all here anyway... well, most of us are... do you think we could have a last minute party?
Susan: oh honey, sorry I was so busy having a fight with your sister that I lost track of time... I'll go tell Leo that we're going to be on our way, okay? Then we'll text dad and Amelia that we'll be home soon.
Gareth: are Octavia and her friend coming with us?
Susan: no darling, they are not...
Susan: thank you sweetie, I love you too....
Gareth: wait...
James: who, Eric? Are you kidding me?
Gareth: not Eric, the girl behind him... I don't think I've seen her before...
Gareth: she seems nice! I think I'll go talk to her... can you introduce me maybe?
James: well, I don't really know her but sure, why not...
Gareth: then maybe we can stay a little longer...
Ash: thank you for agreeing to move in with me, my love... I'm the happiest man on earth right now....
Octavia: oh Ash, I'm happy too, but the fight with my mum was so bad... I knew it would be bad, but not like this... we said horrible things to each other....
Ash: give her time, it will pass... she'll get over it and she'll come and see us in our beautiful house. She can come any time you want, you know that...
Octavia: oh Ash, I love you so much... and thank you for coming here with me and trying to help my cousin... too bad we were too late and could only have a little fun...
Ash: any time my love, any time...
Aneira: Lowri! That's another surprise! How many people did mum and dad bring with them?
Elena: quite a few in fact, but I think she's the last one...
Aneira: I know, I'm so sorry little sis... but so many people were in on this already... and I couldn't take you with me... I'm sorry...
Aneira: shoot, you name it and you can have it!
Aneira: what! Why?
Lowri: just a little punishment for not taking me with you, sister *grins*
Lowri: you said I could get anything... I want this *grins*
Berwyn: *laughs*
Arwyn: what is it, what are you doing?
Lowri: is she really doing it? My shy sister and your shy brother?
Berwyn: it appears so *laughs*
Arwyn: well, that was a very nice dare, remind me to thank your sister later...
Trystan: jeez guys, get a room! And with the parents around... embarrassing...
Lowri: you blushed big time sister! *laughs* but yes, you win! It's good to see you happy, big sis...
Leo: ....
Gale: which is?
Leo: it's New Year's Eve!
Gale: ah yes, but we don't really celebrate it...
Leo: exactly, why don't we do a bit NY party? And while we are at it, we could also celebrate Annie's birthay... I overheard her talking to Elena and Tyler. The three of them were planning to organise a birthday party today, but now that we're here...
Gale: no way, I might have been forced to give in with Arwyn, but she will not also get a birthday party under my roof! After all she's done...
Gale: what? Gwydion! Back me up here please?
Gwydion: Gale, we've all had a long and stressful day, for different reasons. It's New Year's eve - which I had forgotten about by the way. Why not have some fun and celebrate and have some quality family time all together!
Gale: but... but....
*crowd cheering*
Gwydion: no, it's fun... I told you this day is the day that keeps on giving! Who would have thought this morning when I woke up in the Fairy realm that I would get a distressed message from my youngest daugther that required my presence at home... and that the trip back home would take us here, to our Great Hall packed with your relatives and their friends, and that although we (or you) started as enemy, we would end the day with a party as friends? I'm still waiting for my popcorns by the way...
Octavia: oh, that's true, it's your birthday... I'm glad you get to celebrate... even if we were too late, I'm sorry...
Aneira: Octavia! Finally I get to talk to you... this is a surprise, I didn't expect to see you here!
Aneira: this is so kind of you, thank you!
Octavia: well, you helped me with Ash so I wanted to return the favour... but turns out it was all for nothing, you guys had already sorted yourself out and now my mum knows about Ash and about our secret... oh Annie we had a terrible fight...
Octavia: you think so?
Octavia: thank you Annie, you're a real friend... now I guess you should go get ready, you're about to leave your teenage years behind! And join your man in young adulthood... he looks nice by the way, you're a beautiful couple...
Leo: oh I forgot: the party will be elven themed, courtesy of my dear sister Gale! Go get find yourselves a dress people, and see you back here at 9pm!
Gale: hey, who ever said anything about dresses!
Aneira: here we are indeed! Can you believe that this is our birthday party?
Elena: never in a million year I would have thought that we we would have it in a castle! This plan exceeded expectations, Aneira!
Aneira: *laughs*
Tyler: I feel a bit nervous though... so many people... but this outfit is quite cool I have to say! Are you ready girls?
Tyler: make a wish Tyler...
Crowd: woohoooooo happy birthday!!!
Aneira: this is so exciting... and totally unexpected! But so beautiful anyway... I just wish the rest of the family was here too...
Crowd: woohoooo go Annie!!!
Berwyn: brother, your girlfriend is growing up! We should celebrate!
Arwyn: ah yes, that's true! I was too busy staring at her... she looks even more beautiful tonight...
Gale: woohooo happy birthday niece!
Gwydion: ... and now you're celebrating her? I mean, that's good, but you do change your mind quite fast my darling...
Lowri: you're beautiful sister but... you look exactly like before! Spooky...
Jimmy: I can't believe you guys are already young adults... Now it won't be too long for Trystan and me... I'm not ready to grow up yet!
Leo: aaah, my baby girl is a woman now... I'm so proud... and so glad that this crazy day could end on such a happy note!

Gale: ... mm this cake is so good!
Gale: just not today okay? Let's just enjoy the party for tonight... please...
Blodwen: are you planning a surprise for me? So cool! When can I get it?
Gale: ....
Glyn: I think they're going to tell Blodwen the truth...
Trystan: the truth about what?
Glyn: about my dad...you know, him not being originally part of a royal family and so on... Blodwen thinks she can do and have anything because of her royal blood, and treats other people as if they are beneath her... it's time for her to learn...
Trystan: do you mean that she doesn't know her parents' story? And how come you do?
Glyn: they never told any of us. But I figured it out... overheard some stuff... and I had some memories from when I was young... then did a bit of research... and then one day I talked to my dad. I think it's the coolest thing ever, and the one thing that makes me still have faith in my mother... she does have a good side, it's just that she keeps it hidden very well...
Trystan: I can imagine it will be a major shock for Blodwen... it will change how she sees the world...
Glyn: and so it should... honestly, I don't know how mum and dad have not done anything about her behaviour. Of course it doesn't help that my dad is away most of the time... and my mum spoils her of course. Anyway I hope this is all going to change, starting tomorrow....
Trystan: and Enfys? She seems quite smart...
Glyn: oh, she is indeed! She takes after me, obviously *grins* and she loves fairytales with a happy ending, she'll love the story and will be proud to be part of one!
Arwyn: to my wonderful girlfriend, the most beautiful and bravest woman I know. We would not be here were it not for you coming to look for me. I love you my darling, always and forever!
Aneira: oh Arwyn...
Enfys: awwww you guys are so sweet!! I want to be like you when I grow up, cousin Aneira!
Aneira: what...
Lowri: ewww get a room sister! I was joking before... we don't need to see this!
Eric: indeed it is!
James: what are you two talking about, this is disgusting!!
Arwyn: mmmh no?
Aneira: nevermind, let's resume where we left off...
Enfys: actually it's her birthday party, and she just got back together with the love of her life after fighting my evil mother... such a beautiful story, so romantic! I would love to have the same when I grow up...
Eric: haha and I'm sure there is a knight in shiny armour around here who would be happy to join you in your story...
Enfys: haha thank you Gareth, I'll keep that in mind *smiles*
James: what is wrong with you guys!!
Leo: indeed... do you think we should expect grandchildren soon?
Leo: you will always be beautiful, grandmother or not, you know that...
Leo: did you hear what I said?
Alice: what?
Leo: nevermind, come here my love...
Tyler: of course I did... I love you Elena and I want to spend my life with you... and I will propose properly to you one day soon, but this place is too crowded and is making me nervous...
Elena: *smiles*
Tyler: but in the meantime, let's move in together...
Elena: I can't wait...
Berwyn: I didn't know if it would work... but Enfys is a smart girl, she saved us all!
Jimmy: indeed she has... but you have to! Anything I can do to repay the favour? Now that you are free you can come and stay with us for a bit and I can show you the real cool places and clubs where I usually hang out!
Berwyn: haha no worries, but thank you! I still haven't decided what I'm going to do, it's like moving from a very certain and very boring life to a world full of possibilities... it's a bit overhelming actually...
Berwyn: actually... I've been meaning to ask Aneira, or Elena but...
Jimmy: yes?
Berwyn: do you have any news of Ella? Is she alright?
Jimmy: *smiles* I was waiting for that! I've heard that you were.... er... close to my cousin *winks*
Berwyn: er... I just didn't get to say goodbye when we came back here so...
Berwyn: wow... what did I miss... you said someone had to take her home... anybody I know?
Jimmy: who? Ah no just some guy from the bar I think,
Berwyn; ah...
Jimmy: listen, I don't know much. If you need info like if she's seeing someone you need to ask the girls, I have no idea..
Berwyn: sure... sorry...
Jimmy: look, if you want my opinion, and I usually know what I'm doing when it comes to girls... just go see her, take her out somewhere cool, have a major make out session like there's no tomorrow and she'll be yours again! Easy!
Berwyn: er... okay... thanks... I'll... think about it....
Aneira: I'm over the moon Trys! I couldn't imagine a happier ending to our little trip... thank you so much for coming with me...
Trystan: any time... I'm happy to see you happy Annie, I couldn't bear to see you so sad in the past weeks...
Trystan: and what are you going to do now? Now that you don't have school anymore you can do anything you want... go to university, find a job, move in with Arwyn....
Aneira: actually, I don't know yet. But I have asked Arwyn to move in with us, I hope that's ok. And I guess Berwyn will do so too... we haven't really discussed the logistics... but then maybe at some point Arwyn and I can come back here, I would like to experience what it's like to live here... and poor Arwyn hasn't had a normal life here since before he came to the castle so... but who knows, it's just ideas for now...
Trystan: sounds good sister, I'm happy for you!
Trystan: just back to the usual life I guess...
Aneira: no, I mean, about Matilda... you said Clara asked you to go see her... will you?
Trystan: I don't know... I decided to focus on our trip and to push the decision to when we're back...
Aneira: well, if you need backup, you know I can come with you. I can take Arwyn too, and show him what the big city looks like! And it's a good excuse to go see auntie Amy anyway.
Trystan: thank you, Annie, really...
James: so long as nobody kisses at midnight... ewww...
Enfys: of course we have TV, where do you think we're living, the middle ages?
Everybody: shu shu beeeee! Shu shu beeee! Shu shu beeeee!
Ash: happy new year my darling...
Lowri: brother, happy new year!
James: oh, thanks Lo! Happy new year to you too!
Blodwen: well, I guess since it's new year we can have a truce and it's ok to hug... happy new year sister!
Aneira: hey you... happy new year...
Arwyn: happy new year to you too....
Susan: Octavia...
Octavia: I know who he is mum, and I'm okay with it. We really love each other, and that's what matters. I know you may not like him, but I hope with time you will come to accept him..
Susan: I am not sure but I will try... happy? I don't want to start the new year with a grudge with my daughter. I know we don't always get along but I love you, you know that...
Susan: happy new year to you too darling...
Octavia: now, let's go eat, I'm starving!
Susan: but we just had cake!
Octavia: that feels like ages ago, I'm ravenous!
Susan: ......
Elena: so cool!!
Trystan: you're joking right?
Leo: of course not, eat up, son!
Leo: I told you, it's the best way to end such a beautiful family evening!
Alice: wooohoooo we're on fire people!
Jimmy: but I think we should all start at the same time, right? We are not at all coordinated...oh nevermind, it's still cool! We should do this more often!!!
To be continued...
I hope you liked the chapter, I had fun creating it :) Although it's so difficult to manage a group of sims 4 compared to sims 3!
Thank you for reading and see you next time!
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