Sunday, 1 November 2015

The Love Legacy - Generation 4 chapter 2

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Love Legacy!

So, how do you like Alice and Leo so far? As for me, the more I play with them the more I like them...and big plans are taking shape in my mind.... :D
But it's not just about them, there are other stories that need to be completed...and I think time has come for Michael and Susie to finally find happiness...

Catherine: Jay wait! Why rushing so much?

Jay: I want my boat back! It's been away from her master for too long, I miss it!

Catherine: but it's 6 in the morning!

Jay: yeah, already 6 and still no sign of the boat! I need my boat back!

Catherine: oh please, that's pathetic...

Jay: well, you know that relationship that some men develop with their car...well, I have it with my boat, okay? Any problems with that?

Catherine: *sighs* just...why don't we go get it a little bit later? We don't really need it now, we're not going anywhere...

Jay: it's my boat and I know when I need it!

Catherine:'s early in the morning, they might be still asleep!

Jay: they even sailed away! I can't believe they know how to drive it? If they break my boat I---

Catherine: Jay, they're just down there....stop making all this fuss and let's go back, I'm sure they'll drive the boat back when they wake up...

Jay: I'm not making any fuss, I just want what is mine back! Come on, let's go get the boat!

Catherine: what?! Jay...

Catherine: ...are you sure this is necessary?

Jay: yeah, that boat has been my home for many years, I can't tolerate strangers living there for too long!

Catherine: they're not exactly living there...besides, they're no strangers, they're my family!

Jay: whatever, this doesn't change the fact that the boat is mine and I want it back!

Catherine: you're such a child sometimes, Jay...

Catherine: goodness, Jay, are you really going to do this?

Jay: yep...

Catherine: wait!

Jay: what?

Catherine: I don't feel really comfortable here, looks like we're breaking their privacy....

Jay: privacy? Privacy?! Honestly, Cath, they're having privacy on my boat so I can decide when they can have it and now their privacy time is over!

Catherine: but Jay....shouldn't we...I don't know, ring them and tell them we're coming?

Jay: excuse me? Have you forgotten this is my home? I'm going in...

Catherine: Jay wait!

Leo: good morning!

Jay: ....

Catherine: oh thanks goodness you are awake, I'm so sorry....

Alice: fancy a cup of coffee?

Catherine: oh, thank you that would be great...

Jay: yes, I do fancy a cup of my own coffee in my own mug, thank you very much...

Catherine: oh don't mind him...

Leo: I'm sorry if we upset him...

Catherine: oh don't worry about him, he's gonna be fine, he just woke up grumpy this morning...

Alice: maybe he didn't like us borrowing the boat, it's his house after all...

Catherine: oh never mind, he's just...anyway, how did you find the boat? It's amazing, isn't it? Oh, and have you tried the new installation? The hot tub? I can't wait to try it myself! Was it fun?

Alice: *drinking coffee and staring at table*

Leo: *drinking coffee and staring at table*

Catherine: ..... shall I take it as a yes?

Alice: *smiles* it was lovely indeed, wasn't it Leo?

Leo: *drinking coffee and staring at table*

Jay: well, I hope you two didn't break anything...

Catherine: oh Jay, how rude! Of course they didn't!

Jay: just checking...

Leo: by the way, thank you so much for allowing us to use your boat...we really appreciated it...

Jay: umph it's ok...I guess...

Alice: hey what's this noise?

Catherine: oh no.....

Catherine: Jay, fire!

Jay: holy plumbob! I can't believe you made fire in the fireplace!

Leo:'s a fireplace, what else are you supposed to do with it?

Jay: not with that one! It's faulty, it always gets the house on fire! Oh man, what have you done!

Alice&Catherine: FIREEEEEE!!!

Jay: step aside, pointy ears, I've done this before I know how to handle it...

Leo: hey, don't call me names, I have the brave trait I can extinguish fires!

Jay: oh yeah, let's see then?'re quite good...but you can't make it without me, move aside and give me room to use the fire extinguisher!

Leo: as you please...

Jay: oh my goodness! Fire!!! My boat is on fire!!!

Jay: aaaaaaaaargh I can't watch!

Leo: ..... don't worry people it's almost gone...

Alice: wow, Leo, so brave...thank you so much!

Leo: any time...

Jay: oh thanks goodness my boat is fine!

Catherine: thanks goodness everybody's fine...

Alice: you're like a superhero Leo!

Leo: no I'm not....but I can be your superhero if you want...

Jay: ewww cheesy....but I have to say purple hair was good with the extinguisher...

Firefighter lady: hey, where's the fire?

Jay: you're late! If we had waited for you there wouldn't be a boat anymore by now....

Firefighter lady: I really don't understand why people build fireplaces on boats...and then they even dare to complain!

Firefighter lady: but then again, it wasn't a useless trip after all...I've found something hotter than the fire here... *stares at Jay*

Jay: *cough cough* er...I think you should go now, no work for you to do here...

Firefighter lady: for now...but you can always set the boat on fire again you know...and I'll be back *winks*

Catherine: .......

Firefighter lady: I'll be back soon hottie *winks*

Alice: pathetic...

Catherine: disgusting...

Jay: er...anyway, I think I owe you a big thank you Leo...

Leo: oh, no worries....

Catherine: that woman really needs to get her hormones checked!

Alice: oh, don't worry Catherine, there's no way Jay would even think of looking at another woman...

Catherine: yes, I know...but still! What kind of behaviour is that? I think we should report her or something...

Jay: you've done a great job! Thanks to you my boat is still standing! I mean, floating...and I think I owe you and Alice an apology as well...

Leo: it's ok Jay, no need to's your boat...

Jay: yeah, and I get quite possessive sometimes...but you guys are nice people I should have been nicer....I do hope you enjoyed it!

Catherine: speaking of which...

Catherine: Did you two enjoy the boat?

Alice: Catherine!

Jay: come on Leo, I'll show you how to drive this beauty back to the pier! In case you need to borrow it another time....

Leo: thanks, Jay!

Catherine: ...come on Alice, tell me!

Alice: Cath don't be so direct you make me blush!

Catherine: ...which can only mean one thing....right? Did the boat...uhm....serve its purpose well?

Alice: ...yes it did....

Catherine: really!

Alice: really...

Catherine: I knew it! I knew it!! I'm so happy for you sister...

Alice: am I!

Catherine: aww look at you, my baby sister all grown up...

Catherine: you're an amazing girl, Alice, I'm sure you will make an amazing heiress...and wife...and mother!

Alice: aww thanks Cath...

Catherine: and you know, if the pressure is too much and you need to escape for a can always borrow the boat again *winks*

Alice: really! Thank you...but how about Jay?

Catherine: oh I think he just realised how nice you guys are and I don't think he'll have problems in lending you the boat again...

Alice: I was sorry to see him upset though...

Catherine: oh don't's not really about the boat, he's being upset for something else...

Alice: meaning?

Catherine: oh, don't worry, you will know soon enough!

Jay: so, you see, this way you make the boat go backwards...isn't it amazing?

Leo: yeah sure! I kinda had figured it could go backwards as well...

Jay: but look at it, you don't even feel that it's moving! Such a powerful yet quiet engine!

Leo: yes, yes, it is pretty amazing....I guess.... hey Jay....

Jay: yes?

Leo: thanks a lot for letting us have the boat... it was.... we really needed to have...some time alone you know...

Jay: no worries mate, I do know what you mean *winks* that's why I'm feeling kinda frustrated lately...

Leo: er...why is that?

Jay: because I can't wait to marry my Catherine and take her on a boat holiday! Just the two of us without all pressure around...if you know what I mean....

Leo: wow! Does this're going to propose soon?

Jay: I've done that already!

Leo: you're engaged! Wow congratulations! I didn't know!

Jay: nobody does. That's what upsets me. There's been so much going on and we haven't found the perfect moment to tell everybody! And it upsets me! I want to marry my Catherine!

Leo: I know what you mean...but hey, why don't you just do the big announcement today? Say, at dinner or something like that? Before something else happens?

Jay: but I think she would like her brothers to be there and at the moment one has moved out and the other is AWOL on some mission in Monte Vista...

Leo: well, there'll never be a perfect time you know, too many people in the house equals a lot of drama...

Jay: I know! That's why I can't wait to get away! I mean, everybody's nice and everything but...look, at some point I would have liked Catherine to be heiress...but now I don't envy you, man! Must be tough with all the pressure...

Leo: well, I know something about that....

Jay: oh yeah I always forget that you're actually a king in your world! Wow...

Leo: I was king...not anymore...

Jay: but still...that's so cool! Hey, you know what? I think I've just found my best man *grins*

...Meanwhile at the main house...

Bonehilda: ooh I came here to make the bed but my masters are still sleeping....which is probably normal considering sun is not up yet...

Bonehilda: look at master Arni...isn't he handsome when he sleeps? Actually now that I think of it, he is always handsome... you know what? I think that I may even dare to...give him a kiss...he wouldn't wake, would he?

Bonehilda: no way Bonehilda, what are you thinking? Master Arni loves Mistress June, he would never think of you that way!

Bonehilda: oh, my life is so miserable.... why can't I have someone to sleep in a comfy bed with? Someone who can warm me up during cold night? Someone who.... okay, that's enough Bonehilda, go back to work!

Bonehilda: but look a this little much I would like one of my own! A tiny little baby to cuddle in my arms...but I'll never have one...I'll never know what it feels like to be a mother...maybe I could just steal this one...or maybe just borrow him for a while, just to know what it's like...

GhostShameka: you shall not do that.

Bonehilda: oh, I hadn't felt you coming in...

GhostShameka: I came to watch over my great grandson...and by the looks of it, it was a very good idea...

Bonehilda: oh, but you can't think I would ever hurt this little one...I would just like to know what is like to be a mother...

Bonehilda: I'm strong you know, I can take care of a baby!

GhostShameka: not of this one. Not of anyone in this house! Look, you should really find yourself a man and move out and get a family, if this is what you want...

Bonehilda: but...look at me! Who could ever

GhostShameka: well....

Bonehilda: don't try to be nice, the truth is, no skeleton butler has been invented so I'll be alone for eternity! That's my curse! I'll never know what it's like to be loved, I'll never know what it's like to have a baby, or a family, or to woohoo in a hot tub or stuff like that!

GhostShameka: Bonehilda! Not in front of the kids! What is wrong with you today?

Bonehilda: Whatever....I'll just go make myself a drink...

Arni: hey baby Nick, you alright? I had a creepy feeling and needed to make sure you were alright...

Bonehilda: .....but at least I can still love my master Arni...although I know he'll never love me back...and hey, at least I can take a good look at him when he walks with just his pajama bottoms on...what a hottie *grins* I guess my life isn't that bad after all....


June: mum! I didn't know you were here! So nice to see you! Have you come to take a look at your first great grandson?

GhostShameka: yes, love. And to protect him from evil influences...

Arni: speaking of which, I can't shake off this feeling of being's so creepy, I had nightmares all night long...

June: but...what do you mean, mum? What do you need to protect him from?

GhostShameka: worries, I just meant you don't need to worry about anything because I'm here watching over him...

Arni: good...good. I'd hate to think this house isn't safe. But maybe it's just a bad feeling I have due to my nightmares...oh well, shall we have the morning bath, little Nick?

June: thanks so much for being here, mum! We really appreciate it, and I'm sure Amy does as well!

Shameka: where is she?

June: sleeping probably...she's not a very morning person...but they'll need to get ready soon, it's graduation day today!

Arni: there you go, do you like your bubble bath Nick?

Nick: *screams*

Arni: why doesn't he like to be bathed? I think I loved it when I was a kid!

Arni:'re still here...

Bonehilda: oh yes I....I wanted to have a look at....the baby. I wanted to check he was fine and didn't need anything...

Arni: we're here taking care of him. So he's fine. You can go back to...whatever you're supposed to be doing...

Bonehilda: of course, master...

Arni: ....

June: Arni, what's wrong?

Arni: I don't know...that maid gives me the creeps...

June: it's normal, she's a skeleton...

Arni: remind me, June, why do we keep her? She's not very good as a maid...

June: I don't know, she's been in the family since...forever! Besides, she did send one burglar away during Toby's wedding, we can't forget that....

Arni: yeah...but still....she gives me the chills...

And it's finally graduation day again! 

....that special day when everybody get stuck at the entrance because they can't decide who's going in first....

...and eventually one or more graduates are always left out!

Alice: why does this always happen?

Mark: I don't know...

Alice: hey, I can move, I can go in!

Mark: lucky you, I'm stuck...see you later, get my diploma for me...

Catherine: there you are, Mark! What happened to you?

Jay: yeah, your seat was free and we got stuck with this creep behind here!

Jay: ....whose first urge after graduation is to make a snow angel right here. Oh, this guy is going to have a brilliant future, I can see that...

Alice: Mark, are you okay?

Mark: oh dear I'm freezing!!

Leo: of course you are, you've been stuck here all the time!

Amy: there you are, Mark! It's a shame our baby couldn't see his daddy graduate!

Mark: it is not my fault!

Alice: yay!! Graduation!!

Alice: why am I the only one throwing my diploma in the air?

Alice: where is my twin sister when I need her?

Amy: I'm too cool for that...

Mark: okay then. I think it's time for me to go get my certificate.

Arni: no way, not again!

Amy: come on dad, I want to see my boyfriend graduate, and I know you want it too!

Arni: uhm...not so sure of that...

Mark: yay! At last!!

Jay: well done, man!

Jay: now, can we go home?

Amy: well done, you!

Amy: I took loads of pictures so little Nick will have some memories of this day, when he grows up!

Arni: good. Now, if we're done, I think we should go home, I feel like I've been stuck here the whole day....

Alice: it was a nice ceremony...I can't believe I'm done with school...I'm gonna miss it!

Catherine: you're weird, sister, you know that...

Alice: you know what's weird? Not having Toby and Michael with us...

Catherine: I know....I wonder how Michael is doing in Monte Vista...he hasn't sent any news yet....I hope they arrived safely...

Alice: and I hope they've found Susie's mum! I can't wait to hear everything....

Susan: here we are, Michael...

Michael: looks like a nice place! And it's spring already! I can't believe we left home with the snow...and we're wearing summer clothes in here!

Susan: the weather is quite warm and we rarely get snow in here...but it can be unpredictable and sometimes we get frozen fields during the night even with this weather during the day!

Susan: look Michael, that's it, that's my house...

Michael: looks nice! Cosy...

Susan: it's small...and rather empty...we didn't have much money, see...

Michael: there is light downstairs! Your mum must be in!

Michael: so....are you ready?

Susan: I don't know...I'm scared...what if she doesn't want to see me anymore?

Michael: that's absolutely not possible...

Susan: but I just disappeared without saying anything, it must have broken her heart...

Michael: yes, but nonetheless, she will be happy to see you again...come on Susie, one last step...

Susie: thank you Michael...I could have never done this without you...

Michael: that's why we're a couple, we help each other and get through things together...and we've been through a lot, haven't we? So we can do this now, no biggie...

Susie: but it is...if she doesn't want to see me, if she can't forgive me...

Michael: it won't happen Susie...

Susie: but say it does!

Michael: if it does, you'll know you tried...and even if you two don't reconcile, both of you will know that the other one is alive and well, that's the main thing...

Susie: yes, you're right...okay then, big breath and let's go...

Michael: wait, someone just came out of your house!

Susan: who's that? It's too dark, I can't see...

Laurie: daddy daddy look! The ice cream truck! Can I get an ice cream?

Rafael: no darling, it's too late for ice don't want to spoil your dinner, do you?

Laurie: but I want ice cream!

Rafael: you can have it tomorrow darling, let's go home now, mummy's waiting for us...

Laurie: uhm...I still want ice cream....hey, who's that daddy?

Rafael: who?

Laurie: that lady down there!

Rafael: what lady? Laurie where are you going?

Laurie: I want to see the lady! She has red hair daddy, like you and me! I want to see!

Rafael: what? Come here Laurie it's dark, let's go home, you can go see your imaginary friend tomorrow...

Laurie: but I want to see the lady with red hair! Oh, she has a friend, can we go and say hello, daddy?

Rafael: what?...Oh...who's that I don't think we know them...

Rafael: no wait....could that be....Susie? Is that really you?

Susan: oh my I can't believe it! Uncle Rafael!

Susan: oh no I'm getting emotional...I can't get emotional I'm an evil witch for Plumbob's sake!

Rafael: Susie...and Michael, I guess? I can't believe it!

Susan: it's been a long time...

Rafael: indeed it has...a lot has happened left without a word....

Susan: I know, I---

Michael: and who's this lovely girl?

Rafael: this is Laurie, my youngest daughter...

Susan: she's so cute...hello Laurie, I'm your cousin Susie...

Laurie: ....I like your hair! It's like mine....

Susan: *laughs* yes it is...

Rafael: Susie what happened to you?! You just left without a word! We were all dead worried, your mum was distraught! We didn't know where you were, we didn't even know if you were alive!

Susan: I know, I---

Rafael: where have you been? What happened?

Susan: I day I just left....I was very angry with everyone at the time, specially with mum who had made me come back...while I just wanted to stay with Michael and his family!

Rafael: I understand that but how can you blame a mother who wish to see her daughter?

Susan: I know now, but I was very confused then...and I was evil, I still am...

Rafael: no you're not!

Susan: yes I am, I grew up like this, and there's more, I'm a witch, an evil witch!

Rafael: that can't be Susie, you're being to hard on yourself...

Susan: that's who I am, whether you accept it or not.

Michael: yes, it's the truth. But this doesn't mean she's generally evil, she's a friendly evil witch which makes...

Susan: which makes me confused and unstable! But I've found my balance with Michael, uncle Rafael, I know where I want to be now... but I can't go forward if I don't settle things with mum...that's why I'm here...

Rafael: so you're not stay?

Susan: no. We can stay for a while, but then we'll go back. But I wanted to se her...

Rafael: don't do this to her...I don't think she'll survive another blow like that...all she wants is to see her daughter grow up and see her grandchildren grow up, as everyone else...

Susan: I know, but that's who I am and where I belong. Which I'm sorry but is not here. But I'm happy she has you...and your family...I'm really grateful...

Susan: so, do you think we should go to see her now?

Rafael: what?'s late...I think it's better if you come to our place tonight, we'll come back here tomorrow...

Susan: close...

Rafael: well, after all these years you can wait one more night! Let her sleep in peace tonight, it will be an important day tomorrow and she doesn't know yet... come on guys, Caroline will be thrilled to see you! And Louise! Do you remember Louise, Susie?

Susan: of course I do...I wonder if she still remembers me though...

Rafael: welcome to our house!

Susan: wow that's pretty!

Rafael: we just moved in so it's not completely furnished...and we don't have a guest bedroom so...but if you don't mind using the couch you'll be fine!

Rafael: hey sweetheart, we're home!

Caroline: oh, good, the salad is almost ready...

Rafael: I hope you have enough of that...

Caroline: of course there's enough! Why you ask?

Rafael: because I brought two guests with me, I hope you don't mind...

Caroline: guests? What guests?

Rafael: I'm sure you'll like them...

Susan: hi Caroline...

Michael: hi Caroline...

Caroline: oh my goodness!!!! How....

Rafael: long story...

Caroline: Michael!!!! Look at you, all grown up!!! You're a handsome man, cousin!

Michael: wow thanks Caroline...

Caroline: and you....Susie...

Susan: it's nice to see you again...and nice to see your family has expanded...

Caroline: it was sad you weren't here to see it, Susie...we used to be good friends and then...

Susan: I'm sorry...

Rafael: well, she's here now, isn't she?

Caroline: yes....what a lovely surprise! I have missed you Susie...

Susan: I have missed you's so nice to see you again!

Caroline: it's lovely to see you again as well my have to tell me everything!

Rafael: good, but can we do that after dinner? I'm starving here!

Caroline: yes yes of course, grab a plate and take a seat!

Caroline: I'll just give Laurie her dinner and I'll be right with you!

Louise: mummy, is it ready yet? I'm starving...

Louise: and who are these people? I didn't know we had guests...

Caroline: oh, Louise, look who's just surprised us? Remember Susie?

Susan: much you've grown! You're a beautiful young lady now! The last time I saw you you were your sister's age...remember me?

Louise:'re the one who played pick a boo with me aren't you?

Susan: oh, you remember!

Louise: of course I remember! You were my favourite friend! I was so sad when you stopped babysitting me...

Susan: oh darling I'm so sorry...

Louise: I have missed you! I can't believe you're here!

Louise: Where have you been for all this time?

Susan: oh, it's a long story...I can tell you later if you want...

Louise: yes please! I want to hear it as bed time story!

Michael: ...and then she says she's not sure if she can be a good mother....she's a natural! To see her with Louise....I wish we'll have one of our own soon....

Laurie: mummy I want to hear the red haired lady's story as well! Can I? Can I?

Caroline: tomorrow, my love, it's dinner time now, and then straight to bed...

Laurie: you always say tomorrow...why can't I have the things I want today??

Rafael: hey, where has my salad gone?

Louise: you've eaten it all dad!

Rafael: right...I think I'll need some more...

Susan: so, what happened to Oriana? Have you heard of her recently?

Caroline: actually I have...she's visiting Hildur and Theodore so we can go and surprise them tomorrow!

Susan: really! So cool!

Susan: And what happened to that guy...Orlando?

Caroline: they got married! And have a son now...

Susan: oh my goodness, really!!

Caroline: actually, they got baby Robin first and then they got married very recently...we haven't been to the wedding though, it was in Isla Paradiso, where they're lucky they're here visiting!

Susan: wow, it must be amazing to live there! I'd love to go back once...we should have another family holiday there!

Michael: whenever you want my darling...

Louise: I'd love to go on holiday to the seaside...where aunt Oriana lives...that's where my mum and dad got married you know...

Susan: oh yes we know lovely, we were there!

Louise: really! Can you tell me about it? I would have loved to see it...

Susan: of course lovely, of course...

Louise: and can you tell me your story before I go to sleep? It would be nice, instead of reading a book!

Susan: sure thing! Are you going to bed now?

Louise: nope, I'll go get ready and then I'll wait for you! Like in old times! I'm so happy you're here!

Susan: and I'm happy to be here as well...

Michael: actually, I've never seen you this relaxed for ages, Susie, it's good...

Susan: yes....probably...

Caroline: let those guards capture you Michael, so you could hope to end up in the same jail as Susan...and you did! What are the odds?

Michael: not many, actually, but it was the best plan I had...

Caroline: and then you managed to escape and save the elf kingdom! And your elf friend ended up by falling in love with Alice....oh my this is awesome! This story is amazing! You should write a book!

Susan: maybe Alice will...she decided she wants to be a professional writer...

Caroline: and she's going to be heiress! Wow, last time I saw her she was no older than my Louise! I feel old now....

Michael: more or less the same age I was the last time I saw you!

Caroline: know what? We should really organise a big family holiday's gonna be huge, now the family has extended so much! And we live in different places, it would be nice to meet all together once in a while...a huge Love family reunion!

Michael: it would be great, I should talk to mum when we're back! She doesn't say anything but I think she misses Theodore and her other siblings who stayed in Appaloosa Plains...who knows what happened to them?

Susan: I think she would like to see them again...we could organise something!

Caroline: yes indeed! But in the meanwhile, it's quite late and it's going to be a big day for you tomorrow're going to see Dianne should get some good sleep! And so should I...

Caroline: good night guys, I still find hard to believe you're really here! It was a huge surprise!

Michael: see? It wasn't that bad, everybody's happy to see you...

Susan: yes...although they still remember the way I disappeared last time and I feel they'll never forget that...

Michael: no they won't forget it....but hey, thanks to that, we managed to find each other again...and we're happy now, and they want you to be happy so...

Susan: oh Michael, you can always see the good in everything...what are you doing with an evil witch like me?

Michael: what? What kind of question is that? I told you a million times, we complete each other....

Michael: and I've always known it was you....

Susan: it was me what?

Michael: the woman of my dreams! The one I would get to spend the life with...

Susan: oh really?

Michael: and how about you? Did you know it was me?

Susan: hey I'm a witch! Of course I knew...

Louise: hey Susie, I'm ready for bed, will you come and tell me.....

Louise: ....your story.....oh my goodness! What are they doing?

Louise: don't be silly Louise, you know what they're doing...holy plumbob this is embarrassing...I probably shouldn't be here...but she has promised a bed time story! Er....

Louise: .....Susie? er.....Susie?

Susan: wh----

Susan: oh my! I hadn't heard you coming in....

Louise: of course not, you were busy.

Michael: this is awkward....

Louise: so, I'm ready for bed, are you ready to tell me your story?

Susan: why, of course! Of course!

Louise: good, I thought you had forgotten!

Susan: no no, how could I forget!

Susan: I'll go get ready for bed as well and then we can stay up all night talking okay?

Louise: cool!

Michael: I thought we were supposed to have a good sleep...hey where are you going? Don't leave me's awkward...

Louise: am I so scary?

Michael:, of course not....I'm just...uh...not very used to dealing with kids, I never know what to say...

Louise: do you have kids?

Michael: no, not yet...

Louise: but you would like to have kids right? With Susie?

Michael: yes, I would like that, when she is ready...

Louise: she was very good with me when I was little, she's going to be a good mummy...

Michael: thank're a very sweet child, I hope our kids will be like you...

Louise: well, it's likely since we're related!

Michael: oh yeah, I hadn't thought of this, but you are actually my cousin's child, which makes you some kind of distant cousin?

Louise: exactly...and Susie is my cousin so when you get married you'll be....I don't know, my double cousin?

Michael: haha that's probably it!

Louise: are you going to get married soon?

Michael: hopefully, yes...

Louise: well, let me know because I want to be bridesmaid!

Michael: of course you will!

Louise: so, it would be easier for everyone if you got married in here you know....

Michael: .....yes, this does seem like a good option....

Louise: so...are you ready to see aunt Dianne, Susie?

Susan: uhm...not sure I'll ever be ready...

Louise: but look, it's a beautiful day, if she doesn't want to see you, we can go play in the park afterwards!

Susan: this is not very encouraging, Louise...

Louise: but I'm sure she will be happy to see you....

Oriana: hey, you lot, wait!

Rafael: hey Ori, how are you?

Oriana: Rafael are they really....holy plumbob!

Rafael: yes they are....

Louise: oh look, here come auntie Ori! We all live so close...

Oriana: Susie? Is it really you?

Susan: it is me...hi Ori, nice hair cut!

Michael: hi Oriana! So nice to see you...

Oriana: I can't believe it guys! What are you doing here? Are you visiting?

Susan: long story...we're here to see my mother...

Oriana: I see....she'll be so happy to see you! I've heard she was devastated when you left...

Susan: oh...

Michael: Ori? This is not helping...

Oriana: oh, but hey, that's why she's going to be over the moon to see you! What a wonderful surprise!

Susan: yeah...I hope so...

Oriana: you know what? If you're going now, I'm coming with you!

Susan: what?

Oriana: yes, it's going to be nice to be all together again, and it will relieve potential tension...

Susan: oh...

Michael: again, Ori, this isn't helping...

Michael: so here we are again...

Susan: oh my goodness...I'm not sure I can do it...

Rafael: of course you can!

Oriana: hello Gorbash! Remember me?

Michael: er... Gorbash?

Louise: yes, that's auntie's dog's name! Weird, isn't it? But he came with it and we kept it...

Susan: a mum has a dog! That's nice...

Louise: hello Gorby! How are you today? Wanna play?

Rafael: come on guys, I'll go in first...

Louise: you are handsome Gorby oh yes you are! And you're going to be even more handsome after a good brush!

Michael: come on Susie...

Susan: Michael...I can't do it I'm too scared she won't want to see me...holy plumbob, there she is...

Susan: oh dear....I didn't expect it to affect me so much....

Michael: of course it does, she's your mum! And you haven't seen or talked to her in ages! Come on sweetheart, let's get in, I'll be right next to you...

Rafael: hey Di! What's up?

Dianne: hey Raf...just a sec I need to finish the chapter...

Rafael: er, Di? I think the chapter should wait...

Dianne: no it should not! What's wrong with you today? Make yourself at home as you always do and I'll be with you in a sec...

Rafael: you have guests...

Oriana: hi Dianne!

Dianne: oh, is that Oriana? So nice to see you, let me give you a hug---

Rafael: no wait, Oriana's not alone today, there are two more special guests...

Dianne: wha---

Susan: hello, mum....

Dianne: ah....

Dianne: ...... Susie.....

Susan: hi mum....

Oriana: yes, at last they've met again!

Dianne: ......

Susan: ......

Susan: are you, mum?

Dianne: look good. And you're alive.

Susan: yes, I am alive indeed.

Dianne: good. You know, you could always have sent a letter saying that you were well, that would have helped taking one of the many worries off my mind.

Susan: I know...I'm sorry I...didn't think...a lot of things happened and...

Dianne: .....

Susan: look, I know I hurt you badly okay? And I understand if you don't want to talk to me or see me anymore. But I needed to try to make it up to you, or at least let you know that I'm well...and I'm happy....

Dianne: ............

Dianne: ...that is what counts I suppose...I'm glad to know you are well and happy. And I'm happy you're here...although I'm still shocked...I didn't expect to see you again, see...

Susan: I'm sorry mum....I'm here now....

Dianne: ....although this doesn't erase what you've done. All these years spent in worry and pain, wondering why you were hating us so much to leave like that...the weight of all this will stay forever...

Susan: I know...and I'm sorry....but I needed to see you and tell you that I'm sorry....and that I didn't hate you, that I did what I did because...because of who I am, I needed to find out where I belonged...and it wasn't here, I'm sorry....

Dianne: and have you found out?

Susan: yes....

Dianne: could at least have sent news...I could accept you wanted to live your life away from here, but I would have liked to know you were safe...

Susan: I know...but you know now! That's why I'm here...

Dianne: yes....

Dianne: yes now I know....thank you....

Susan: I'm so sorry mum, if I could go back in time and change things I would, but I can't! What we can do go on and start again...

Dianne: are you going to stay?

Susan: for a while, yes, but then we're going back....but we can always come to visit, mum! And we can write emails and stuff, it's going to be different now!

Dianne: yes....maybe. But tell me, that young man who's with that....

Susan: it's Michael, yes.

Dianne: so that's why you left? You wanted to find him?

Susan: yes. But it's not only that...

Dianne: what is it then?

Susan: I wasn't happy here mum, you knew it. I couldn't be my true self here...

Dianne: which is?

Susan: I'm a witch mum! I think I've always been and always kind of known, but never realised or accepted the thing...and when I grew up I was so messed up I became evil...

Dianne: can't've always been friendly....

Susan: yes...I'm a friendly evil witch! Does it make any sense? No! That's why I was messed up, I needed to find out who I was and where I belonged...

Dianne: and what you've done...since you left...has it helped you to find out?

Susan: yes it has....

Dianne: I love Michael, mum, and he loves me, despite my being an evil witch...and that's where I want to be, with Michael...

Michael: *smiles*

Oriana: ooh I feel like I want to cry! This is so touching...

Dianne: *smiles* and that's where you should be, Susie. I'm glad you've found your way in life, daughter...I'm glad you didn't forget me and came here to tell me...

Susan: of course!

Dianne: it's the best present you could give see you again and know that you're happy...

Dianne: I love you, Susie...

Susan: oh mum....I love you too...

Rafael: finally after all this time...I think I could cry....

Michael: same here!

Susan: thank you mummy....

Dianne: so...don't you think it's time to introduce me to your boyfriend?

Susan: mum, this is Michael. Michael, this is my mum Dianne...

Michael: nice to meet you at last!

Dianne:'re basically the reason why my daughter came back all upset from that school exchange in Appaloosa Plains uh?

Michael: er...

Dianne: ...and the reason she left me without a word later on...

Michael: I....

Dianne: you'd better be worth it....and don't break her heart...

Michael: I am, and I won't! We have been through so much to be able to finally be together...and now we are...and we're going to be happy together, forever...

Dianne: is this so, daughter?

Susan: it is, mum...

Dianne: well, in this case, you have my blessings, kids. Provided you come and see me once in a while...and I do want to know my grandchildren!

Susan: *laughs* mum!

Rafael: so, uhm...sorry to interrupt your family reunion, but I think we should get going...I'll leave you to catch up with your daughter and I'll speak to you guys later okay?

Dianne: sure...thanks little brother!

Rafael: come on kid, we're going home! Ori, you coming with us?

Oriana: yes, just a sec Rafael I need to talk to Susie...

Oriana: so, is it agreed? You're coming to see us tonight and we can go and see my mum performing all together! Your mum can come as well!

Susan: of course, Ori, we'll be there...

Oriana: great! See you tonight then!

Dianne: so....

Michael: so....

Dianne: how about lunch? All these emotions make me hungry...

Susan: Michael...

Michael: see? It wasn't that difficult after all! And all went well, as I had told you....

Susan: I know...

Susan: and I can't believe we're really here and my mum is making us lunch!

Susan: mum, do you know your dog is staring at us?

Dianne: yeah, he does it all the time...ignore him, he just wants to beg for food...

Michael: he's still staring...he hasn't moved...

Dianne: yes yes I know, he likes staring at people...or better, at food...

Susan: and what kind of name is Gorbash anyway?

Dianne: well, he came with it when I adopted him and I kept idea where it comes from! But he's a lovely doggy, aren't you, Gorbash?

Gobash: wof!

Susan: so, mum, is it ok if we go to see Hildur singing tonight? Do you want to come with us?

Dianne: sure thing, love, but not now, I think Gorbash need his evening walk first...I'll see you there!

Dianne: so, I'll see you later okay?

Michael: sure!

Susan: it's so dark already! I wonder where has the whole day gone?

Believe me, it's what I'm asking myself all the time...

Michael: hey Ori! Nice house!

Oriana: evening guys! Welcome to our place! Well, it's not really our place, it's my mum's place, but, did you have a nice time with your mum Susie?

Susan: yes...but I can't believe it's evening already! Where has the day gone? Oh well...and who's this little fellow here? Hello you!

Oriana: this is Robin, my son...Robin, say hi to Susie!

Robin: hi...Sasa!

Oriana: he just learned to talk...isn't he the cutest? But let's get in, my mum and Theodore can't wait to see you!

Oriana: hey guys, they're here!

Hildur: where? Where?

Hildur: Michael! How much you've grown!!

Michael: hi aunt Hildur! So nice to see you again!

Hildur: Wow, what a handsome young man! I think I can see something of Theodore in you...and of my brother Arni as well...Susie is a very lucky girl!

Michael: ah...thanks auntie, don't make me blush!

Hildur: and you, Susie! You're a beautiful woman now! You two make a lovely couple!

Susan: aww thanks Hildur...

Orlando: hey guys! Wow you've grown quite a lot!

Michael: hey Orlando...yeah that's what everyone's saying...

Theodore: where are they? Oh!

Theodore: Michael! My nephew! You're so...

Michael: grown up, I know, I know...

Orlando: hey baby...welcome home....

Robin: me no likes to be left on the floor alone! Hey daddy, stop smooching mummy and give me some attention!

Susan: I can't wait to see you on stage Hild! I have missed your concerts...

Theodore: oh, my wife is even more amazing now, you'll see! Actually, if everyone's ready I think we can go...

Orlando: come on, little man, let's go to see granny perform!

Robin: yuss! Will she sing a song for me?

Orlando: of course she will!

Robin: granny is so cool! And so are you and mum!

Oriana: I just love my family...

Hildur: ...this song is for amazing family!

Hildur: *singing*

Theodore: my wife....

Theodore: the most wonderful woman on earth....

Theodore: and she's so good!

Oriana: woo hoo you go Hild, you rock!

Hildur: thank you, my lovely family! I wouldn't be here today without your you loads!

Theodore: and I love you my wonderful wife...

Hildur: aww Theo...

Theodore: you know, I've been thinking lately...don't you think it's time to have another toddler in the house?

Hildur: what? You can't mean....

Theodore: why not?

Hildur: but...we're getting older...we have two daughters who have their own kids already! Their brother or sister would be the same age as their nieces and nephews!

Theodore: so what? I think it's time Hil...we've been through a lot, we've helped our daughters grow up and find their ways in the world...we've been proud parents and grandparents, we've been good friends and lovers and husband and wife...I think it's time to have our own baby Hil, I want to have a baby with you...what do you say?


Susan: what a beautiful night Michael...look at the stars!

Michael:'s beautiful...

Susan: It's been a very eventful day...but I don't feel tired at all! I don't think I want to go to sleep...I want to spend the night under the stars with you, waiting for the sunrise...

Michael: wow so romantic Susie...I'm usually the romantic one...what happened to you? *smiles*

Susan: don't you like it?

Michael: yes I do...definitely! And I'm happy to see you so happy...

Susan: I feel...I feel so relaxed...and if a stone had been lifted from my heart...

Susan: thank you Michael...thank you for bearing with me...and coming here with me to see my mother...I really needed to talk to her...and I was so scared...

Michael: I know...and see? Everything turned out for the best...

Susan: yes...I don't think I could be happier than I am now....

Michael: well, I was actually hoping you could...

Susan: ...what?

Susan: oh look! It's sunrise!

Michael: yes, it is, now just wait a moment...

Susan: why...Michael, what are you doing? Oh....Michael....oh my goodness...

Michael:'ve been my best friend and soul mate since I can remember...we've found each other, lost each other than found each other again....just to be lost and finally found again...and now that we're finally happy the only thing I want is to spend my life with you....

Michael: Susie....will you marry me?

Susan: oh my goodness!!!!

Susan: yes! Yes I will marry you Michael!!! Yes!!!

Susan: oh my goodness....

Susan: I love you Michael....

Michael: and I you, Susie...

Susan: oh my...we're getting this for real?

Michael: yes it is...

Susan: when?

Michael: well, how about the day after tomorrow? I thought it would be nice to get married here, so your mum can be there you know...we should wait a couple of days for my family to get here tough...

Susan: oh Michael... have I said how much I love you already?

Michael: uhm yes, I think you've mentioned that a couple of times...*smiles*

Susan: mum! Mum!!!

Dianne: oh, good morning you two, where have you been? I've been worried when I didn't find you in your bed this morning!

Susan: oh mum, we're grown ups now! We just stayed up late to watch the sunrise....

Dianne: doesn't matter how grown up you are, you'll always be my daughter and I'll always worry about you! Now, sit down and have some cereals...

Susan: I don't think I can have cereals today mum!

Dianne: and why is that?

Susan: mum, we have a news...

Dianne: what news?

Susan: we're getting married! And we're doing it here, so you can be there...

Dianne: wait, wait a second...

Susan: are you happy mum?

Dianne: oh my goodness...

Susan: mum, are you okay?

Dianne: oh baby girl is getting married...

Susan: mum...I thought you would be happy....

Dianne: of course! Of course I'm happy!! I'm so happy for you my's just...too much, too many emotions in such a short time! I had just got used to you being back...and now another big thing happening! Congratulations my dear daughter...congratulations to you both! And you're getting married in Monte Vista...I couldn't ask for a greater attend my daughter's wedding...I love you baby girl!

Susan: aww I love you too mummy....

Dianne: so, when is the big day going to be? I need to find a dress!

Susan: the soonest soon as Michael's family can get here!

Dianne: right, right, of it's going to be a very big celebration!

Susan: indeed....indeed...

Tobias: so, how do I look, dad?

Arni: gorgeous, my son...

Tobias: I can't believe we're here! Again!

Arni: I know! It was such a shock!

Tobias: but a good shock! Ickle Mickey is getting married! Can you believe it? After all this time, they'll finally get hitched!

June: hey, you two, what are you still doing here? We were supposed to be going five minutes ago!

Arni: ...and it was a good excuse for a little holiday...perfect!

Tobias: and in this weather! It's spring already in here!

June: can you hear me? Get a move on or we'll be late!

Arni: ah, don't worry darling, the others are still upstairs, getting ready...

June: but...we don't want to be late for our son's wedding, Arni!

Arni: relax honey, we're on holiday! Oh, by the way, how's Scarlette, Toby? I hope she's feeling better...

Tobias: she is! Thanks dad...I think it must have been plane sickness or something... but she's alright now!

Jay: hey look stunning....

Catherine: Jay! Thank you...I was just going to have a last look in the mirror to check that everything was alright...

Jay: you're perfect...

Catherine: you look very handsome as well Jay...

Jay: that's it then, we're perfect for each other, let's get married and have lots of babies together!

Catherine: Jay!

Jay: I know but...I'm kinda frustrated here! When are we going to tell them? I want to marry you, Cath!

Catherine: I know, and I you....I thought to wait for Michael and Susie to be back...but...

Jay: surprise! And now we're here...attending a wedding...I thought the next wedding I would go to would be ours!

Catherine: I'm sorry Jay, I do want to tell them and marry you...but now we need to wait some more, it's Michael and Susie's day now...

Jay: I know! But it's frustrating! How much more do we have to we wait?

Catherine: just till the wedding is over...and then it doesn't matter if there are members of the family missing, we'll just tell who's there okay? After all, Michael is getting married without Amy and Mark and little Nick anyway...

Jay: deal...sorry love, I just can't wait to be your husband...

Catherine: and I can't wait to be your wife...let's wait to get home and we'll tell everyone and arrange the wedding...

Leo: hey lovely, what are you doing?

Alice: checking my make up...I don't want it to come off half way through the day!

Leo: you're so beautiful Alice...

Alice: aww thanks're very handsome too...these clothes suit you, although it's so strange to see you dressed like this...I'm so used to see you in your elvish clothes!

Alice: but you are always very handsome...

Leo: that's because I have the most beautiful woman by my side...

Alice: oh Leo...

Catherine: hey guys, mind if I use the mirror?

Leo: no worries...hey Cath, do you know how much I love your sister?

Catherine: I kinda had guessed *smiles*

Leo: do you mind if I give her a little kiss before we go?

Alice: Leo! *giggles*

Catherine: go ahead with the smooching, I'll just use the mirror and leave!

Jay: hey love, I think we should go, your mum is getting a little nervous... oh. Yeah, you two, feel free to smooch, no worries, don't mind us.....

Catherine: oh, leave them alone, Jay...they're happy and in love!

Jay: uhm .... they'd better not get married before we do...

Tobias: wow Scarlette you are beautiful...

Scarlette: aww thanks Toby...

Tobias: you feeling better?

Scarlette: yes I think so...I don't know what was wrong with me...maybe I ate something bad, or maybe it was the plane...or the sudden change of season...I don't know...

Tobias: oh, come here, a hug will make you feel better...

Scarlette: awww...

Tobias: feeling better now?

Scarlette: definitely!

Tobias: good, let's go then, we have a wedding to attend!

Tobias: wow this place is amazing!

Catherine: yeah...too bad that Amy and Mark couldn't come, I bet they would have enjoyed it....

Scarlette: but Nick is still too young to travel...but I'm sure there will be more weddings to attend!

Jay: yes, I would really like to attend more weddings...

Catherine: .....

Tobias: uhm, I wonder what Jay meant...

Hildur: brother....

Arni: Hildur! You're so beautiful baby sis! And you still look the same! Time has treated you really well! I hope you'll tell me everything about your new life now that we have more time...I only got a glimpse of you yesterday at the airport!

Hildur: yes yes....and you know, I'm so glad you're here, because there's something I've been meaning to ask you...

Arni: fire away!

Hildur: do you you think that it would be okay if I had another baby?

Arni: er....what?

Dianne: that's my friend Hild, directness and all....

June: you're saying....

Theodore: ...that I would like to have another child. And I told Hildur. But I think she didn't expect that and I'm not sure how she feels about it now...

June: uhm....have you talked about this anymore?

Theodore: looks like nothing has happened...but I don't understand, would it be so bad to have a child at our age? Many people do nowadays...

June: yes, but you know, maybe she hadn't thought about it and now she needs some time....

Theodore: maybe....and how about you sister? Don't you and Arni want any more kids?

June: oh goodness no! I don't think I could handle it! We have five already, plus one grandchild and I bet more to come! I think we'll enjoy our grandchildren and see them grow from now on....and attend our children's weddings of course!

Leo: Susie's family is really cute...look at those red heads!

Leo: ....Father and daughter, so cute!

Leo: what colour do you think our babies' hair will be? Do you think they'll have pointy ears?

Alice: we had never talked babies before...

Leo: don't you want kids?

Alice: well, yes but...not now...I think....

Leo: but at some point?

Alice: yes, of course, when the right time comes...

Leo: yes, of course....then I hope it comes soon....

Caroline: Ori...

Oriana: what's up sis? Why the sad face?

Caroline: this dress...look at this dress!

Oriana: it's a beautiful dress...

Caroline: no, look at me, I'm huge! I feel like I've eaten all the pies!

Oriana: no you haven't!

Caroline:Yesterday it was fine and today...I feel huge! What's wrong with me?

Oriana: uhm...maybe nothing is wrong with you...have you thought that maybe....

Caroline: maybe?

Oriana: maybe there's a little brother or sister for Louise and Laurie on the way?

Caroline: oh....

Dianne: so here we daughter is getting married...

Susan: oh my....

Susan: I'm really getting married!

Dianne: you are! And you're so beautiful my dear... and I'm so proud of you....

Susan: aww thanks mum...

Dianne: be happy my darling....and thank you again for being here...for getting married in here...

Susan: It had to be here of course! I would have never got married without you being present, mum...

Dianne: thank you, are you ready? It's show time....

Michael: holy plumbob...I'm so it normal to be this nervous?

June: yes darling, it is normal...but it's a good type of nervous, you're just about to marry the woman of your life!

Michael: thank you for coming everyone...

Arni: of course we came! There was no way we could miss our son getting married!

Michael: I'm sorry for Amy and Mark though...but we had to get married here, see, for Susie's mum...

June: we know, don't worry...

Arni: and you gave us an excuse for another holiday! What could be better than that?

Alice: so cool, Michael is getting married! I still remember that time on the balcony when he saw Susie for the first time! We were toddlers at the time, Amy and me...

Orlando: really? How can you remember that then?

Alice: I don't know, I have a good memory I guess...

Catherine: baby bro is getting married...I'm happy for him but....Jay is right, the next wedding should have been ours...we really need to get this out in the open before someone else gets engaged!

Theodore: er...Hildur...please talk to me? If for some reason you're upset, please talk to me, I don't like this ice between us...

Hildur: .... oh look, here comes the bride!

Susan: oh dear...that's it...come on girl, walk on...

Michael: Susie....

Michael: you'' beautiful....

Susan: thanks Michael...

Michael: are you nervous?

Susan: a bit...

Michael: me too! But you know what? I feel like I've been living just for this moment....

Susan: I know, finally everything we've been through makes sense...if we can now stand right here...

Michael: ...ready to be husband and wife!

Susan: yes....ready....

Susan: with this ring I take you Michael...

Susan: to be my husband....

Crowd: awwwwwwww

Oriana: I can't help it, I cry every time!

Arni: my son got married...and now it's two of them! I wonder how long it's gonna be for all of them to be leaving the house...I feel so old!

Catherine: I's gonna be me's gonna be me....

Louise: when I get married I want a dress like Susie's...she's sooo beautiful!

Michael: ....and with this ring I take thee, Susan, to be my wife....

Susan: awww

Crowd: awwwww

Susan: oh my goodness...

Susan: we're married, Michael!

Michael: yes we are, my beautiful wife!

Susan: I love you Michael...

 Awwwww <3 <3 <3

Hildur: okay guys, that's enough kissing...we're happy for you but now stop it, we're hungry!

Tobias: awww my little brother is married!!

Susan: hey you, my handsome husband...

Michael: hey...

Susan: I could stay here with you the whole day...just looking at you...

Michael: and me...but I think if we don't give them cake they're gonna be really mad....

Hildur: good thinking guys, I approve...

Louise: yes, cake, give us cake!

Orlando: congratulations guys!!

Rafael: let's throw some rice!!

Alice: woo hoo congratulations big bro! I'm throwing also Amy's share of rice...too bad they couldn't come, she would have enjoyed it...

June: awww another wedding, another son getting married....I'm so proud!

Jay: keep being proud lady, for next time it's gonna be us...and it's gonna be very soon indeed!

June: what? Did you say anything?

Catherine: yay congratulations Michael!!! Although it was a very bad timing...but congratulations!!

Arni: oh yes it was! No wait, why bad timing?

Crowd: *cheering*

Michael: wow, su much love! I'm impressed!

Susan: they all love you...

Michael: and you!!!

Hildur: yes yes, we all love you guys...but now, I thought you said it was cake time?

Catherine: woo hoo! At last! Cake!!

June: and a huge one!!

Leo: honestly, what is wrong with you all people? We're here for the wedding, not for the cake!

Susan: *shouting from the back* yes, well said Leo, now, if you would let us through....

Catherine, June and Orlando: caaaaaake!

Michael: wow, this cake is huge!

Michael: are you ready to cut our first cake together?

Susan: why, will there be other cakes?

Michael: why yes, all of our kids birthdays cakes!

Susan: haha yes, I like that...Michael...I feel so peaceful! I hadn't felt like this for ages! Since I was a kid probably!

Michael: well, it's good, very good, love...

Michael: now, let's cut this beautiful cake...

Jay: about time, man!

Rafael: yay, let's bow to cake!

Jay: uhm...I understand the bowing to cake thing but...are you sure that's how you cut cakes?

Michael: shut up, I am the one cutting the's a difficult business you know, and I just want to see you try! And when it will be your turn, I'll laugh!

Jay: don't say that again had to be my turn but you spoiled it!

Michael: see? All is well what ends well...have your slice of cake, my love...

Jay: hey kid! Who are you and who invited you? And most importantly, how dare you skip the queue? I had to be next!

Random kid: wowww this cake is huge!

Susan: uhm...who are you kid? Are you a friend of Louise's?

Louise: most certainly he's not! Otherwise he wouldn't jump the queue like that, he would let me have my slice first!

Alice: yay I got my cake! Keep queuing up people!

Scarlette: it's be a bit cold...

Susan: I'm freezing! And I'm the bride, I thought I would get the cake first?

Jay: step aside, Orlando, my turn now!

Susan: okay people, this is getting serious, speed up please, it's freezing!

Orlando: ........not fair man, I think I was before you!

Alice: I really don't know how it can take so long to get a slice of cake! I mean, it's not that difficult, is it?

Michael: I think you were just lucky, sister...

Susan: at last! We started cutting the cake at sunset...and I get my slice under the star...sure, why not....

Susan: ....and I don't even get to sit next to my husband! I mean, what kind of game is this?

Jay: hey, are you saying I need to move?

June: mmmh this cake is delicious!I think I'll go have another slice...

Alice: and me...

Leo: coming with you, ladies!

June: hey!

Theodore: where....where's the cake?

Rafael: oh my goodness! The aliens have kidnapped the cake!

Arni: what do you mean by "there's no cake left"? I haven't even got my first slice! I'm starving!

Alice: I think we're too late mum....

Louise: phew! Luckily I got the last slice! I was lucky, Susie! I really wanted to eat your wedding cake!

Arni: ....and I get stuck with come everybody has cake, and I get stuck with this? I need my daily intake of unhealthy food i.e. cake!

Michael: oooh look at my ring! Isn't it amazing?

Uhm...only you can see it but...yeah, why not...must be!

Michael: my wonderful wife, would you like to dance?

Susan: well of course! Our first dance together...

Michael: as husband and wife! Because we have danced before...remember that time in Leo's royal palace?

Susan: yes, I remember...but we were just teen agers then! And look at us now....

Michael: a man and a woman...and a very attractive one might I say...and husband and wife...ready to start their new life together...

Susan: you keep saying that!

Michael: I'm trying to convince myself that it's not a dream...that I finally have you all for me...that I don't need to be scared to lose you anymore...

Susan: no you don't...there's no way you're going to lose me, Mr Love...ever!

Hildur: so...girls, what's the plan?

Catherine: what plan?

Hildur: the cake is do we do?

June: uhm....we dance?

June: Aaaarniiiiii where are you? I want to dance!

Arni: I'm here my love, waiting for you!

Jay: hey man, I think I arrived on this spot before you...

Orlando: stop cheating Jay, Rafael arrived before you, I saw him! Find yourself another corner of the dance floor dude!

Catherine: argh, Jay, it's too crowded in here, why don't we move further up?

Jay: nope, I conquered this spot first, no way I'm going to let pointy ears have it!

Theodore: Hilduuur where are you!! Please, don't be mad at me....allow me a little dance, please....Hilduuuuur!

Hildur: no need for shouting Theo, I'm right behind you...

Theodore: oh, great, so, can we talk, maybe?

Hildur: nope, I came here to dance. Dance and no talk, understood?

Theodore: okay...but maybe we can talk later?

June: wow, just like in old times, Arni...

Arni: this reminds me of the first time I danced with you, in Aurora Skies...

June: oh, I remember! It was a full moon night...

Arni: no northern lights that night...

June: but it was equally romantic...

Tobias: hey sweetheart, are you okay?

Scarlette: yes...yes...I think so...

Tobias: you look very pale, are you sure you're okay?

Scarlette: yes...maybe it's a bit too cold for this dress, I don't know...

Tobias: would you like to dance?

Scarlette: of course darling!

Oriana: oh my goodness I stomped on your foot!

Orlando: no worries, love, it's okay...

Oriana: I'm sooo sorry! I'm so clumsy...

Orlando: I love you being come back to dance with your husband,'s a beautiful night, isn't it?

Oriana: beautiful ending of a beautiful day!

Orlando: and you know what could be an even more beautiful ending? Some time alone, just you and me...

Oriana: but...we're living with my mum and Theo...

Orlando: you know, I heard that guy Jay say that his houseboat is a perfect hideaway from the world...I was about we get a houseboat as well?

Tobias: you know what Scarlette?

Scarlette: what?

Tobias: you grow more and more beautiful by the day...

Scarlette: aww Toby, how sweet....thank you....

Tobias: no, seriously! I can't stop looking at you've stolen my heart, since that first time I saw you wearing that hot dog costume!

Theodore: I'm glad you accepted to dance, Hildur...

Hildur: why shouldn't I?

Theodore: I thought you were mad at me...

Hildur: I wasn't mad at you, Theo...

Theodore: really? I thought our conversation about having another baby had upset you...

Hildur: yes, but this doesn't mean I was mad at you...I just didn't know what to say...

Theodore: and do you know now?

Hildur: ....maybe....

Orlando: so? What do you think about the boat? *winks*

Oriana: Orli, don't make me blush!

Jay:'re a very good dancer, you know that?

Catherine: so are many girls have you danced with before?

Jay: just one...just you, you know that!

Catherine: yes, I know, it's very flattering...

Jay: Cath....promise me it's gonna be us next...

Catherine: I soon as we get back home we tell them and we set the date, okay?

Jay: good...and if someone else wake up in the morning and decides that hey, it's a good time to get married?

Catherine: nobody will, it's gonna be you and me Jay, I promise! Besides, I don't think Amy wants to get married just yet...and Alice...

Jay: oh no problem with that, I told pointy ears to hold off, we come first, baby!

Michael: hey sweetheart...

Michael: do you think everybody is enjoying?

Susan: I think they are, yes...and you? Are you enjoying?

Michael: me? Having the time of my life!

Rafael: Caroline...are you sure you're okay? You've been so quiet...

Caroline: I am, I told you!

Rafael: but it's not like you just to say a few words...

Caroline: do I talk too much?

Rafael: well yes...I mean, no, I mean, yes, but I like it...

Caroline: *smiles* you think I look huge?

Rafael: er...what?

Caroline: this dress, don't you think it makes me fat?

Rafael: oh no darling, you're such a beauty...

Caroline: thanks...but you know, I feel like I've eaten all the pies...and I was wondering...that maybe...but just could be a little brother or sister for Louise and Laurie on the way....

Rafael: what!!!

Leo: hey....

Alice: hey're an amazing dancer, my dear elf king...

Leo: well, that's something we're taught when we're kids...dancing...but hey, you're not so bad yourself!

Alice: thank you, for the not so bad uh?

Leo: I mean...oh, forget it...

Alice: I'm just teasing Leo! Besides, I'm learning from the best...

Leo: I love dancing with you Alice...

Alice: we should do it more often then!

Leo: like ice skating...

Alice: yes...but I think we will have to wait for that, it's gonna be spring by the time we go back home!

Theodore: so....

Theodore: is it a maybe then?

Hildur: .....

Hildur: if you're really sure...yes...we can try to have a baby...I think we're ready for that...

Theodore: yes!!! Yes yes yes I knew we were!! I knew you would say yes!!

Hildur: hey, don't get too excited, we can't have a baby now...

Theodore: but we can try *winks*

Alice: you've really never heard of roller skating?

Leo: I don't think I have...we only have ice skating in the winter, in my place...

Alice: well, roller skating is what you do when the ice has melted! I really need to take you to the spring festival...

Leo: spring festival?

Alice: honestly, where have you been living?

Leo: er...

Alice: I think we'll have lots of things to do when we get home...I want to take you around the place a bit... after all you'll need to know the place you chose to live in...

Leo: indeed...I would love it...and tell me, do you have horses?

Alice: well, we don't have horses at home no, but there are stables that keep horses yes...

Leo: good, because I would like to take you for a walk with the in old times...

Alice: *smiles* lots of things to do then...

Leo: definitely....lots of things to do once we're back...and I have a couple of very important ones in mind....

June: morning my dear husband, have you slept well?

Arni: haven't slept much...what time did we go to bed, four in the morning?

June: about that time, yes...

Arni: I need coffee...and I made you one...

June: aww thank you, Arni!

Arni: where is everyone?

June: still sleeping...except for Catherine and Jay who are enjoying the pool...we'll need to go wake up everyone in a short while though...not much time left before we head back home!

Scarlette: urgh I'm not feeling well...

Scarlette: holy plumbob, I think I've eaten something really bad....

Scarlette: eurgh I think I'm gonna be sick!

Tobias: uh...Scarlette? You okay?

Scarlette: no!

Scarlette: morning June and Arni...

Scarlette: eww it's disgusting...

June&Arni: .....

Scarlette: thanks goodness it's over! So disgusting...

Scarlette: I still don't feel well though...

Tobias: Scarlette...are you alright?

Scarlette: yes, Toby, I'm okay now...I was sick...I think I ate something bad or something...

Tobias: darling don't make me worry, you haven't been feeling well for a while now...

Scarlette: oh, it's just been a couple of days Toby, I'm sure it's nothing!

Tobias: hey, newlyweds! How long have you been here?

Michael: we just arrived, we wanted to say goodbye before you left...

Tobias: oh, that's a nice thought! So? How are you finding married life so far?

Scarlette: Toby, they have been married for just a few hours!

Susan: I think I still haven't realised it fully...I keep telling myself that it has really happened still looks like a dream!

Scarlette: oh I know, it does for a while, but it is real!

June: morning my boys plus wives...have you slept well? I brought you coffee, just in case...

Tobias: thanks mum, coffee is always welcome!

Tobias: so, when are you thinking of coming back?

Michael: in a week maybe...we'll see...we want to enjoy our honeymoon here, and spend time with Susie's mum before we head back...

June: that's so kind of you...take your time darling, but please come for a visit when you're back!

Leo: oh, morning guys! I didn't know you would be here!

Susan: we wanted to say goodbye...and thank you for coming to our wedding!

Tobias: oh, our pleasure, really!

Arni: that's right, a nice surprise holiday is always welcome!

Alice: oh, Michael and Susie are finally married! I'm so happy!!

June: everybody is happy....but now, I think it's time for us to go...

June: I think you should go get ready, we don't want to miss the plane, do we?

Arni: oh well, if we can have another holiday, why not!

Michael: mum, dad, everyone, again, thank you so much for coming...we were really happy...and give a hug from us to Amy, Mark and little Nick, we were sad they couldn't make it but we understand...

Arni: she was quite upset she couldn't come...but she has a tiny baby to take care of now! And we'll show her the pictures...

Scarlette: oh my...I feel weird...I think I'm gonna be sick again....

Scarlette: ah.....oooooh so that was it!

June: oh dear, Scarlette!!

Tobias: what's going on? When did you change your clothes Scarlette?

Scarlette: ooooh....

Scarlette: now Toby, don't freak out okay?

Tobias: you're making me nervous Scarlette, what's going on?

Scarlette: well, you know, I think I know now why I was being sick and I think not serious at all...but it's beautiful!

Tobias: beautiful? How can being sick be beautiful?

Scarlette: there's a baby on the way Toby!!

Tobias: what!!!

Tobias: really??!

Scarlette: yes! Really!

Tobias: oh goodness, Scarlette, I'm so happy!

Scarlette: so am I Toby, so am I....we're having a baby!!

June: oooh Arni! We're going to be grandparents again!

Michael: wow that's great news guys!

Alice: I'm going to be auntie again! Another baby to cuddle! I'm so happy for you guys!

Susan: oh yes, it's happy news indeed....but you know what? After all this happiness, after all this peace I've felt these I can relax and be back to my usual self!

Susan: time to be evil again! Mwahahahahaha

Leo: you'll never change Susie...

Michael: yes, I know, but I love her the way she is....welcome back Susie, I was actually worried that coming here might have switched your personality or I feel relieved, you're still yourself after all!

Susan: mwahahahahahahahahahah

To be continued.....

I hope you liked the chapter and Susie&Michael's wedding :)
Now it's time to go back to the main house...I have a feeling there might be more weddings on the list ;)



  1. I'm amazed at how many people you managed to get together - whenever I try to invite everyone round, half of them don't turn up and a bunch of random strangers do instead. I really liked the nursery shots - it looks lovely, that room.

    1. I'm not sure what is more amazing, whether the fact that all these people showed up...or the fact that to have them showing up I added them all to one family and the computer accepted it XD XD XD
