Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Love Legacy - Generation 3 Chapter 7

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

So....are you ready to see the new house? ;) Well, those who follow on facebook already got a sneak peek of the ongoing renovations but for the others... it took AGES to make and many many crashes but I'm pretty happy with the result ^_^

It was dawn when the Loves were finally allowed to come back home from the winter festival ... they were almost frozen ... but I guess the new house was worth the wait!

Isn't it, Loves?

Sebastian: I'd love to see it but Arni's in the way!

Shameka: oh come on husband .... it's just ..... wow ....

Arni: it's .....

June: huge!

Tobias: huge!

Juliet: see, Sophie? We got a new huge house! All for us! Do you like it?

Sophie: wof!

So ... welcome everyone to the new Love House! Let's take a little tour .....

This is the entrance! a Huge open space for parties....

Now people won't get stuck anymore .... right? This is the living room ...

And now let's head to the kitchen ...

I think it's one of my favourite rooms ^_^ Although for some reason the Loves never eat in there ....

for some weird reason they prefer to eat outside, even with thick snow O_o

But they have a good view of the backyard! With the toolshed (green) and the sauna/gym (blue)

And there's also a barbecue area! That comes with Juliet's old pizza oven :)

Close up of the tool shed and playground ....

And this is what's in the tool shed! Sebastian already set himself at work with the clay block :D Now everyone's wish is to learn the inventing and sculpting skills :D I wonder why .... :D

And this is the sauna/gym room from the outside....

....and from the inside!

It comes with a massage table too :D

But let's go back in! Before going upstairs we still need to visit ...

The ground floor bathroom! yeah it's back :D

And the new and improved laundry!

(sorry, very bad picture from build mode but it's the only one I have...)

Oh, and outside, close to the laundry there's a greenhouse for Arni's plants! You'll see it in the back yard picture later...

Going upstairs....

Juliet's bedroom is back to its original owner :D

Also back is Shameka&Sebastian's ....

But we have a new master bathroom!

And a new master bedroom for June&Arni :) Which you'll see it in a while! I'll just show you something ....

I'd die to have such a wardrobe room ... :D

On the second floor there's another bathroom ....

but most importantly we have the playroom and nursery!

(plus some other empty room that will be decorated as soon as new kids arrive...)

And with a spiral staircase you can even reach the attic which is some kind of party room .... with a bar and a juice keg plus a pool and a foosball table ...

Plus this cozy reading nook!

So that's basically it!

Here's the front view ....

....and the back view!

I hope a lot of things will happen in this new house .... and for sure I'm not in any kind of way going to renovate it ever again! where renovating concerns the building part ... I went mad! And it's not fully decorated yet but I got bored and wanted to play, so I'll finish putting all the needed decor as the story progresses ... and I can't wait to see it in spring with lots of green and flowers!!

Anyway, I hope you like the new house as much as I do :) Well, I'm biased but I put so much effort in this house so I better be happy XD

But let's go back to the Loves .... let's see if they like their new place!

Hey June! Goodmorning! What do you think of your new bedroom? I guess so if Arni's dreaming .... of vegetables .....

June: sure I love the room but ... I don't think I can sleep well ...

Noooo why is that? Is the bed not comfortable enough?

June: no it's more .... I feel ....

June: weird ....

Weird? How weird? Is that ... that kind of weird?

June: uh ....

June: ooooh look! I'm pregnant!

Yay!!!!!! Baby Love number 2 on the way ^_^ Arni?

Arni: mmmh ....


Arni: mmmmmmmmmh .....

Arni wake up! Look! you're gonna be a daddy again!

Arni: mmmmmh....

okay, he's an heavy sleeper kind of guy :D

June: oh, let him sleep I'll tell him later ... but I can go tell Toby now!

June: look sweetie ... do you like your new playroom?

Toby: yuss! it's just ....lilac....

June: it is a little too lilac in fact ... but it's nice, isn't it?

Toby: but lilac ....

June: and you know what's even nicer Toby?

Toby: mummy change colour into blue?

June: You're gonna share it with a little brother or sister soon!

Toby: ...  can I have it all for mees if I say I like lilac? pretty please?

Too late :D

Bonehilda: uhm .... I sense something ... something's changed since the last time I came out of my coffin .... uhm ... oh yes! It's snowing! Aww I love snow, chills you to the bone!

Bonehilda: but no ... there's something more than snow .... something's definitely different here .....

Bonehilda: oooh they got new curtains! They're so beautiful! I'd love to have such curtains in my coffin as well ... mmm maybe I could try to take one down and try it out on my coffin ....

Bonehilda: someone help! The curtain is stuck, I can't take it down!

Bonehilda: how am I supposed to buy such a thing if I can't try it first? What if I buy it and then it doesn't suit the coffin? eh?

......oh dear .... I think you should get going ... you know ... do your job and stuff ....

Bonehilda: uhm .... So many books .... I really can't choose which one to read first .....

Bonehilda! Off to work! NOW!

Sebastian: I think our Bonehilda is a little .... uh .... I don't know ... it looks like she lost her marbles or something ....

...so said the mad scientist ....

Sebastian: who did you call mad? It's just my working outfit ... I'm a level 9 scientist you know! And I'm off to work now ... but please, keep an eye on that boney maid, will you? I don't want to leave my grandchild alone with that ... thing ....

But Toby was not alone! Up in the nursery he was, swinging with his beloved mummy! Aren't they just adorable?

June loved her little man and she decided it was time for Toby to learn how to walk ....

June: come on Toby, come to mummy!

Toby: mummy! I'm walking! I'm walking!

June: yeeees! that's my boy!!

Tobias: mummy mummy put me downs!! *giggles*

June: ooh yes ... now it's bathing time!

Tobias: oh noes ... no bathing mum! oh well ... it's actually nice ... bubbles!

While June was spending some quality time with her firstborn .... Juliet was painting downstairs (wow this looks nice!)

and Arni was having a coffee alone contemplating the wintry back yard .... is it just me or does he seem a little lost in his thoughts? I wonder what he's thinking about .....

Sophie: mmm .... looks like everyone is busy .... this is the perfect moment to .....

Sophie: ...roll in the puddle! Aaaaah ooooh the joy!!!!! What? What are you looking at? I didn't do anything ... a . ny . thing . Right?

Oh and I forgot to mention the Loves got another pet! Juliet found a squirrel, Nibbles :D

Oh not again ... Bonehilda ... what's wrong with you ....

Bonehilda: I think ... I think I just grasped something ..... it's something important ....

Enlighten me, please ....

Bonehilda: okay... are you ready? Here it is ... this house .... is different ....

Bonehilda: ....it's a brand new house! Yess! Me likes it!

Riiiiight .... let's move on .......

Hey Juliet! What do you think of the new kitchen? Like it?

Juliet: sure I do! I can see myself cooking so many delicacies in here .... look, I'm such a pro that I can cut vegetables with my eyes closed!

I see that .... and what are you cooking exactly?

Juliet: it's called aloo masala ... I think I put too much spices in it though ... but it's Toby's favourite!

But he can't eat it yet Jul ....

Juliet: oh .... right ... I hadn't thought of this .... oh well, I hope everyone likes spicy!

Arni: hey father in law..... where did you get that veggie lasagna from? I thought I was doomed to eat something really spicy tonight but .... do you think I can have some of your food?

Sebastian: don't even think of it, man ... I cooked this lasagna, it's mine! Understood? Mine!

Woah there, relax Seb!

Sebastian: I'll keep it in a secret place for the next meal as well ... in case the spicy food is still around ....Besides, how dare you ask my food when wearing my same jacket ...

June: hey Arni, I found the lasagna! We're not doomed to eat gran's spicy stuff!

Sebastian: hey mum ...

Juliet: hey son! Dinner's ready! It's in the kitchen!

Arni: ......

Juliet: wait, why do I smell lasagna? And who is this freaky guy taking pictures of us eating? I'd better go eat inside ....

Shameka: hey kid! What's wrong with Arni?

June: hey mum! Nothing, it's just dad was a bit rude with him and he's still shocked ... you know, he's shy and everything and ....oh no.... why did you get gran's spicy food! We were saving lasagna for you here!

Shameka: what? Noo that's not fair! Anyway, who's this creep and what is he doing here?

June: I guess he wants some lasagna ... right?

Random paparazzi guy: well ... if you insist ....

Arni: no way! Don't you dare to grab a dish! Stay away from our food, man! I'd better go lock that gate so that we can keep strangers out ....

Oh hey Jul! So ... you can actually use the kitchen table and chairs .... then why do you keep going to eat outside in the snow? 

Juliet: shush, I'm reading here!

Fiiiine ......


Tobias: I got stuck and I can't go backwards yet! Someone heeeeeeelp!

Sebastian: your kid doesn't look too bright ... does he ...

June: dad! what's wrong with you saying nasty things tonight? Come on Toby, mummy will read you a story ....

Tobias: oh my gowdness! Mummy's wearing .... doggies on her feet! How ... childish

Tobias: but I like when she reads me stories yuss!!!!

Shameka: oh ... my kid's reading a book to her kid ... that is ... my grandson .... oh my goodness I'm so old! But I'm still sexy in my nightgown, right? I'm a sexy granny!


Tobias: mum ... I need potty!

June: perfect, some before bed potty training .... there you are Toby! Come on, it's easy!

Tobias: mmm I don't think so ....

Tobias: who am I kidding? I'm a pro, man!


June: good boy, good boy! Now, go play with your blocks while I go find daddy, right?

Tobias: hello my bwooooooks! I love you all but gween is my favourite!

While June was potty training her son .... Arni was trying to teach Sam the parrot to talk!

Arni: say sunshine Sam!

Sam: say sunshine Sam!


But by the time June had reached the yard, Arni was already gone ... but thanks to Sam she knew where to find him!

June.... is it just me or did you just get bigger?

June: looks like, uh? That's why I need to talk to Arni ...

June: hey sweetheart .... there you are ....

Arni: hey love! I've missed you ....

June: I've missed you too....where have you been all day? I have something to tell you ...

Arni: oh gosh ... something's wrong June?

June: no it's not darling! But you look ....worried ... maybe I should ask the same question to you? Listen, if it's for what dad told you... don't worry, he said a rather not so nice thing to me as well ... I guess he's having a bad day or something... but he likes you!

Arni: okay ... I just felt ... I don't know...not part of the family ...

June: but you are! It's your family now and we are the heirs in charge! I guess dad still finds it hard that he's not the boss anymore.... he just needs some time to adjust to his new role I guess ...

Arni: yeah ... probably ....

June: so, stop worrying and prepare to smile ... because I have something to tell you!

June: you're gonna be a daddy! Again!

Arni: oh my goodness! Are you serious?

June: well, why would I joke about this ....

Arni: yeah right! Wow! We're gonna have another child! Wow!!! It's so exciting!!!

June: I know!

Arni: but when did you find out?

June: this morning! But you were sleeping ... and then you kinda disappeared and I couldn't tell you at dinner because of the creepy stalker paparazzi guy ....and then I needed to rescue Toby who had got stuck with his walker ...

Arni: June, it's a wonderful news .... you make me the happiest man on earth, you know that?

June: and that's the same for me! But please don't disappear if something's wrong or if you're worried... just tell me, okay? I need you Arni ... and Tobias needs you too ... and now more than ever that a second baby is on the way!

Arni: I know... I'm sorry June ... I just needed some time to ... think .... I'm kinda worried for my sister actually ...

June: oh no ... what's wrong with her?

Arni: I don't know... she hasn't been in touch for a while and it's weird ...

June: oh, don't worry hon, I'm sure she's fine ... she'll be having some romantic time with her Delbert maybe!

Arni: yeah ... maybe .... but how about ... maybe we can invite her and Jonas for dinner some time? To show them the new house?

June: sure! That's a great idea! And I long to see Charlotte's kids! And don't worry, I'm sure Hildur's fine ... and if she's not, better know it right away so you can help, right?

Arni: I love you, you know that?

Sophie: ewwww stop smooching guys! I'm right behind you!

Arni: and I love little Tobias.... and this little boy or girl that is about to join the family! I'm gonna play with you aaaaall day long little baby!

Arni: oh, what did you say?

Arni: I think he said he'll like it a lot! Or she!

Arni: actually, I'd love to have a baby girl! And I think Toby will be happy to have a little sister!

June: well it's not up to me ... but we'll see what we can do!

Bonehilda: is it just me ... or did this snake get some muscles lately?

Ossa: what? Are you mad Bone lady?

Sophie: don't mind her ... she's kinda ... out of her mind lately .....

Sophie: mmm that bone lady is scary .... I'd better be close to June and her future baby ... I must protect her ....

Arni: hey hon, what are you doing?

June: watching kids TV with Sophie! Wanna join?

Arni: sure! er ... Sophie?

Sophie: no way man ... I got this sofa first, you take the other one!

Mooorning Bonehilda! Ready for a new working day? 

Bonehilda: mmm I think there's nothing to do today ... booring ... I think I'll play some games on the computer ....

Nothing to do? Hello? O_o

I think we got a faulty one! >.<

While Bonehilda liked oversleeping and being lazy, granny Juliet was up early morning to tend to her chickens!

It was a very bright winter morning and June decided to take a walk to the winter festival ... and look who she met? Charlotte and Jonas with the twins!

This is fairy Thomas, he got his parents blond hair and grandpa Sebastian&aunt Rebecca's green eyes!

While his brother is totally different ... Manu has Charlotte's eyes and Sebastian's hair colour ... they get a lot from their grandparents I see! They look so different but ... aren't they just cute? I can see Manu as the shy, wise, sensible brother while Thomas seems to me like he's going to be a troublemaker and girls heartbreaker when he gets older ;) but we'll see .....

And look! Their sister Yesenia has also aged up! She's a strange mixture of her parents and her grandmother's Shameka dark hair ... but she looks pretty good! (after the makeover, that is ... because before ... urgh :D)

June stopped to chat with her sister and she told her that she was expecting another baby! Plus, she told her that Arni wished to have his siblings at dinner once, so Charlotte would receive such invitation soon ...

June: and it would be lovely if you could bring the twins as well! We got a huge nursery and playroom now, they could play with Tobias a little!

After meeting Charlotte and her family, June continued her walk and she reached the place where she had got married ... and there she found her other sister Rebecca with her family! It seemed she and Karl were having a revival moment :P And little Trinity just stood there in the snow! Poor kid ....

June scooped her up .... but Trinity wasn't too pleased .....

Trinity: mmm.....who's this stranger lady who picks me up like she knew me .....

Trinity: RAAAAAGE! I want mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Karl: there's my baby angel!

Trinity: oh yesss daddeeeeeee!!! I love you daddeeee!

And she's the copycat of Karl!!!

June: hey sis listen ... know what? You're gonna be an auntie again!!!

Rebecca: wow!!! really?

Rebecca: congratulations June!!!!

June: thanks ... and hey, I think when the baby's born we're gonna have a family party .... the first one in the new house! You should bring Karl and Trinity along, it would be great to see her play with Tobias!

Rebecca: sure! That would be a great idea! And I haven't met Theodore for a while, it'd be great to catch up! And I guess Caroline is all grown up now!

June: yeah, I haven't heard of him for a while as well ... it's gonna be great! All our kids playing together! I'll give you a call then!

When she was leaving June spotted a rather peculiar scene....

Random sim Gemma: so... Kyle ... you look good ... I look good! How about getting married?

Kyle: uh, you're tempting me there stranger lady ... but I think my boyfriend and adopted son would have something to say about that.....

Random sim Gemma: ...........

While June was off her walk, Arni had drove to the scrap yard to find something for their new inventing table ... once there he found that, more then scraps, the place was covered in snowmen!

It was this little girl making them ... but what was she doing all alone in a scrap yard?

Arni: hey you! It seems you like building snowmen ...

Girl: oh yes! I'm building my own army of snowmen here you know! They are my friends and keep me company!

Arni: but ... why here? Why don't you build them in your garden?

Girl: dunno ... I prefer to be here ... don't like it at home to much ....

Arni: but you'll get a cold or something!

Girl: haha no way! I may look like my dad but I got my mum's genes in me too you know! And she comes from a very cold place ... Aurora Skies ...

Arni: Aurora Skies you said? Oh goodness .... are you ... Hildur's kid?

Girl: oh you know my mum!! She has a cool name, doesn't she? And I'm Oriana ....

Arni: and I'm Arni ... and ... oh my goodness ... your mum is my kid sister ....

Oriana: you're uncle Arni! Mum told me about you but I had never seen a picture! But now I can see you look like her a bit!

Arni: but why didn't she tell me she had a daughter?

Oriana: dunno.... I guess it's beacuse of dad maybe....

Arni: what's wrong with him?

Oriana: hey, do you have kids? Maybe I can come to your place and meet my cousins? I'd love that! I know I have another uncle who has lots of kids!

Arni: sure but .... where are your mum and dad? You should tell them you're coming over ...

Oriana: oh, mum is probably in some bar downtown, she doesn't come home till late usually so it's okay!

Arni: what ...

Oriana: come on uncle Arni, let's go!

As they left the scrap yard, Arni and Oriana passed two familiar figures ... Arni was too shocked from learning that his sister has a daughter and hadn't told him to notice them, but Oriana wasn't ... and it was painful. Her mother thought she didn't know but she knew. And despite how much she hated that family, she felt sorry for the girl - Caroline that was. She had met her at school ... Caroline didn't know what she knew though but Oriana knew life wasn't easy for her as well ...

Caroline: mum ... can we go home now? I'm cold!

Riley: not yet kid, not yet ...

Caroline: but I want to watch kids TV before going to bed! If we're late I won't have time ....

Riley: you'll watch it tomorrow hon ... now, I have something to do , go build a snowman or something will you?

Arni: er ... sooo ... this is our house ....

Oriana: wow ... it's huge!

Arni: well yes, we just got it renovated and ... anyway, down there is the kitchen, why don't you go look if Juliet has some dinner ready while I go find your aunt?

June: uh .... hi?

Oriana: hi .... do you have dinner ready?

June: uh ... yeah?

June: and who's this kid? Do I know her?

Oriana: come on lady, get a move on, I'm starving!

Sebastian: hey June, when did you have another daughter?

June: how could she be mine, dad? She's older than Toby!

Sebastian: right ... right .... who's she then?

June: no idea actually... maybe she'll tell us ....

Oriana: oh hi uncle Arni! I found something to eat!

Arni: uh... oh... hey kid ... yeah ....well done ....

June: ...... uncle .... Arni?

Arni: er ... I'll explain later but ... she's Hildur's kid!

June: oh .....

Sebastian: .........

Arni: .......

Oriana: ......

Arni: uhm soooo daddy ... how's your chemical set in the lab doing?

Sebastian: ......

June: ........

Oriana: ......

Oriana: I think ... I wanna go home now .... maybe I should call mummy ....

Sebastian: yes, don't worry kid, we'll call your mum right away!

June: I'm kinda shocked that Hildur has such a grown up child and told us nothing! What's going on Arni?

Arni: don't know ... but something is definitely wrong ... why don't you try to talk to her while I call my sister?

June: right ....

June: so ... you're Oriana right? It's very nice to meet you, I'm your aunt June, Arni's wife ....

Oriana: .....

June: you know, I also have a kid, he's still too young but maybe when he grows up you can go play with him in the playground!

Oriana: oh ... really? You have a playground?

June: yes! You can check it out if you want!

Oriana: no I'm more of a computer girl myself ... do you have computer games?

June: sure thing .... but are you sure you don't wanna go out play in the snow?

Oriana: no ... I do that all day long at home .... but we don't have computer games so I can play with yours maybe?

As Oriana was helping herself with the family computer, totally ignoring her baby cousin playing nearby, Arni found out that Hildur had indeed arrived ... 

but hadn't bothered ringing the doorbell and had instead started a solo basketball match ... she looked kinda .... well, weird ....

Arni: Hildur! So great to see you again ....

Hildur: oh brother! Same for me, it's been ages!

Arni: indeed ... Hildur, what's going on, why didn't you tell me you had a daughter!

Hildur: oh well .... I  .... didn't want to bother you ... you have your own family and stuff ...

Arni: what? How can you think that! Hildur please, tell me what's going on ... you have a daughter and tell no one ... you leave her alone all day long it seems, and it's not the first time, judging from what she says ... what's going on?

Hildur: you would not understand Arni .... and it's painful ...

Arni: then make me! I'm your brother I want to help if something painful is happening in your life ... please, tell me what's going on, I can help ....

Hildur: no, you can't ... there's nothing you can do, it's too late!

June: hey Hildur ...

Hildur: hey .... 

June: you have one lovely girl there, you know that?

Hildur: thanks ... I know ... she really looks like her father though, doesn't she?

Arni: yes, but she says she got your genes too, that's why she's never cold in the snow!

Hildur: she said that? oh ...

Arni: and she said it so very proudly!

Hildur: she did? Oh ... I'm such a bad mother ... I don't deserve this ...

Arni: you're not a bad mother Hildur ... please, tell us what's going on, we can help!

Hildur: okay then ... Delbert doesn't live with us anymore. I think he's seeing someone else.

June: what?!! How can he!!

Hildur: it's been going on for a while now .... and I took up a career as a singer to provide for me and Oriana. I have to work a lot and I often sing for tips... but it means I have to be away much ...

Arni: but ... how?

Hildur: you know what? If I think about it now, about the past ... I think I should have realised it then. He didn't really love me, I was second choice. That's why he was against marriage I guess. That's why he didn't want kids. But then Oriana came ... and things got really bad. I guess he couldn't stand me, or us, anymore. He spent so much time away from home and then one day he left. He came at the Halloween party but he was already living somewhere else. I think he came to pretend we were still a family, when we had really never been. Maybe at the beginning ... and he didn't want to tell his family of course, they would be mad. Oriana was a baby back then, but I couldn't tell you because if you came to visit you would realise I was living alone. That's it.

June: holy plumbob .... I'm so sorry Hildur ....

Hildur: it's okay, I cried so much I guess I ran over tears ... I'm just sad that there is another reason that make me stay away from home so much. Oriana looks so much like her father ... I'm ashamed of it but I can't really look at her ... it's too painful ...

Arni: oh goodness, Hildur! I understand everything but how can you do this to your own daughter? It's not her fault ... and I guess she's clever enough to understand what you feel towards her!

Hildur: I know! And I feel so bad but ... it's so ... hard ...

Arni: you could have told me ....I could have come up and help!

Hildur: it's not fair Arni, you have your own family to take care of ...

Arni: yeah, but you are my family too, love ... now, come inside to meet your daughter, it's freezing out here!

June: hey Oriana! Look who's here!

Oriana: I don't care ... but this ratatouille is very good, I'll take another dish ....

Hildur: oh don't mind her June ... she's going into a huff because I left her alone for so much time ... she always does that ....

Arni: hey love ... there you are ... I talked Oriana into make it up with her mum ... I think they'll be fine ...

June: good ... 

June: oh Arni I'm in shock! How could Delbert do this to her? And to his daughter?

Arni: I don't know .... but I'm glad he's not here because the next time I see him ... well ... he can't just treat my sister like that and make it alive right?

June: we don't need further pain Arni ... although I'm pretty angry at him as well! Listen, why don't they stay here for the night? Maybe it will help to be away from that house ... 

Arni: really?

June: sure, there's plenty of sofas in this house ... I guess some of us could use them!

Arni: you are the most wonderful wife in the world, you know that?

June: honestly? Yeah I do *giggles*

Hildur: hey you two! Move over, I need to get a book ... Oriana asked me to read her a story ...

Arni: good, I'm glad you two talked ... and hey, June was suggesting ... why don't you stay for the night? Go tell Oriana, I think she'll be thrilled ...

Oriana: hey aunt June ...

June: hey kid! I see you're ready for the night ...

Oriana: yeah ... like my pink pyjamas? Mum said you said we could stay ... I wanted to say that I really like this house so I like to sleep here! Good night ...

June: nighty night Oriana ...

For the first time in ages Hildur read a story to her daughter and for the first time in ages Oriana felt really happy and loved. She liked her uncle and his family ... she just wished she had such a family herself ... but maybe as her aunt and uncle had said, she could visit often ....

June: that was quite a day uh?

Arni: it was ... I still can't believe she hid Oriana from us ... and I still can't believe Delbert treated her that way!

June: I know ... it's awful ....but I bet both Oriana and Hildur are feeling better now, they're gonna be just fine with you helping you know that?

Arni: I hope ... but this makes me feel so sad ....

June: but grateful. I'm sad but grateful that I was lucky enough to have a wonderful husband and family that would never treat me that way. Unluckily, it's when sad things happen that you get to realise what you have ... Hildur was really unlucky. But she's not alone, Arni, she has you and me and everyone in this house. And she also has Jonas and his family, and I'm sure they'll be a huge help to her and Oriana as well so, don't worry, everything will work out in the end ...

Arni: yes, you wise one .... I just wonder ... where could Delbert be? And do you really think he's seeing someone else? 

June: Delbert? Oh gosh no way! He's not the most attractive man on earth, if I may .... I don't know what your sister saw in him, but he was really lucky to have her. Wherever he is, I hope he'll realise what he lost...

To be continued ......

I hope you liked the chapter ^_^ and the new house :D 
A special thanks goes to all the amazing creators in the sims resources mainly who created all that awsome CC! Which also caused me many nerves breakdown because of the soooo many games crashes ... but anyway, in the end the house is done so ... I hope you like it :D
Feel free to leave comments and rec if you like! And visit the facebook page for more news and updates ;)
Happy summer people!



  1. Gosh, Delbert messes everything up. Buttface.
    The new house looks awesome! I wish I had your building skills. I'm much too impatient.

    1. and well there's still something else that will be revealed in a while ... thank you, I'm glad you like the house, it took ages to make ^_^ and I normally I'm not very creative with my builds but this time I put sososo much effort in the house :D and youtube building tutorials helped a lot ;)

  2. Oh no, Delbert isn't with Riley is he?!?!?!?! The house looks amazing but that makes you evil as now I want to custom build my legacy house and not use a pre-made!! ;) Hugs hunni xoxoxox

    1. mmm .... :) hahahahahahahahaha sorry about that ;):D well if you have enough time for that, building is fun XD huuuuugs :*

  3. Delbert, one word: Asshole.

    Love the house, me please have it? ;3 *Puppy Eyes*

    1. yeah he's ... well ...you said it :D haha well, I think my uploading days are over ... after the game crashed every time I tried to upload the old house to the exchange, now the launcher crashes every time I just click on the export button T_T I can't even upload title pictures anymore! Besides, I can't even save the house to the bin so I guess I will never be able to get anything out of my game ... unless I uninstall/reinstall which of course I don't want to do since I got like 2000 CC files XD
