Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Love Legacy - Generation 4 Chapter 3

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

And happy new year 2016! I can't believe it's taken so long to finish this chapter, the time before Christmas has been super hectic >.< But hey, we've almost caught up with sims and real seasons! :D

Anyway, it looks like it's time for the Loves to come back to the main house...are you ready for more fun, craziness and weddings? Yes, more weddings of course! There's probably going to be one in each chapter or so ... can you guess who's going to be next? ;)

June: hello? Anyone there? We're home!

Amy: mum! Dad! At last!

Mark: we've been up all night expecting you and we were starting to get a bit worried!

Arni: oh, those flights are just rubbish!

Amy: uh....where are the others?

Arni: Catherine and Jay went on Jay's boat...and Toby and Scarlette went to their new home of course...Michael and Susie are going to stay in Monte Vista for a while...

Arni: But we're here's my favourite grandchild?

Mark: he's ok, sleeping now...

Alice: hi sis...

Amy: hi....

Alice: you still mad for not coming to Michael's wedding?

Amy: oh, forget it, I have missed you!

Alice: We have missed you too sis!

Mark: ....and you know, Nick has been waiting for you as well...he didn't want to grow up without his grandparents!

Arni: what do you mean, it's his birthday already!

Mark: sure! And now that you're here, we can finally organise the party tomorrow!

June: kids are getting grandson is growing up...I feel so old! And on the other hand, I don't feel old at all...strange!

Amy: so, how was it?

Alice: it was amazing...the location, the weather, Susie's dress! It was light blue with white lace...she looked wonderful! And happy...they were really happy...and it was really nice to see that side of family again!

Amy: oh...I'm so jealous! I would have loved to see Caroline and Oriana again...and uncle Theo and Hildur!

Alice: By the way, do you know that Caroline has another baby girl Laurie? And I think there's another on the way! And Oriana and Orlando have a baby boy, Robin...and I think uncle Theo and Hildur are planning to have a baby of their own! And wait till you hear Scarlette's news!

Amy: .....

June: Amy...

Amy: I can't believe I've missed all this!

June: it was too complicated for you to come, you know that...

Amy: yes I do! But still...they could have waited a little, couldn't they?

June: well, it was obviously the right moment for was their wedding after all...

Amy: but we are part of the family too! That was not quite nice of them I think...they've waited all this time...they could have waited a little bit more!

June: oh Amy, you know you don't really think that...

Amy: maybe I don't...or maybe I do, I don't know, I'm just upset I missed the wedding! And upset we've been just waiting and waiting here for you to return to celebrate Nick's birthday!

June: I can't believe it is time already!

Amy: yes...and also, we wanted to show you this...and then we can all go to bed and get ready for the party tomorrow!

Amy: look, mum, we've both joined the music career! I'm going to be a rockstar and Mark is going to be a composer!

June: quite impressive, really....

June: you know Amy, I'm really proud of you...of the beautiful young woman you have become...we all are...

Amy: awww thanks mum...

Arni: and we are proud of you too Mark.... I think you brough out the best in Amy....

Mark: wow thanks sir...I mean, Mr Love, I mean....

Arni: you can call me Arni, kid...or dad, if you're completely part of the family now...

Mark: yes...but not quite, there's still something missing...but I don't think she doesn't think about that...

Arni: I know what you mean son, just give her time, you know better than me what she's like...but now, folks, could we please go to bed? I'm dead tired!

Amy: morning, mum! I've made fresh coffee...

June: good morning darling. Thank you, exactly what I needed! How about waffles this morning?

Amy: sounds delicious, please go ahead mum!

Alice: morning,, that looks lovely!

Amy: hey sis, Leo, you're late! What kept you? Oh please, don't tell me it was the morning smooch...

Leo: what?!

Alice: oh, shut up sis...

June: Amy, don't be rude...

Amy: come on people, loosen up, I was only joking!

Alice: why do you always need to come out with such comments, Amy?

Amy: oh please sis, as I said, I was only joking! What's with the serious faces this morning? Chill!

Leo: ....

Arni: we are relaxed, Amy, in fact, we're just enjoying your lovely mother's amazing breakfast! Breakfast is a serious business, nothing to be joked about! Isn't it so, darling?

Mark: these pancakes are seriously fabulous!

Alice: yup, well done mum!

June: thank you, darling...hey Leo, how do you like my pancakes?

Leo: ....

Leo: honestly Bone Lady, would you mind stalking someone else? I can't eat if you keep staring at me, and it's quite annoying!

Amy: Bonehilda! What on earth are you doing? Behave yourself!

Bonehilda: I thought...I thought you might need something...

June: that's very kind, but no, we don't need anything, so could you please go do the laundry or something?

Bonehilda: I've done it already...

Leo: but there must be something else that you can do...

Bonehilda: yes...I want to be close to the future master of the house...I do think this house is full of handsome guys...and since I'm doomed to be alone and not to marry any of them, I can at least....take a closer look...

Leo: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Bonehilda: ....but now I see this is not appreciated.... I shall take leave then....

Leo: oh my goodness, that was stomach is so upset I can't even finish my breakfast...

Mark: that it was! I certainly wouldn't want to have her turn her attentions towards me...Why don't you get rid of that thing?

Arni: I don't know, she's been with us for ages...doesn't seem fair to fire her...

Alice: wait... Has that thing just flirted with my boyfriend?

Alice: will you excuse me, I have something to do....some bones to break....

Amy: there you go sis! Show her who you are and go kick her a---

June: AMY!!!

Amy: sorry mum...but it's true! We've been too soft with the maid, she doesn't do her job and she harrass every man in the house, honestly, she's just a nuisance!

June: I can agree to that, however....

Amy: however?

June: I do think we have more important things to do now than being angry at the maid! Am I mistaken or do we have a birthday to celebrate? Where are the others?

Arni: I think I just heard the door bell ring, it must be them! Come on Alice, let's go welcome our guests!

Leo: ....I think I'm going to live with the trauma....I'm not sure I'm ready to have birthday cake right now...

Leo: ....but maybe I can just blow this trumpet thingy...

June: woo hoo Amy! Go ahead and let Nick blow his candles!

Mark: Go on son, we all want to see you all grown up and toddling!

Amy: okay then, let's do it Nick!

Amy: *blows candles*


Nick: uh....what happened to me? Do I look nice?

Indeed you do Mr Cutie Pie <3

Lumikki: uhm...what do we have here....

Nick: hello doggy!

Nick: can I give you a hug?

Lumikki: I think I like this little one...

Lumikki: I think I'll sit right here to make sure he's alright...

Amy: oh my baby is all grown up!!! How did this happen?

June: Bonehilda....

Alice: what do you think you're doing?

Bonehilda: ...I really don't know what you were thinking when you took this cake out of the shouldn't eat it, it will make you fat!

Bonehilda: ....and I don't want my lovely masters to get fat....

Amy: .....we really need to do something about this....

Jay: the cake....where has the cake gone? CAAAAAAKEEEEE!!!!

June: ...and all those dirty clothes on the floor....I appreciate your efforts to keep us healthy Bonehilda, but you should prioritise your tasks. Dirty clothes on the floor come before putting fresh birthday cake in the fridge!!!

Amy: come here sweetheart, did the stupid maid scare you?

Nick: not one bit I am brave, mommy!

Arni: where is the cake?

June: we need caaaake!!!

Leo: yes, I think in the end I would have been up for a slice...

Alice: here you are, people, the cake is on the counter yourselves!

Arni: but...I can't reach it, June is on the way!

June: and I can't reach it, someone else is on the way!

Le: Alice, darling, please move over so we can get to the cake...

Scarlette: hey, pregnant woman here, I need to go first!

Tobias: nooooo Mark stole my favourite slice!

Mark: oh, come on, all this fuss for a slice of cake...

Arni: hey, how come that dirty pile of clothes has become bigger in the last five minutes?

June: how comes it's here in the kitchen in the first place....

Tobias: and how come we're out of cake now! I think only Alice and Mark had a come there's no more cake!

Scarlette: what? No more cake? I only had two slices!

June: goodness me....

Arni: two slices? How come she had two slices and I had none?

She's pregnant, Arni, and the baby needs cake!

Arni: uhm, I'm not so sure about it....

Arni: and honestly, this place is becoming dirtier by the minute.... where is that bony maid when we need her?

Leo: no please! Don't call her, please!

Bonehilda: have you called?

Leo: oh no, too late....and she's also given me a start appearing at my back! I feel like I'm going to be sick....

Catherine: oh no! Bonehilda is back again! First she stole the cake, then she made Leo feel sick! Why did you have to call her, dad, why?

Bonehilda: I'm always watching you all, remember....

Tobias: Cath, are you alright?

Nick: mommy, why is aunt Catherine upset?

Amy: Bonehilda frightens her....and I don't blame her!

Nick: I'm not afraid of the bone lady, indeed, when I'm older I'll go fight her so you will all be free!

Bonehilda: yeeees, I will always be heeeeere mwahahahahahaha

Leo: nooooo get her outta here, she makes my stomach churn!

June: honestly? We're not impressed. Not one bit. Now, pick up your bones and go clean that mess on the floor!

Scarlette: *sniffs* this thing gives me the creeps...and it's not good, I shouldn't feel any negative emotions, they're not good for the baby!

Scarlette: Arni please get her out of here...

Arni: this is not good. I don't want the maid to give the creeps to my unborn grandchildren. June? I think it's time for us to kick her out of here....

June: *sighs* yes, I think we should consider the option...

Bonehilda: hey, are you really thinking of getting rid of me? You can't! What would this family be without me! And be warned, I will be back....

Arni: I'm not impressed...

Bonehilda: oh well, whatever happens, I need to make the most of the present. And hey hey look what we have here...he'll never be as handsome as his father, but master Toby's backside is not a bad view either....

Arni: .....

Scarlette: HEY! Stop ogling my husband's backside!!

Catherine: er... Toby....

Bonehilda: mmh not bad at all *pretends to wink but nobody realises due to the lack of face* dammit why can't I wink with my eye bone!

Tobias: why do I suddenly feel VERY uncomfortable?

Catherine: because that bone maid is ogling your backside....

Tobias: please don't remind me....

Tobias: this was not very polite, you know that? You made me feel very uncomfortable...

Leo: YOU! You stop harrassing people or you'll be out of here by the end of the day!

Bonehilda: and by which authority, might I ask? You're not the master of the house the last time I checked....

June: ... Arni, the situation is getting out of hand, please do somehting....

Bonehilda: and master Arni will never kick me out! He knows I love him! He's my only true love!

Arni: enough! Go back to your coffin, Bonehilda, and think over what you've done!

Tobias: at last she's gone...

Scarlette: this was scary....

Arni: ...and why on earth is it always me who needs to do the washing!!!!!

Jay: oops... I think I've broken it....

June: oh dear....

Catherine: the room is dirty and the dishwasher's broken, I can't stand this house anymore! Jay, it's getting dark, let's go back to the houseboat...

Scarlette: this house is crazy....

Scarlette: Amy, since you weren't at Michael's wedding, I think you may want to hear our news as well...

Amy: oh yes, your news, Alice mentioned----

Scarlette: I'm pregnant!!! You're going to be an auntie, Amy...

Amy: congratulations Scarlette! I think I had kinda figured out, but thanks for telling me! See, I felt so left out, I would have loved to come to Michael's wedding and I couldn't, and I missed all the fun! And apparently all the good news...

Scarlette: we have missed you too! We were so sorry you couldn't make it...

Amy: if they had only waited a couple of days more!

Scarlette: don't think about it now, it's done thing, there's nothing we can do about it...

Amy: that's true...

Scarlette: and you know, you missed one wedding but there are other celebrations to look forward to! More weddings and babies to come, starting from mine!

Amy: you're right Scarlette, I should stop being upset and look forward...

Jay: .....speaking of which....

Jay: Catherine...don't you think this could be a good time?

Catherine: oh dear...really?

Jay: come on, we've been waiting for ages! And now it's the first time we got everyone in the same room!

Catherine: except for Michael and Susan...

Jay: well, we can't wait for everyone! We'll tell them as they told call! So what do you think?

Catherine: you're right...let's do it!

Jay: good...everyone? Could you please pay focus on us for one second? Catherine and myself have an announcement to make...

Catherine: oh dear, I can't believe we're really telling them...I hope they'll be happy...I feel so much pressure!

June: announcement? What about?

Amy: Scarlette, I think your baby might have company!

Jay: me and Catherine...we're getting married!

Amy: well, that was the only other option really...50% chance and I failed....

June: oh dear....

Tobias: mum, you alright?

June: oh my...another wedding...

Tobias: it's a good thing! Aren't you happy for your daughter?

June: yes...I just old! All my children are getting married...

Arni: wow...I can't say I wasn't expecting it but it's always a surprise....well, what can I say, congratulations guys!

Catherine: thanks dad....

Jay: see? I had told you it would go well...

Tobias: wow, my baby sis is getting married...

Catherine: I'm not a baby anymore Toby! And I'm only slightly younger than you...

Tobias: yes, but I still remember when you were my bossy little sis!

Alice: oh Cath I'm so happy for you!!!

Alice: *whispering* but I hope the next one is gonna be me....

Leo: .....

June: Arni...another wedding...

Arni: I know...our kids are growing up!

June: and we are getting old...I can't believe it, feels like yesterday when I first met you in Aurora Skies...

Arni: I know...but hey, don't talk as if our life was over, they're not! It's just changing!

June: I know, but I can't imagine this house without my kids around...

Arni: well, there will still be Alice and Leo...and I expect we'll have lots of grandchildren soon...its gonna be different...but fun, don't you think?

June: yes...I believe so...half of me is excited, the other half is nostalgic...

Tobias: congratulations Catherine! I'm so so happy for you!

Catherine: aww thanks big bro...

Arni: and congratulations to you, Jay...welcome to the family...although you've been here for a while already...

Jay: thanks, Mr Love...

Arni: don't you think it's time you started calling me Arni? I know at the beginning I didn't really approve of you...and I still haven't forgotten that time when you broke my girl's heart and left...but as Catherine seems happy now, I think we should all move on...

Arni: congratulations darling, live your life and be happy...I wish you the same happiness I've had with your mum...

Catherine: awww thanks dad...

June: yes, Arni's's gonna be different, but it's gonna be exciting...bring on the change! ....and the grandchildren!!!

Scarlette: congratulations Cath!

Catherine: thank you so much Scarlette! Oh my goodness, I feel so...full of joy!

Scarlette: and this is how it should be! I'm so happy for you, my darling!

June: Arni, you were right, this change in our life is actually a blessing!

Arni: I'm glad you're finally seeing it this way!

June: ....Not to mention that we'l have more to spend with each other... *winks*

Arni: are you flirting with me, my dear wife? *winks*

Leo: congratulations, Jay, now it's finally official!

Jay: thanks...and yep, now you get to be my best man as promised!

Leo: really? Wow thank you Jay, I'll be honoured!

Mark: another wedding...I wonder when it's gonna be mine?

Mark: we have a beautiful kid together...why doesn't she want to marry me?

Mark: Amy... I was thinking...

Amy: yes?

Mark: well, it looks like all your siblings are getting married...

Amy: yes...scary, isn't it? It means we're getting old! And we'll be surrounded by screaming toddlersbefore you know t!

Mark: yes, yes, but I was thinking... have you ever thought...that it might be time for us to get married as well?

Amy: what?!

Mark: why so surprised? You must have thought about it...and we already have a child, wouldn't it be nice to get married?

Amy: wouldn't it be nice? Mark, you don't get married because it's a nice thing to do!

Mark: I know, and it just came out wrong, I want to marry you because I love you Amy, and I want you to be my wife!

Amy: I know, and I love you too Mark...but why can't we just carry on like this for a while? I mean, we have Nick now, and jobs, our life has changed...maybe we should get used to it before moving things further, don't you think?

Mark: yes but...I really want to marry you, and have our house and family...I thought you wanted the same things...

Amy: I do! And I didn't say no, Mark, just not right now...

Mark: if not now when?

Amy: I don't know Mark...I need get used to know I'm like this, it happened already when I found out I was pregnant...

Mark: yes I remember...

Amy: so please give me time...

Mark: alright...if that's what you want....

Amy: yes....however, I've been thinking, that maybe it's time for us to move out of my family home...

Mark: are you serious?

Amy: yes...time to leave space to the heiress...and time to have something just for us, me, you and Nick...what do you think?

Mark: I agree! I totally completely agree! Oh Amy, you have no idea how happy I am right now...

Alice: oh sister congratulations!!! It was about time uh? Can't wait to see you in your wedding dress!

Catherine: thank you Alice...

Catherine: and by the way, you'd better start looking for a dress Alice, because you and Amy are going to be my bridesmaids!

Benjamin: move away, son, there's a wedding I need to go to...

Sebastian: honestly father, can't you see I'm stuck? Noodle is in the way!

Juliet: ...freshmen...I got the best seat!

Juliet: too bad the wedding is during the day and we won't be able to attend...but at least I hope to get to see the bride!

Alice: Catherine...

Alice: you're so beautiful!

Catherine: do you think so? Do you think that Jay will like my dress?

Alice: of course! You're stunning!

Catherine: thanks sis...

Amy: hey bride to be, are you ready? We're all waiting for you...

Catherine: oh dear, don't say that or I'll get even more anxious!

Alice: wow Amy, you look stunning!

Amy: thanks do you....

Nick: my mummy's beautiful!

Catherine: aww you've got one sweet kid there, Amy....hey Nick, how about your auntie Catherine? Do you think she's beautiful?

Nick: uhm....yes, but I like my mummy best!

Amy: well, thank you Nick, but I do think auntie Catherine is more's her special day today so she's wearing a special dress!

Catherine: oh...maybe I should change something...

Alice: you don't need to change anything Cath, you're really stunning!

Catherine: ok then, if you think I can go out like this, let's do it!

Nick: mummy I can't believe auntie Catherine and auntie Alice are your are all so different...apart from the green eyes!

Amy: you're right Nick, we're all very different...but we're all sisters and that bond will never disappear...

Nick: may I have a sister as well mummy?

Amy: what?! Er... we'll think about it....

Jay: I'm so nervous...but I shouldn't be right? Where is Catherine? I thought she would be here by now...

June: relax, it's still quite early, she's getting ready for the big day!

Jay: yes yes I know....but the wait is killing me!

Leo: Jay, relax, there's nothing to worry about, she'll be here any minute now! Besides, I didn't know you were the anxious look so confident usually...

Jay: I do, don't I? But for big things, I can get quite nervous...strange, isn't it?

Leo: well, I suppose I would be nervous myself...

Jay: that doesn't help, Leo!

Tobias: guys, relax, I've been there and I can tell you only good things about it! Relax and enjoy your special day, Jay!

Arni: I'm so proud of my kids...they've finally found their way in well as lovely partners to share their lives with...I couldn't be more proud!

Catherine: oh, girls, I'm so nervous!

Amy: why? There's no need to be nervous, Jay is right there, waiting for you! A couple of steps more and you'll be right under the arch!

Catherine: I know! But...what if he doesn't like my dress?

Alice: of course he'll like your dress, you're wonderful Cath!

Amy: come on, let's go girls...

Alice: I feel so emotional! My big sis is getting married! I remember when we were both brokenhearted and thought that we would never be happy again...and look at her now...look at us! You know what Amy? I can't wait to get married myself...don't you?

Amy: ...

Tobias: here they come, guys!

Leo: ok Jay, take a big breath and relax, and as Toby said, enjoy your special day!

Jay: I will...thanks Leo...I'll go take my're the star now!

Jay: Catherine...

Catherine: Jay...

Tobias: here comes the bride!

Scarlette: oooh she's so beautiful! I think I could cry...

Arni: aww June, our girl is so beautiful!

June: I know...I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry....

Leo: beautiful...

Alice: I know...I helped her getting dressed and I picked the red roses! Don't they look good with that dress?

Leo: what? Oh, yes, Catherine is a beautiful bride, but I was actually talking about you, Alice...

Alice: aww Leo, don't make me blush!

Jay: my Catherine...

Jay: my dear're wonderful...

Catherine: thank too..

Jay: I can't believe we've finally made it... you can't know how happy and nervous I am now...

Catherine: I know, me too!

Jay: but I'm the happiest man on earth now, I can't believe I'm just about to get married to the girl of my dreams! I love you Catherine...

Catherine: oh, Jay, I love you too!

Crowd: awwww

Jay: what do you say, my love, shall we get married now?

Catherine: let's do it!

Catherine: with this ring I thee wed, Jay...

Jay: and with this ring I thee wed, Catherine...

Catherine: wow...that's it...we're married! I can't believe it!

Jay: yes my love, we are...forever!

Leo: well done guys!

Arni: congratulations!!!

Amy: come on guys, it's confetti's time!

Scarlette: congratulations!!!!

Jay: aaand it's cake time now! 

Tobias: woo hoo cake!!!

Jay: At last I might get to have the first slice to's my wedding after all!

Crowd: cake cake cake cake!

Catherine: awww we're cutting our wedding cake!

Amy&Alice: woo hoo caaaaakeeeee! the twins.... XD XD XD

Jay: hey, the first slice was mine! It's my cake!

Alice: sorry, I got here first!

Jay: well at least the second one....hey!

Scarlette: are you going to argue with a pregnant woman? Baby wants cake!

Jay: ....

Scarlette: well done baby! We got a big slice for the both of us!

Arni: and here comes a big slice for the father of the bride...

Jay: Catherine, how come we are the bride and groom and haven't got our cake yet? The situation is getting out of hand...

Scarlette: what a lovely wedding Catherine!

Catherine: I'm glad you're enjoying...and I'm glad we got sunshine, otherwise we would have frozen!

Scarlette: well, it's Spring now, about time for the snow to melt!

Tobias: I think I'm going to get another slice...

June: Arni, come on, let's get some more cake before they finish it off!

Arni: I don't think I can do more cake really...

June: then I'll eat your slice as well!

???: hey, I do hope you left us some cake!

Arni: Michael!

June: and Susie! What a surprise!

Michael: hey guys! I hope you didn't think that we would miss this!

June: that was so sweet of you to come!

Susan: well, we had to shorten our stay in Monte Vista but it was worth it...Michael wouldn't bear to miss his sister's wedding!

Jay: wow thanks so much for coming Michael!

Michael: we got on a plane as soon as we could...unluckily it seems we have missed the ceremony but at least we haven't missed the whole thing! By the way, congratulations Jay!

Catherine: thank you so much Susie! I can't believe you're really here!

Susan: congratulations look stunning!

Catherine: thank you for coming little brother...

Michael: no way I would have missed this!

Catherine: and you know what? I think you've made it just in time for the group photos! I'm so happy!!!

June: okay guys, are you ready? 3....2....1....

June: shoot!

... and group picture n.2!



Jay: okay, I think it's time to do some dancing...

Jay: so, how do you like being my wife so far?

Catherine: *giggles* I really love it!....Mr Jay Love...sounds nice, doesn't it?

Jay: yes it does...and I feel like I'm fully part of the family now!

Catherine: yes...but you've always been, really...

Jay: *smiles* thank you, my lovely wife...

Jay: hey, don't you think this dance floor is a little lonely? Come on people, join us on the dance floor and show us your moves!

Mark: and again we're slow dancing on this dance floor, at one of your sibling's wedding...remember the last time we've done this?

Amy: was the night I found out I was pregnant with Nick...

Mark: yes...and the night you also broke my heart by disappearing and refusing to see me for a while!

Amy: I know...and I'm sorry about that...but see, it was a big thing, I was overwhelmed...

Mark: I understand that, but I still don't understand why you didn't want my help...

Amy: well, you know me quite well by now, I'm a very independent person and I need to do things my way otherwise I'm not happy...

Mark: oh yes, I so know about that...

Amy: but I'm also stubborn and proud, and if you hadn't come back again for me, I don't know if we would be here tonight, with our son watching us dance...I don't know if I've ever thanked you for that...

Mark: well, I would have come back for you even if you had moved to another planet! I love you Amy, always have and always will...

Amy: aww too...I love you too...and you know what?

Mark: what?

Amy: if one day, very far away in time, you'll decide to propose to me, please do it better than last night!

Mark: wow, are you giving me hope?

Amy: just don't say things like, oh, it would be nice to get married and stuff like that. I want a romantic proposal. Not now, but one day...

Nick: everybody's dancing... mum and dad, aunt Alice with her boyfriend with pointy ears...everyone. And I'm here all alone...

Nick: why do I have to sit here on my own watching people dance? I want to dance too! I like music... I hope auntie Scarlette's baby is a girl so we can dance together at the next wedding!

Leo: Alice, have I already told you how beautiful you look today?

Alice: yes you have *giggles*

Leo: you know, I was thinking of the first time we danced together, in my was magical, wasn't it?

Alice:'s still one of the best memories I cherish in my heart...

Leo: we should do it more often, don't you think? Also, I'd love to go horse riding with in old times!

Alice: it would be lovely Leo...

Leo: yes it definitely would! Do you know if any of your neighbour has horses we could borrow?

Michael: are you happy to be back? I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer in Monte Vista...but we can go back any time you want!

Susan: thanks Michael...but I'm alright, I do want to start our new life in our own home...I can't wait to see our new home really!

Michael: I hope you'll like it, it's on the top of a hill...the agency said it's a really good house, but we can refurbish if you don't like it...

Susan: I think I'll like to live anywhere as long as it's with you, Michael...

Tobias: how are you feeling, Scarlette?

Scarlette: I'm okay Toby, stop asking! I'm not ill, I'm just pregnant!

Tobias: yes I know but...I don't think you should exercise much, you should rest!

Scarlette: again, as I said, I'm not ill! Relax Toby, everything's going to be fine...

Tobias: I'm sorry darling it's just...I'm so happy about our baby, I can't wait to meet him! Or her...and I want you both to be healthy so I don't want you to stress to much...

Scarlette: I'm not stressing myself, I'm dancing with you! Do you see it as a stressful activity?

Tobias: of course not! But...

Scarlette: so stop worrying and just hold me, okay?

June: so that's it, another wedding done and gone, another child who's leaving the household...

Arni: and how are you feeling?

June: I'm alright...sad in a way but I'm happy for them...

June: and I have to thank my dear husband for making me see the beautiful side of it...

Arni: no worries, I'm always here to help...

June: besides, I can't wait to have that alone time we mentioned earlier...just me and my lovely does that sound?

Arni: June you're making me blush! At my age!

June: oh Arni, one is never too old to blush, or love...

Jay: Catherine, wait!

Catherine: what is it?

Jay: look....there's a ring on my finger, I'm married!

Catherine: oh my goodness, there is one on mine as well! We're really married Jay!

Jay: so, that's it then! Thanks everyone for being part of our special day...we loved having each and everyone of you to support us and cheer for us...really...

Catherine: we love you guys! And I'll send you emails from our honeymoon!

Scarlette: where is it that you're going?

Jay: we don't know yet...we'll sail and see where the wind takes us! Or the engine, in this case...

Catherine: goodbye family! We'll be back soon!

Jay: ...or not....

Alice: so strange to see them go!

Catherine: wow, it looks different from this perspective...goodbye my beautiful house...

Catherine: so, Jay, where are we going?

Jay: I don't know yet, I've set the auto pilot, let's see where we end up to!

Jay: the stars are so beautiful tonight that I though the automatic pilot might drive the boat while I relax and watch the stars with my beautiful wife, what do you think?

Catherine: I think it's a lovely idea Jay *giggles* It's kinda freezing though! I think I should take my dress off and change...

Jay: there's no need to change my darling...I think we could try the new hot tub that your sister and Leo seemed to have liked so much...*winks*

Jay: so? Still feeling cold?

Catherine: not really, no...

Jay: how do you like the new addition to the house boat?

Catherine: it's lovely, and so relaxing, we can stay warm and look at the stars at the same time...

Jay: not only look at the stars I'd say....

Nick: mummy mummy pick me up please!

Amy: wanna go to sleep my darling? Let's get ready for bed...

Alice: it's so nice to see your motherly side, Amy...

Amy: oh, Alice, I hadn't heard you coming in...

Alice: you're a wonderful mommy for little Nick, you know that? I'm proud of you!

Amy: thanks, Alice... hey, since you're here, there's something I need to talk to you about...

Alice: what is it?

Amy: well, me and Mark...we were thinking...that this seems like a good time to find a house of our own.

Alice: what?

Amy: you're the heiress, Alice, and we do have our family now, so it's only right to have our own house as well...

Alice: but you know that you can stay here as long as you wish! I'm not kicking anyone out!

Amy: I know, and I thank you for that, Alice, but it is time that we move out... I thought you would understand...

Alice: I do, I do's just...everybody's leaving...I don't like it when everybody's leaving, especially you!

Amy: oh Alice...but we won't go far, we'll still be living in the same town, we can see each other every time we want!

Alice: I know but still....

Alice: I'm gonna miss you, Amy....

Amy: and I you....

Alice: when will you be going?

Amy: tomorrow...

Alice: wow that's so soon!

Amy: we have found a nice house and we can't wait to start our life as a family there...

Alice: I understand that...but please remember that you'll always be welcome here, any time you want...

Amy: I will...thanks sis... 

Amy: now I think I'll need to put Nick to bed, it's quite late...

Alice: I'll leave you to it then...goodnight sis...

Nick: mummy you look sad...

Amy: I'm not sad Nick...but I will miss this house and your auntie Alice...we are twins you know, it's hard to be apart...

Nick: why do you want to be apart then?

Amy: because tomorrow me and dad will take you to our new house!

Nick: a new house?

Amy: yes, a house just for us three, our family home...

Alice: Leo...

Leo: hey Alice, what's wrong? You look sad...

Alice:'s just...Amy told me they're moving out tomorrow, they've found a new place...a new home...

Leo: well, I'm happy for them...

Alice: I'm happy for them as well! But everybody's leaving! And I know that it's normal and that we'll stay here with mum and dad's sad to see everybody going!

Leo: oh, come here Alice...

Alice: hold me tight Leo...see, I do like changes, but not when they imply that people leave...and I do want to have our own family here but....I also wish we could live all together, all our families!

Leo: well, Toby and Scarlette live basically next door...

Alice: I know, at least they're close enough! But Amy...she's my twin sister, although we are quite different and we have had our moments, she's still my twin sister, it's hard to see her go!

Leo: I know sweetheart...but you know what? She can come here whenever she wants and we can go see her whenever you want! 

Leo: It's a big change, I know, but it's not that big after all! Besides, you'll have new things to look forward to....

Alice: like?

Leo: oh know....

June: I can't believe that Amy and Mark and little Nick are leaving tomorrow!

Arni: yes well, it was time for them to find a new place to call home...don't you think?

June: yes but...I'll miss them...and my first grandchild!

Arni: I'm sure they'll come to visit and we can go and visit!

June: it's so strange, the house is so quiet tonight...

Arni: everybody must be fast asleep! But us...

Arni: which means....alone at last my dear wife...

June: *giggles* and what are you planning to do about that my dear husband?

Arni: this!

June: what...

June: Arni! 

Arni: I've heard say that kissing skills improve when you get that so? Do you still... like it?

June: Always my darling...

Arni: always and forever my dear wife...

To be continued....

I hope you liked the chapter! It took ages to make&write. Mainly due to busy life, lack of time, Christmas frenzy, Christmas sickness and computer upgrade, which meant I had to reinstall everything from scratch. But I used the time while installing CC to write the last bit of the chapter :D
So now that the chapter is finished and that all the CC are installed again I can go back into my game and see how it looks like in the new upgraded computer! :D Hopefully it's going to be fast and crash-free!

See you next time, hopefully next chapter won't take this long to be completed!

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